
"What's going on?"

Ah Ho comforted the woman and told me.

"I've been staring at this place. This man has come into the room without a sound. I didn't see him with Ben."

"When I heard Ma Jin running into the house, this man... I'm lying naked on Mama Jin, my plan is wrong. "

Mama Jin was shaking. "That's not a person, not a person …"

"How do you know he's not human?"

The woman blushed and could not speak.

Ah He patted her and turned back to me. "I saw it too. That guy really isn't human."

"He is naked, his lower body is huge, he can't be human." Ah He said.

I see.

"Let's find someone who understands and ask."

"Zhang Meiyuan?"

Jinpeng came back. I was surprised to see A'He and I at home in the middle of the night.

When she saw her son, she couldn't help crying again.

"Jinpeng, where did you go?" I was not used to beating around the bush, so I went straight to the point.

"I …"

"Don't lie to me, I can see that." I reminded him.

"I'm going to worship. What's wrong? It's not illegal. "

"What kind of Evil God are you worshipping?"

"No matter what god it is, a true god is after all, a true god." He sat down unconcernedly.

"We don't even have a temple here, what kind of god do you worship?" Kim's mother asked her son worriedly.

"Gods don't just randomly bow." In the end, he was still a bit old and understood.

"I want him to punish the person who killed Xiaobao!" He grabbed the teacup on the table and drained it in one gulp.

"I just think that Little Treasure was killed by his father."

"Don't talk nonsense." "Mama Jin shouted at her son." The police say he fell and drowned. "

"I'm not spouting nonsense. He used to swim and save me, so how could he drown?"

"I just made a wish to God, how did that person die?" He stood up and glared at his mother.

Jin Beng's mother's body was very thin and looked extremely fragile.

She held her head and sat down in the chair.

"Mom!" Are you dizzy again? " Kimberly stopped and helped her mother to a seat.

Ah He and I looked at each other before bidding our farewells.

It wasn't like he had nothing to gain tonight.

I called Carefree and he followed the ambulance to the hospital with the woman.

The car keys were under a brick under a tree, so I drove back with Ah He.

I shook my head. I knew he would.

"Don't forget to ask her why she went to her relatives' house during her husband's murder."

It was enough for this person to call the ambulance to take the woman, but he still had to follow her.

Aren't you tired of being so thoughtful?

I got my keys and drove the car, pressed the throttle to the floor, and hurried to the hotel.

I really want to know what kind of evil that powerful Wulang is.

"… …"

After parking the car, I told Ah He to wait for me in my room.

He quickly walked up the stairs and pushed open the door to Zhang Meiyuan's room.

He was listening to the music and the cigars on the table, taking a sip from time to time.

I went over, took a drink of water from the table, and took a drag from his cigar.

He had taught me to smoke cigars, and he had ordered coffee for me at the hotel where the ghost girl was.

Teach me a lesson about love and life.

The memories were still fresh.

"Boss …"

"There's no one here right now. You can call me whatever you want."

I looked at him and took a deep breath. "Boss, do you know what kind of monster Wulang is?"

His brows tightened. "You met Wulang?"

He looked me up and down for a few rounds.

The look made me shudder. "What's the matter?" I cried.

"Are you all right?"

"I have the Great Evil God with me, as well as the help of Ah He. "What exactly is Wulang?"

"It's an Evil God, actually a Demon. Wulang is known as the God of Five Paths. He is a lecherous, vicious and evil person, and there are many places where he would offer sacrifices to the God of Five Paths."

"You have experienced it. You know that once love is offered as a sacrifice, the demonic power will be even greater. However, it was slightly north of here. God of Five Paths is the Evil God that the south believes in the most. "

"Then what is this Wu Tong?"

"Then I don't know. Why don't we find someone who knows to ask?"

"Who knows more than you?" I asked sarcastically, jumping on the bed and taking off my shoes and sitting cross-legged.

"I'll burn a talisman and ask the City Lord."

I was a little excited, I had seen a lot of ghosts, except for the Yin Fu, I have never seen a god.

Zhang Meiyuan looked at me and said as he held the talisman, "A small official who is bigger than a sesame seed is not even comparable to a demon." "Let's try it."

He took out the amulet and wrote a few tadpole-like words on it while mumbling something.

The sky and earth are yellow, the sun and moon are dim, the sky and the earth are dim, the earth and the water are green, and my dao heart is clear. The heavens have asked me to eliminate all demons." "Go!

"The talisman ignited and disappeared."

Not long later.

A person had appeared out of nowhere.

I was so shocked that my jaw almost fell off. Even though Zhang Meiyuan was a cold person, he was still stunned.

In front of us was a beautiful woman in hot shorts and a navel.

Qu Ling! I screamed.

"Ah He!" "Let's see who is invited here."

"Qu Ling, why did you become a city lord? Why are you dressed like this? "

She stroked her hair and gave me a wink. "Who made the city unfashionable?"

Ah He walked in, stunned for a moment, and then came over to hug her.

"Wait, I can only appear for three minutes. If you have anything to ask me, ask quickly. After you're done asking, then try to get intimate with me."

"Is there a pentagram here? "Where did you come from?"

"That sodomite, pui! Relying on his mana, Elder Gao wanted to use old lady Ka's oil. He came earlier than me, I don't know. You'd better get rid of him this time. "

"Oh right, you asked me a question. How did I become the god of the city? Being a spiritual medium always brings Yin to others. "Old acquaintance."

