Chapter 796

After waiting for about a week, the treatment time was finally finalized. Chu Lingfeng got up early in the morning and called an yeqian to Zheng Gongming's hospital. He invited the final five media and a film production team of Huaxia alliance to prepare for the treatment.

When everything was ready, Chu Lingfeng began to explain and record leukemia as if he were performing, which was the same as the previous live treatment.

Chu Lingfeng takes out a silver needle and pierces an yeqian '.

"What I extract from this lady's body now is the accumulated poison that has been brewing for a long time. The accumulated poison in her body consumes the resources of her growth and development, and reduces the function of dormancy and regulation..."

"After seeing, hearing and questioning the patient, I found that her victory cycle movement was also abnormal..."

Chu Lingfeng systematically treats an yeqian while facing the camera to explain the whole process of treatment.

"Toxin accumulation leads to the loss of kidney yin, resulting in the lack of blood resources. In this way, the cell survival cycle of patients will be shortened, resulting in the metamorphosis and damage of blood combination..."

Chu Lingfeng said, at the same time, she injected her energy into an yeqian's eight channels to regulate her blood biochemical operation.

Chu Lingfeng continued: "by asking the patient's basic information, I learned that she is a graphic model."

"As an entertainer, his long-term life is unconventional, and he is tired. As a result, he loses his healthy qi and leads to physiological disorders. Because of mental tension and emotional excitement, he affects the regulation and leading role of the brain, and eventually leads to leukemia."

"The virus brewing failed to penetrate and go out, and fell into the marrow, which became what is now called leukemia in medicine."

Chu Lingfeng took out long and short silver needles, and after disinfection, stabbed them into several special acupoints of an yeqian. Zheng Gongming was stunned when he saw them. These acupoints are the parts that many traditional Chinese medicine dare not apply needles easily.

In the blink of an eye, an yeqian's spine, sole, shoulder, neck and back were already covered with dense silver needles. Chu Lingfeng infused energy into the various parts where the silver needles were located, found the cancer cells, sealed them, and inhibited their spread.

Then Chu Lingfeng began to explain patiently.

"Next, I'm going to do my original bone marrow culture therapy for patients."

Reporters on the scene heard the word "original" and gave Chu Lingfeng a close-up one after another, waiting for the next miracle to happen.

"Any disease is a symptom of physiological deviation and periodic dyskinesia. Therefore, the treatment of any disease should adjust the periodic movement to make it round without deviation. Then the disease can naturally eliminate the symptoms and return to normal."

"The main principles of traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of leukemia are: tonifying kidney yin, purging fire, removing toxin, regulating Du, Ren and Chong channels, especially Du and Ren channels. This is the outline of yin and Yang of life and an important pillar of life...."

"The kidney yin and the kidney yang are the root of the two channels of Du and Ren, and the source of development and growth."

"Du Meridian is the main stream of kidney yang, Ren meridian is the main stream of kidney yin."

"The intersection of Du and Ren meridians is the basis of bone marrow biochemistry. Therefore, the radical treatment of leukemia should focus on tonifying Yin and Yang of kidney and regulating Du and Ren meridians. This is what I call the therapy of bone marrow cultivation."

"Well, the first treatment is over for the time being. Next, I will prescribe some medicine for the patients. After a period of time, we will carry on the next stage of treatment."

The camera follows the prescription in the hospital. Chu Lingfeng carefully writes down a prescription, and then prescribes it according to the pharmacy. It's basically some Chinese herbal medicines for invigorating blood and strengthening marrow. There are also some medicines that he prepared before and developed secretly.

According to Chu Lingfeng's instructions, an yeqian treated regularly and took medicine on time. Her body gradually improved, and the hair began to grow on the top of her head.

After about ten courses of treatment, Chu Lingfeng takes an yeqian and the reporters who have been tracking the reports to the first people's Hospital in Beijing to have a comprehensive examination of an yeqian.

The examination results showed that all the indicators of an yeqian were normal. After the hospital doctors compared her previous medical history and asked about her treatment methods, these doctors who advocate western medicine were shocked, and they all couldn't believe the miracle created by Chu Lingfeng.

Chu Lingfeng's documentary has spread wildly on the Internet. Zheng Gongming Medical Museum, as the location of the documentary, has also welcomed an endless stream of patients. Many Chinese traditional medicine practitioners follow the content of the documentary one after another, but they have not made such achievements as him.

An yeqian published a long article on the social platform, stating her despair and helplessness of suffering from leukemia, and expressing her sincere thanks to Chu Lingfeng for saving her life.

As soon as this long article was published, it was reprinted and commented by the majority of netizens. Chu Lingfeng's popularity soared in China and became the first person in the medical field.

Chu Lingfeng has proved to the world the authenticity of the film "Chinese medicine", and the myth that leukemia can only be treated by western medicine is broken.

In China, no one is going to boycott the release of "the miracle doctor of China". On the contrary, they strongly demand the film producers to launch a sequel.

Huaxia alliance contacted an yeqian through Chu Lingfeng, invited her to be the heroine of "Huaxia miracle doctor: 2", and promised to pay her a high salary.

An yeqian declined, saying that she would not rescue the role of Tang Yurou, a friend of her life benefactor. Later, she disappeared in the public eye. No one knew where she had gone, so she did not disturb her any more.

Among the miraculous doctors, the patriarch calmly watched the documentary of Chu Lingfeng's treatment of white blood patients, and found that his treatment method was very similar to that mentioned in the lost miraculous doctor's secret skill, so he had doubts about him.

"It's time to meet the so-called Chinese doctor for a while!"

In the evening, Chu Lingfeng is sitting on the sofa with his legs up, watching a variety show. At this time, his phone suddenly rings, which is a mysterious phone without caller ID.

"Hello? Who is it

"You don't have to know who I am, but I know that you are Chu Lingfeng. If you want to live, you can come to Houhai Bansheng bar with the secret skill of the miracle doctor! Or you know what the consequences will be! "

"I'm a soft person, but I don't want to be hard. If you have to talk to me in this tone, I won't promise to meet you! Goodbye

Chu Lingfeng hung up and didn't pay any attention to this inexplicable person.