Chapter 705

Jiaoyue puts her two sons in the water together. The two little fat dolls are not happy, and they are always slapping the water. The water sprays on Jiaoyue and rongzhan, and the two are even more slovenly.

Rong Zhan was silent: "we shouldn't have helped them take a bath."

To tell you the truth, although he loves his son, Rong Zhan really helps his son to take a bath. I do not know why, a big man, let him do such a thing is always a little against. However, as long as Jiao Yue pulls him together, Rong Zhan is accompanied.

To tell you the truth, when Jiaoyue took a bath for her son for the first time, he was watching, and his heart was not very good.

Although she is her own son, she always feels that Jiaoyue is her own.

But later, I was used to it. It was my own son. If the children of other people were around, they would not be charming! Because of his face, it must be like this.

In this way, Rong Zhan felt a little balanced.

Little leaf: "mother, you also wash together."

Jiao Yue smiles: "such a small bath bucket, my mother can't wash it with Xiaoye, Xiaoye and her brother wash together. Your mother will wipe the dust for you

The small leaf's body flushed once, Jiao Yue held him out and sat on the stool and said, "come on, your mother will wash your hair. You can see the sand on your head."

The little star lies on the edge of the tub, watching his brother wash his hair, giggling.

Xiaoye was sitting on a small bench. Little people were full of little fat on their bellies. Jiao Yue poked at little fat and sighed: "I said son, you are too fat."

Small leaf is not satisfied, said: "child, lovely can, fat and thin is not important."

Jiao Yue suddenly gushed. She said, "you can argue, but There's some truth in that. "

Little leaf is happy at once and twists little fat meat.

Jiaoyue sighed: "I can feel your little fat meat shaking gently."

Small leaf slants a head, Jiao month pulls his head to be right, say: "be good a bit, otherwise don't get in the eye."

Small leaf hangs hair to wash a hair, still nagging: "I grow up to be very thin, like my father, jade trees facing the wind."

"Facing the wind!" the little star added

Learn from my brother's words and smile.

Jiao Yue: "good good, you all jade trees facing the wind."

Rong Zhan took care of his little son and said very quietly, "it's just that it can't do its God."

Jiao Yue's hand slipped and almost sprayed again. She said, "you are really You are really... " I don't know how to describe Rong Zhan. Just stare at him one eye, say: "you this person is really let a person don't know what to do."

Rong Zhan began to smile. He took water from his little son and said solemnly, "is it comfortable?"

The little star sat in the bucket and buried all of his neck in the water, but he was very clever. Instead of choking himself, he kept it very well.

Rong Zhan's hand scratched his little belly, and the little star laughed again.

"Brother, you must not bully him." The little leaf cried.

Rong Zhan sneered and said, "do I bully your brother? It would be nice if you didn't bully. "

Seeing that Jiao Yue has already washed her head for Xiaoye, she stares at the little star: "you're a good girl. Don't move. Dad brings my brother in."

Then the two little dots changed their positions. The little star was a little smaller, so I was afraid to wash my hair, but maybe my brother washed his hair. It is clever to let Jiaoyue wash.

Jiaoyue is humming a children's song. Both children often listen to Jiaoyue's singing, and immediately they sing along. For a time, the bath is full of loud songs.

Rong Zhan looked at the scene of the chaotic situation with some emotion, he originally is the most disgusting lively. As if every time the excitement, every clamor stabbed him again. But at this moment, I don't know why, he didn't feel such unfriendly at all.

He only felt that everything was very good and could not tell the taste. In short, it was really good.

It was as if he had fallen to the ground all of a sudden, instead of the original lack of fireworks. In other words, since he married Jiaoyue, he felt that everything was different.

Because their parents helped them to take a bath, the two small things were obviously much slower than usual, but they were both very happy. They played for a long time. Finally, seeing that his son was tired, rongzhan resolutely took the child out to wipe the water, and then put them on the bed.

At this time, both children were drowsy.

Jiaoyue and rongzhan are particularly embarrassed, especially Jiaoyue, who is full of water and soil.

The sword orchid comes to coax the child, Rong Zhan finally leads Jiao Yue to go out.

The evening in autumn is very windy.

Jiao Yue said, "it's a little cold."

Where can it not be cold?

She was also contaminated with water just now. Rong Zhan said, "let's go back quickly and we'll take a bath together."

Jiao Yue blushed and said, "you're fooling around. I'm soaking in a medicated bath. Where can you stay with me?"

Rong Zhan picks eyebrow: "my this body, bubble some medicine also have nothing bad?"Jiao Yue AI, poked him: "nonsense."

Under Rong Zhan's insistence, Jiaoyue is bathing with him in the end.

