
The bodyguard drove in front while she and Jiang Chen sat in the back. Yin Yao could smell the faint scent of tobacco and smoke coming from Jiang Chen's body from only two fists away.

She lowered her head and saw the dirt on her white skirt and her worn-out pair of single shoes. She felt a burst of awkwardness in her heart. She secretly glanced to her side and saw a pair of shiny leather shoes …

"To the commercial street." Suddenly, a voice came from beside him. Yin Yao froze for a moment. She wanted to ask why he wanted to go there, but in the end, she didn't.

"Say what you want to say." As if reading her thoughts, Jiang Chen tilted his head slightly to the side to glance at Yin Yao.

Yin Yao was surprised for a moment. She immediately felt a sense of restraint, and couldn't help but sit up straight. "Just now …" "Thank you."

"Yes." Jiang Chen acknowledged and did not reply.

Yin Yao didn't expect his reaction to be so slow. She felt even more embarrassed. Could it be that he looked down on her? She bit her lower lip with her white teeth while Yin Yao lowered her head to hide the emotions in her eyes.

"How is your mother?"

Yin Yao was surprised. "You know my mom?" She looked at Jiang Chen and blurted out. Jiang Chen did not reply. He simply watched her quietly, waiting for her reply.

This person is so strange. He clearly doesn't know me, but he saved me and even paid off my father's debt. He even knows about my mother's illness. Who is he? Yin Yao thought to herself.

Although she wanted to, she still obediently replied, "I'm not optimistic …" She lowered her eyes, her hands gripping the hem of her skirt tightly. Her hair covered her face, making it impossible to see her expression. "She's getting more and more sick …"

Her fist tightened and relaxed. Jiang Chen's expression changed as he took in her movements. Looking at the woman in front of him, he felt his heart soften. "Is the medical fee enough?"

"…" Yin Yao didn't expect him to ask such a question. After a moment of silence, she shook her head and said, "I haven't even paid part of the debt yet …"

To speak of his predicament in front of a stranger was extremely embarrassing, as though he was naked in front of him.

Yin Yao raised her eyes and shot a quick glance at Jiang Chen before retracting her gaze. She noticed that there was no contempt on his face, only indifference. She heaved a sigh of relief.

"Yes." Jiang Chen nodded his head. Seemingly feeling that his answer was too brief, he added, "I understand."

Yin Yao bitterly smiled in her heart. What was she hoping for? Was she still hoping that this stranger would help her again?

"Young master, we're here." The bodyguard suddenly spoke up. Yin Yao looked out the window and saw the bustling streets and the bustling crowd.

"Get out." Jiang Chen said as he opened the door and got out of the car. Yin Yao was flustered and hurried to get out as well.

Jiang Chen brought Yin Yao into a lavish clothing store. The shop's large signboard was simple and generous, displaying its distinctive features.

Yin Yao followed behind Jiang Chen, receiving curious looks from the surroundings. She saw a salesperson walking up to her and respectfully asked, "Young Master Jiang, is there anything I can help you with?"

With these words, Yin Yao saw the sales clerk cast a glance at her. That glance was filled with appraising, curiosity, and concealed disdain.

Yin Yao's heart skipped a beat. She felt that she wasn't suitable for this place. She tugged at the corner of Jiang Chen's shirt.

Jiang Chen turned his head to look at her, as if he could see her cowardice. He then glanced at the sales clerk, who immediately retracted his emotions.

"Pick a suit that fits her."

"Alright, Young Master Jiang."

The sales clerk's attitude towards Yin Yao had become a lot more cordial. She gestured forward with one hand, "Please follow me."

Yin Yao looked at Jiang Chen, who nodded at her. She then followed the sales clerk to a row of clothes racks.

The sales clerk's eyes were sharp. She only glanced at Yin Yao's figure a few times, then picked up a skirt for Yin Yao: "Go to the fitting room and try out her clothes."

While she was testing her clothes, Yin Yao thought about the way everyone treated Jiang Chen, his attire, and that expensive car. No matter how foolish she was, she knew that he wasn't an ordinary person.

She walked out the door and met Jiang Chen's gaze. She caught a quick flash of surprise in his eyes.

Then the salesman's praise: "You are so beautiful, this dress was born for you." The sales clerk placed an interview mirror in front of Yin Yao.

Yin Yao saw the person in the mirror. She was wearing a short dress that revealed her shoulders. Her shoulders were white and round, and her breasts were large and firm.

Her waist was embroidered with geometry, showing off her slim waist. Her short skirt reached right up to her thighs. Her legs were white and slender, making it hard for people to look away.

"Bring me a pair of shoes." Jiang Chen instructed the sales clerk. A moment later, the salesman brought out a pair of black diamond heels.

Yin Yao put on her high-heeled shoes, unable to believe that the beauty in the mirror was herself. She could not help but think of Cinderella's story.

Jiang Chen looked at Yin Yao and nodded his head in satisfaction. He then turned to the sales clerk and said, "Pay up." Jiang Chen took out his card and swiped it as the sales clerk came over with a POS machine.

The sales clerk handed the tickets over to Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen didn't take it, and Yin Yao picked it up out of curiosity to take a closer look. When she saw it, she was shocked.

She couldn't even count the zeros! This fee was enough for her to use for a few years! Oh my god! Why are these clothes so expensive!

Jiang Chen turned around and walked out of the shop. Yin Yao quickly followed, grabbing Jiang Chen's sleeve at the door. Jiang Chen turned his head to the side and looked inquiringly at Yin Yao.

The sunlight fell on Jiang Chen's face and warmed it, but Yin Yao was not in the mood to appreciate it.

She hesitated and then said, "These clothes... Too expensive... "Can, can I not? Let's go back and back out …"

Jiang Chen looked at her with interest. This was the first time a woman had rejected him. He wanted to tease her, so he directly said, "This shop sells clothes that cannot be removed, but can be changed."

Yin Yao was stunned for a moment. She hadn't thought that her clothes wouldn't be taken off. What should she do then?! She became anxious and her face paled, "This … I don't have that much money to pay you back! "

Yin Yao's small face scrunched up, looking as if she was about to burst into tears. She looked pitiful.

This time, Jiang Chen was truly amused by her. But, seeing her flustered appearance, he felt his heart ache. He comforted her, "You don't need to pay me back."

Yin Yao looked at him in astonishment. Seeing his indifferent expression, she asked, "Wh-why?" She had never believed in a free lunch. She would rather believe that Jiang Chen was helping her for some reason.