7 Contrast between two worlds

When Uncle David and I reached the house, I saw mom removing spent flower heads from her plants, looking satisfied after she finished. I walked towards her and the sweet scent of the peonies rushed into my nose making me feel comfortable and relaxed.

"Hello mom. Is dad here yet?" I asked her.

She turned around and answered, "Mm he's in his study room. Do you need anything sweetie?"

"No, I'm just asking. You should take a rest after you finish here." I politely told her.

"I'm staying in the house all day. How could I get tired? It is you who needs rest after coming from school. Tell me, did something interesting happen in your first day in class?" She asked looking interested. My mother resigned from her job before she gave birth to me, so now, she's staying here to take care of me and the household.

"Nothing much." I replied. And after a while of listening to my mom's nagging, I finally left for my room.

I changed my uniform into comfortable clothes. T-shirt, shorts, and a pair of rabbit slippers.

'why is this kind of clothing not used in my previous life?' I sighed comfortably and walked towards the balcony in my room.

I stared outside as I reminisce about my past.

The world I was in before is completely different from this new one. In terms of clothings, females were more on the conservative style. Long sleeves, ankle cut dresses, which are quite the same as the medieval type of dresses in this world. Males on the other hand, usually wears long sleeve blouses, pants, and a coat. As a knight, I usually wear uniform. Red long-sleeve blouse, paired with black pants and black boots, and a light armor covering the right side of my upper body.

Knights stood at the forefront of human society there. They are just a level lower than Kings, and can stand side by side with the princes. They have great reputations and considered as honorable people who stands by their chivalric code.

That world back then is filled with war with the other races, such as beasts and half-beasts/half-human. The knights protected the weak civilians, and they were the ones who initiated peace treaties to the other races. From then on, everyone started to cohibit the world in peace. Knights no longer just protect humans, but everyone who lives.

If you would ask me how to describe my world from back then with the point of view from people who live here, I'd say it is something you can only read in fantasy novels. There's no magic, no beasts, no halflings in here that they are just called as 'fiction'. So if I try telling someone about it, they'd label me as 'madman', 'crazy' or schizophrenic.

This world meanwhile has an advantage in technology unlike the other world where electricity is completely unknown. The communication watch I am using is something that are similar to smart phones with the basic function of calling people who are away from you, and certain things like GPS and so on. There is this thing called internet that is spread throughout the whole world, which you can basically use from anywhere.

The buildings here are quite similar in terms of some type of 'architecture' that uses cement and bricks to build. But if you go to cities, you'd see sky-high towers or skyscrapers made from glass and others with the 'modern architecture' designs. The roads and highways are wide enough to support huge amount of cars.

Some of the weapons used here are guns, tanks, cannons and etc. Of course they still use knives and other traditional weapons.

My country Linbourne right now is peaceful. But the military and the government is still preparing in case a war erupts. The Oakbourne, a neighbor country eyes our country's wealth. They've been wanting to control our economic gains for themselves. Linbourne is rich in oil and materials used for manufacturing. Our lands are fertile and are good for agriculture. Oakbourne on the other hand, has increasing population that the government says that their basic resources are becoming scarce. The neighboring countries of Linbourne are Oakbourne, Silverbourne, and Vertbourne, and Linbourne, although is not the weakest among the other two countries, because of our natural resources, Oakburne has a higher chance to wage war on us.


[Idk why but some words seems to be removed after posting. The same happens even in the author's note ]