It's another hour or two for two people to wash

When she comes out, Jiaoyue is exhausted. Rongzhan hugs her and puts her on the bed. She looks after her like a baby. Jiaoyue hums softly and says, "sleep..."

I'm afraid rongzhan will mess with you again.

Rong Zhan smile: "you still provoked me at noon today? It's not like your character. "

Jiaoyue now has a slight snore, seems to be sleeping in the past.

Rong Zhan does not care if she is afraid to pretend to sleep or is really tired. She gently wipes her long hair.

He didn't dare to let her sleep with her hair wet. It would be bad if she caught a cold on such a day. Moreover, it was easy to have a headache when sleeping with wet hair. Rongzhan could not bear that Jiaoyue was a little uncomfortable.

Fortunately, Jiaoyue is still a clever girl, allowing him to wipe for her like this.

Rong Zhan looked at her confused and clever appearance, and could not help but steal a kiss on her lips.

It is not easy to take care of Jiaoyue properly, Rong Zhan is finally starting to sort out himself.

When he had dealt with everything, he saw that Jiaoyue had fallen asleep, her legs had stretched out to the outside, and her clothes were rolled up, revealing a piece of snow white.

Rong Zhan accepted her fate and pulled her clothes.

Jiaoyue pushed him a little unhappily and hummed. Rong Zhan quickly patted Jiao Yue. The affectable little twist finally fell asleep again quietly.

Rongzhan left a candle light. They had a bright pearl in the house of Prince Yu. Jiaoyue was used to not completely darkness. When she went out, rongzhan also followed her original habits.

He held Jiaoyue in his arms and thought of his two sons. He felt full of heart.


Zhou Meiyu sat in the room quietly, as if waiting for someone, and seemed to be in a daze.

After a while, there was a knock on the door.

Zhou Meiyu immediately opened the door, and there was another woman at the door.

Butterfly enters the room.

Zhou Meiyu said softly, "why do you come here at this time?"

"When do I need to report to you when I'm coming?" she said

Zhou Meiyu immediately said, "I dare not."

The butterfly sneered and said, "dare not? I don't think you dare. How are you doing about poisoning me? "

She is quite open to the point, but when she asks like this, Zhou Meiyu is biting her lips, a little embarrassed.

"You won't tell me that you didn't start at all," said butterfly angrily

Zhou Meiyu took a deep breath and said seriously, "princess, the post house is heavily guarded. The princess is not so friendly to me. I have no chance at all. And even if it is, even if there is a chance, I always have to consider elegant style. Yafeng regards me as a friend. What if I hurt someone and implicate her

Zhou Meiyu pinched the corner of her dress. The whole corner was wrinkled. She said, "princess, princess, please let me go."

She flopped to her knees and said, "Princess!"

Caidie was frightened, and then stepped back a step and said angrily, "do you want to betray me now? You forget who saved your brother? What else can you do if I only ask you to do something like this

Caidie kept shaking her head, and she cried: "no, I don't want to repay her kindness, but I really can't kill people. If I really hurt the princess. According to the character of Lord Yu, many people will be affected. Princess, I'll die by myself. It doesn't matter how much, but I can't harm other people! My father, my brother, Yafeng, and the people in Lizhou, I really can't do it... "

She kept kowtowing, but Caidie kicked her in the past. She said angrily, "is it hard for you to kill her? If you don't kill her, you will die as well, and all your family will die. "

With trembling, Caidie said: "by what, by what can she live? Why does Qi Yan like her? Without her, Qi Yan would not die. She killed my Qi Yan. She is the chief culprit of killing Qi Yan. "

"If it wasn't for her, Qi Yan would not go to the capital city."

She knew that Qi Yan was not killed by Su Jiaoyue, but she couldn't sleep at night when she thought that Qi Yan had this woman in her heart. Compared with Yu Xiaoyan, who betrayed Qi Yan, and the great Qi emperor who killed Qi Yan.

On the contrary, she couldn't stand Su Jiaoyue any more.

Maybe others think that Su Jiaoyue is the least relationship among them, but in her opinion it is not so. In her heart, Su Jiaoyue is the most important.

Because, she is Qi Yan's favorite person.

Qi Yan tried to protect people.

She, she what?

Why her?

Caidie really can't understand. She once looked at the princess from a distance. She wanted to know what Qi Yan was for, but she didn't know.She didn't want to sleep.

She lowered her body, pinched Zhou Meiyu's chin and said seriously, "I'll give you a few more days. If you don't kill her during your stay in Lizhou, you should know what I can do. Your brother, your father Don't you care about them? Then they are all dead. "

Caidie seriously: "I will let them all die, and then, let you go..." Caidie cold smile: "let you feel the pain through the heart of the pain." , the fastest update of the webnovel!