Chapter 168

"I'm looking for your president. Where is he? Can you contact him? He said that a man named MINGYE came to him, and he'll know."

MINGYE feels angry to death. There was a scandal at this time. What will Haotian think. It was even more difficult for the two people to get together, but now there is such a thing.

"I'm sorry. The president doesn't know what he's doing. Maybe he won't see you. He needs to make an appointment. I'll report to the above."

Every day, a group of people look for the president. Does Jiang Chen want to see you?

So it's not a special person. They all need to make an appointment.

"What do you mean? Don't you understand when I ask you to mention my name? Let me make an appointment. What do you think? Crazy? Let me make a normal appointment!"

MINGYE's whole body trembled. She couldn't help herself. She was crazy. I want to bite.

"Miss. You don't have to be so angry. I want to see the president here. There must be at least hundreds of people every day. So you say you know the president. That's what everyone says!"

The ladies at the service desk are all good at talking. Have the ability to half kill popularity in high service.

"OK, I'll talk to your president. Wait for me!"

MINGYE can't find anyone, and the whole person is angry. Not waiting for the receptionist to say anything. MINGYE hung up angrily.

The borrower was also in a mess. He didn't know what had happened, so the other party angrily hung up the phone.

Stop, stop. MINGYE's eyes turned to the soundproof glass and watched the flow of people outside. Various sports cars crossed from time to time. Originally, MINGYE was very upset. Thinking about it, she picked up a cup and fell to the floor.

"Ah!" holding her head, MINGYE doesn't know what's wrong. I felt a burst of anger in my heart and couldn't restrain it.

With the sound of crisp glass breaking and harsh screams, MINGYE picked up the bag on the table and went out.

When we got to the underground car, the dark place revealed darkness and humidity all the time.

The sound of dada's high heels treading on the ground remembered, and the sound of footsteps listening was very rapid.

When she got on her sports car, MINGYE stepped on the accelerator and saw the car gallop out with a "miso".

The car ran all the way, faster than one car after another. There are many traffic flows on the highway, which will inevitably lead to traffic jams.

Being stuck on the road, MINGYE is burning with anxiety. From time to time, he honked the horn with his hand to signal the car in front to hurry up.

Finally, after wasting 20 minutes, MINGYE came to the downstairs of Jiang's company as fast as possible.

The gilded characters glittered and threw the dazzling sunlight into the sunglasses of Ming Ye.

Seeing the typing of "Chiang's company" through sunglasses, MINGYE couldn't help laughing sarcastically and walked in with big steps.

At the front desk, the receptionist who had not seen MINGYE saw what MINGYE seemed to be looking for, so he came forward and bowed gently and said, "Miss, what can I do for you?"

Seeing a pretty girl coming, MINGYE was in a bad mood all the way. She wanted to find someone to vent, so she slapped the receptionist without saying a word.

Looking at the receptionist with a look of surprise and anger, she was speechless. MINGYE was proud and said with cold anger: "can't you see I'm looking for someone?"

"This... Miss, you..." just came out of surprise. The receptionist looked at MINGYE with a puzzled and confused face.

Just now, MINGYE slapped hard. Suddenly, a red slap mark appeared on the receptionist's white face.

The receptionist had just come to work, and the water mist was hazy in his unfair and wronged eyes.

"Me?" raised his head and said disdainfully, "I'll hit you. What can you do to me?"

"You... You are so unreasonable! Domineering!" looking at MINGYE's wind, the receptionist can't say how bitter she is.

"Don't you know who I am? Who gave you the courage to say that!" hearing others say so, MINGYE's five features, which have always been arrogant and cold, can't wait to gather together.

The quarrel didn't matter. All the people who were originally working came over, and some of them smacked their colleagues next to them, feeling sad and defending against injustice for the little girl, but no one dared to come up.

Some people are also gloating. They come to see the excitement. From time to time, they show a smile they don't want others to see.

When the young girl and mingyedun were surrounded by a thick crowd, they were three floors inside and three floors outside. It can be said that they were full of people.

MINGYE didn't pay attention to her morality, style and face. She raised her head and walked around the trembling little girl with a "puff" smile.

"I'm sorry, Miss Ming. This is a new staff member from our department. If there is something wrong, I hope Miss Ming can raise your hand." a woman in black and capable overalls came over and said respectfully.

"Who are you?" but there was no getting less angry. MINGYE looked at the source of the voice uninhibited.

"If Miss Ming wants to see the president, please make an appointment!" the department head didn't say anything and went directly to the topic.

"Why do you order me?" he was so angry that MINGYE was neither good nor bad.

Upstairs, Jiang Chen is still working hard.