Chapter 4821

Immediately afterwards, the ground also cracked...

At that moment, the whole world was shocked.

The two of them couldn't stand stably as they swayed. Although both of them were cultivators, they couldn't resist the ferocity of the swaying.

For example, a magnitude 10 earthquake occurred wantonly under the feet.

But the strange thing is that with such a violent shaking, the city walls did not collapse, the houses did not collapse, and it was only the sky and the earth that collapsed.

Before the two could react, a strange ray of light covered the world.

The two people were completely stunned by the light and couldn't open their eyes, but when the eyes were blinded by the high light for a moment, they could barely see that there were red, blue, white, etc. in that light...

Those are the eight colors!

No, no, no, those are nine colors!

Because in the eight rays of light, you can see a black aura wrapped in them, but... it seems to break through the package!


What followed was an incomparably ferocious storm attacking.

On the ground, whether it was ordinary businessmen, or their own bodyguards, or even the tens of thousands of people in black outside the city, at this moment, all of them covered their heads to avoid being blown by the storm.

Blown by the force of the storm, it swept all the way, spreading ten thousand meters like a shattered one.

It was almost the same as that earthquake, the city walls were still there, and the houses were intact, but the injuries suffered by people and animals were comparable to being hit hard by people.

When the merchants opened it, they found that they were all lying on the ground, staggered and scattered like sand.

This...was the result of their joint resistance when the storm hit.

So, in comparison, a certain place is a bit embarrassing.

For the restaurant where Han Sanqian stayed before...

Because it is a business and is open to the public, except for the two security guards who have some skills, most of the people are service personnel, so their cultivation is naturally insufficient.

After the storm came, they managed to save their lives under the shelter of the house, but... the weird power of the storm has always made it difficult for them to resist.

When the waiter opened his eyes, although he was surprised that he didn't suffer any serious injuries, he was even more surprised that... he was still cleaning on the third floor.

But now, on the first floor...

He is clearly wearing clothes, but now there is only one pair of pants left on his whole body...

The shopkeeper was also very dumbfounded, he obviously bought a jade vase last night, because he couldn't put it down, so when there was a shock just now, he immediately hugged it in his arms.


The vase in his arms was gone, so he searched subconsciously on the ground, but unfortunately, there was no vase on the ground, not even the shattered vase left.

"Where are the flowers... the vase?"

The shopkeeper looked for it, his face was full of anxiety, but he searched all around, but there was still no trace, maybe it was too much love, or maybe he was too anxious, he not only searched on the first floor. Even... even went to the second floor, the third floor...

But obviously, even if he searched the entire restaurant, he would never find that vase again.


In the jade shop, just now he was worried that the big movement would hurt his jade, but who would have thought that after the shaking and the storm ended, he found that not only was his jade not damaged at all, but...

There is one more jade!

If he remembers correctly, then... isn't this jade the vase that was sold to the restaurant owner yesterday?

The boss obviously hasn't been here, why... why did this vase go back to his shop? !

He opened his cabinet in a mysterious manner, and after just a glance, he was surprised to find a very strange thing.

In the counter, tens of thousands of amethysts are obviously missing.

He touched his temple, trying to recall everything. At that moment, he felt that selling the vase to the restaurant owner yesterday seemed to be something that happened many years ago, very vague.

But beyond the blur, it seemed to be in his own memory.

"So, did I sell the vase, or didn't I sell it? This...what the hell is going on here?"

He didn't understand at all, but he immediately thought of the shock and the storm just now, they must be playing tricks!

Thinking of this, without saying a word, he rushed out of the shop with the vase in his arms, and looked towards the sky...