Chapter 3633

"Who did you ask?"

He questioned the secretary, she was frightened and shook her head repeatedly.

"No, it's not what you think it is."

"I'm not thinking about anything, what I want is your answer to my question."

As he spoke, he tightly grasped the secretary's arm. When she was silent, he pressed harder, "Answer me."

Shi Wei would never allow anyone around him who would betray him, if he sold his itinerary just because of a little benefit, then such a person would definitely not be allowed to stay.

What he is going to do in the future is tens of thousands of times more serious than this one. I can't resist this temptation, how can I deserve to follow him.

The secretary was hurt by Shi Wei's pinch, but she still insisted on refusing to tell the person who leaked the news to her.

She knew that once she said it, no one would reveal Shi Wei's news to her in the future, and she would sell someone else if she said it.


Shi Wei's gaze became more and more cruel, and he gritted his teeth even when he spoke. He really hated this kind of behavior.

The secretary avoided Shi Wei's eyes in fear, but within a few seconds, Shi Wei turned her head abruptly away, and she faced him helplessly.

"I let you talk, don't you understand, or do you really think I can't live without you?"

Shi Wei's last words were a bit joking, and the secretary knew in his heart that no one really couldn't do without someone, and Shi Wei didn't have much affection for him at all.

"I don't think so."

After saying this, the secretary boldly pushed Shi Wei back, "I'm telling the truth, but don't look at me like that, I'm nervous and scared."

Shi Wei took two steps back expressionlessly, and signaled the secretary to speak with his eyes.

The secretary looked at the ground unconfidently, and then raised his head to face Shi Wei.

"It's because I don't think you can't leave me, so I asked others about your itinerary. I want to know you better, so that I can hold you tighter. I know it's wrong, but can you forgive me? Me this time."

When the secretary said this, her fingers were all entangled, and it was obvious that she was really nervous.

"I can forgive you, but you have to tell me who told you about my itinerary."


She was still hesitant, Shi Wei curled his lips calmly.

"If you don't tell me, you can leave this villa now."

"I said, I said."

Shi Wei's words forced the secretary to have no choice, she had to stay by Shi Wei's side first, which was the most important thing.

The secretary then said a name, and Shi Wei left after listening.

At this time, the secretary's heart almost jumped into his throat, and he felt as if he could suffocate in an instant.

The feeling of discomfort continued to spread, and the secretary had no choice but to ask for leave and went to the hospital. The doctor said that the secretary had a small heart problem, so he should worry less and rest more.

The secretary didn't know the names of the symptoms the doctor said, but since it was a minor problem, it shouldn't be a problem.

The secretary went to the company after the inspection, and the assistant came to see her before going to work.

"Sister Xiaohe, I have something to talk to you about."

"whats the matter?"

"Work thing."

The assistant looked serious, and the secretary followed her to a separate meeting room.


The secretary sat down as soon as she entered the meeting room, mainly because she was still a little uncomfortable.

But in the eyes of the new assistant, such behavior was arrogance and putting on airs. She just sat down in such an imposing manner without saying hello, what she thought she was.

There was nothing wrong with sitting down, but because of what the assistant had seen before, she saw the secretary with colored glasses.

"Sister Xiaohe, you will enjoy it."