53 Thankful

"Sorchaaa!" An ear piercing shout was heard all over the living room.

Sorcha looked at the direction of that voice, when suddenly, a pair of arms tightly hugged her.

"Sorcha! How are you?" Rika worriedly said as she hugged her tightly.

"I'm fine..." Sorcha answered with a sigh.

"Hey Hey Rika, remove your hands off her. You might aggravate her wound." Luke said hurriedly.

"Ugh. Right. I'm sorry." Rika moved her hands away awkwardly but soon recovered her cheerfulness. "I'm glad you're okay now! I was really worried about you."

"Thank you. You don't have to worry about me anymore. I'm already fine." Sorcha said to ease them.

"Are you really fine now?" Luke asked with a concerned tone. 'This mischievous kid can actually behave for a while', Sorcha thought.

"Mm. Thank you guys, you don't have to worry anymore." Sorcha then looked behind the two. Not finding who she's searching for, she asked. "Where's Edmund?"

Rika and Luke exchanged glances.

"He said he'll come to see you on another time." Luke answered after being prodded by Rika.

Sorcha then turned silent. 'Was he traumatized by what happened?' she thought, concerned about his non appearance.

In actuality, Edmund wasn't traumatized, but was feeling guilty. He was blaming himself for not being able to protect his friend, and even thought that if he wasn't there in that place, Sorcha would have been safe. She wouldn't have to stay there to give him a chance to escape. He felt like he was a burden to her.

Though, those thoughts never cross Sorcha's mind. She still thought that what she did was normal. It was right for her to let him go, since it was her that the kidnappers were after. Besides, as her ingrained knight attitude, she prioritizes everybody else's safety before hers. The only thing she felt right now is concern about her friend's wellbeing. Sorcha decided to check on him soon.

Pushing those thoughts behind, Sorcha looked at Luke.

"Umm, how's your brother?" She asked.

Although she could not remember anything since she lost consciousness, her parents have filled her up with what happened. They explained how Marion got there on time and saved her. Including him bringing her to the hospital. They also said that the abductors were captured, and that they're investigating who is the mastermind behind it.

"Grandfather said that he's out on a mission." Luke said as he scratched the back of his head.

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"I see." Sorcha felt something weird but couldn't pinpoint what it is. She wanted to thank him personally but since he's not around, she can only wait for him to go back. "Please tell him that I'm thankful for his help." She requested.