14 Fire

The car Sorcha was in, is driving safely towards the direction of a mountain, where the Barrons' mansion is. Suddenly, they noticed the sky turned smoggy and people outside were running to and fro, panicking.

"What's happening?" Sorcha looked at the driver.

"I don't know, seeing the sky, there probably is a fire going on. Should I go and ask them young miss?"

"No need. Just stop the car, I'll go." She said.

"But miss what if it's dangerous?" The driver asked.

"I'm only going down to check, there's nothing dangerous in that."

The driver just nodded and stopped the car reluctantly.

"Wait for me here" she said.

Sorcha went near to a person who seems to be a resident in the area.

"Sir, can I ask what's going on?" She asked politely.

"Can't you see the smoke in the sky? There's a fire nearby!" The man said with panick in his eyes.

Sorcha thanked him and walked towards the fire area. When she got near, she heard the wails of a woman.

"My child is still there! Help me please! Help me!" She shouted towards the people leaving, but none stopped to bother about her.

"Ma'am is your child trapped in the fire?" Sorcha asked concerned.

"Yes, Yes! Can you ask someone to help me? I'm begging you!" Grabbing Sorcha's little hands.

"Ma'am you have to stay calm." Sorcha said with the most gentle voice she can muster while helping the woman calm herself. "Can you tell me where's your child?" She asked.

"Mm." The woman nodded and pointed to the direction of her house. "There. Can you see that two-story house? My child is there. Young lady, if you know someone who can help me please call him." She said trying to stay composed. She didn't ask sorcha to directly go there thinking- what could a young girl do.

"Okay, just wait here and don't do anything rash." She comforted the woman.

Then sorcha went to the direction the woman pointed without being noticed.

She took her handkerchief and washed it on a faucet nearby, covering her mouth with it, then rushed inside the house.

When she got inside, she walked calmly while trying to avoid the fire and falling debris. She observed the first floor for a while and after seeing that there's no one, she went up to the second floor.

The room is filled with smoke making her choked and cough for a while. Moving slowly, she reached a room where a crib was visible.

"The child is there." She said quietly then furrowed her brows.

Debris filled with fire were surrounding there. "What should I do? The baby is probably already having trouble breathing."

Seeing the baby not crying, she became nervous for a while then composed herself again. 'I have to stay calm.' She told herself inside. 'i need to save him'

Giving up the idea of rushing towards the crib, she tried moving the debris to the side. She flinched, feeling her hands burned a bit then continued to move it away.

Safely taking the child, she took the sheets then tightly attached the child to her body.

The fire in the debris she moved, became bigger. She ran towards the other side, smelling the burnt scent of some of her hair. She ignored it and ran faster noticing that the fire intensified.