Three minutes were almost up. Qu Ling took out a calculator from her backpack and pressed it.

"You should burn ten sets of ingots for me. Give me another Mercedes. If I don't kill you guys, who will I kill? "

"Ah He, I miss you. If you call me by my name, you have to give me some face. I am the only woman in the city. "Haha."

"Alright then, I kiss you two. I was playing mahjong downstairs when you called me up. I have to go back. "Hahaha."

Even if he died, he was still as popular as ever.

Her laughter echoed in the air and was gone.

He didn't even come to see her.

Zhang Meiyuan coughed and pulled our thoughts back to us.

"Although I don't know where Wulang came from, he wouldn't go after Jinpeng's mother for no reason."

"I saw Jin Pun pay my respects to the Evil God." "I replied." It's a three-faced statue. "

"Jinpeng said that the god was very effective. He requested that the murderer of Little Treasure be punished."

"There are no footprints and no clues. Could it really be a miracle?"

Zhang Meiyuan waved his hand, "Go back and rest. How can a case be solved so quickly?" We're not in a hurry. "

Just as he finished, his phone rang.

He looked at the phone and let us out.

Closing the door, I stood at the doorway and listened.

"Vampires? Where is it? Oh, let's go over and take a look after we're done here. " He hung up.

I tiptoed away.

Why hasn't Xiao Yao returned yet? I was a little worried and pushed open Zhou Tian Yi's door. That guy was only wearing shorts as he watched TV on the bed.

Seeing me suddenly approaching without warning, he jumped up like an electric shock.

He covered his face with the blanket and pushed me with one hand. "What are you doing?"

I went over and pulled the covers off him.

"Rape." he screamed.

I took his pants and threw them on the bed.

"What?" He looked at me with an aggrieved expression.

"I don't want to go out unless you date me." His face was tightly-lipped.

"Let's go and see why Xiao Yao didn't come back to the hospital."

"Hurry up and wear it." I sat on the sofa and waited.

"Aren't you going to avoid it?" He looked at me with a wretched expression. "

"Zhou Tianyi, we've already known each other since the moment your chin was unkempt. Who would want to see you like this? Get out and put it on, and let me have a look at the TV. "

I spun around with the remote.

A local news report caught my eye.

"XX City reports that a suspected plague has recently occurred in the vicinity of Xinyuan County, resulting in the death of cattle, horses and other livestock. The local government is actively investigating, the national health sector will be involved, and we will follow up on that progress. "

Zhou Tian wore a set of good jeans and a T-shirt. He smiled mischievously as he put his arm around my shoulders and said, "Xing Mu, if you want to save your lover and let me accompany you, you have to reward me."

I glared at him. His hand shrank and he held his head. "So cold. There's killing intent in his eyes."

"Don't talk about me and Xiao Yao." I warned him.

"I'm not an outsider, aren't I?"

We got in the car and called the free call, but no one answered.

My heart was like a drum beating. With my carefree and carefree personality, I was the most considerate and did not allow others to worry about me.

No problem, I'll definitely call to tell you that you're safe, but there's no news yet.

"Drive faster."

"Alright, sit still. Transformers, helicopters are coming."

He let out a strange cry and stepped on the throttle to the ground.

The car sped through the almost deserted streets.

The car stopped in front of a small hospital.

Not a single person could be seen in the entire lobby of the first floor.

The floor of the old terrazzo shone dizzily in the fluorescent light.

I went upstairs. There was a small desk on the second floor.

I knocked on the counter and didn't answer.

He heard someone in the room.

Zhou Tian looked around.

I went in and opened the door to the duty room.

A nurse screamed.

She was curled up in a quilt on the night shift, shivering.

What about the new patient?

"The one that was possessed by a ghost?"

She pointed with her finger. "Room 204."

I cried.

Tian Yiyi looked at my expression and ran.

I took out the Great Evil God as I ran.

He shook his head lightly.

The blade's shadow that was more than a meter long glinted with a golden light.

Tianyi took a handful of the Five Emperors' money and nodded at me.

I kicked the door open.

He threw a handful of the Five Emperors' Coins in.

Someone screamed.

The room was dark.

Opening my Sky Eye, I saw a person squatting in the corner.

A person whose expression didn't match with Zhang Xiang's.

His head was too big. His facial features were also in the wrong position, making him feel awkward.

However, his eyes were like spring water flowing down a snowy mountain.

There were no impurities in his words. He was completely naive.

He held his foot, and a copper coin tumbled at his feet.

A red scar appeared on his toe, slowly expanding.

Yang Qi is harmful to ghosts, especially when people are scalded with boiling water.

The pain level was very high. However, he silently clenched his teeth and persevered.

Shrinking into a ball, he stared at the person on the bed.

Xiao Yao's head was covered in sweat as he firmly pressed down on the woman on the bed.

The woman's hair was disheveled, and her entire eye was filled with black pupils.

Although her four limbs were suppressed by Xiao Yao, she opened her mouth wide, revealing her white teeth.

He was going to bite Xiao Yao.

I took a step forward and touched the little ghost's foot with my foot, wiping away the copper coin yang qi that was corrupting it.

Patting his head.

He turned around and placed the Great Evil God in front of the woman's mouth.

The woman looked terrified.