
"Careful!" I shouted as I attacked Wulang from behind to relieve the pressure from Carefree.

The wind howled as the "Evil God Dazhi" chopped towards the back of Wulang with great force.

Carefree's two forefingers faced each other as he chanted the sect's secret charms. The Circulatory Light Technique had formed a barrier.

When Wulang bit down on his foot long tusks, he couldn't even enter.

He pulled back his hand to deflect my broadsword.

Several attacks didn't hurt one of us.

Saburo went berserk and let out an earth-shaking roar at the sky.

His voice became as hoarse as a beast's.

"Don't blame me for being rude to a woman." He turned back.

He was lucky, his body had doubled in size, and his muscles were like old roots.

Step by step, he dragged the knife toward me.

"Humans are the most disgusting and lowly race. "He is not worthy of being protected by any living being."

"Why are all of you working so hard?" Do you think last night was the first time I went to look for that woman? "

"She was with me a long time ago. I am willing! " he roared.

"You two don't understand how much desire such a small body can contain."

"You are willing to pay any price for your own desires."

He snarled and rushed at me. "Even at the cost of my soul."

He swung his halberd at my head.

I raised the Great Evil Warding God to block it.

The two weapons ignited sparks.

He's so powerful I can't stand him.

He jumped to the side, dispersing the power that he had accumulated.

On my chest was my amulet, the Green Agarwood.

"Aconitum, come out." I summoned the guardian beast.

Aconitum jumped out of the green.

He rolled on the ground. He was now the size of a lion.

The two fangs were already the length of a palm.

At this moment, Zhou Tianyi and Xiao Yao weren't idle either.

They took the flag and stuck it around me and Lord Wumio.

"Why did you help that woman?"

"Help her what?"

"Those little things?" Saburo laughed.

"You humans have a saying, there is no such thing as a free lunch, and of course there is no such thing as a free woman."

"Divine Monarch Wulang only has one hobby in his life. He's a lecherous pervert."

"If you let me sleep, I can help you fulfill any wish you have."

He smiled obscenely. "Little beauty, do you have any wish?"

"Yes, I want you to die!" "Bite him." I called to Aconitum.

It was a spirit beast that had a strong desire for revenge.

He took to the air and circled around Wulang, biting at him as soon as he saw what was in the air.

When Aconitum bit him, I hacked at him.

The magical formation had been set up.

Thick clouds were forming over the clearing.

Saburo looked frightened.

The bell changed.

Sound follows the heart, has a little fear, the sound will increase your fear.

I saw that he no longer had the courage from before, and his mind was refreshed.

He shouted, "I'll chop you to death!"

He raised his halberd to block, but I cut off the halberd's head.

The halberd turned into an ordinary pole.

"Wood, come out." Zhou Tianyi called me.

I stepped out of the circle.

"Despicable! "If I die, I will speak to the king of hell himself."

He couldn't break out of the siege, as if he couldn't break out of the high voltage electricity grid.

This was Mao Shan Dao's "Demon Confining Flag", an ancestral treasure of Zhou Tian's family.

In the middle of each flag was a lightning rune.

Xiao Yao was already prepared to draw thunder.

Wulang's bald head had been cut off at some point, and he was no longer as handsome as he was when they first met.

"If you have the ability, then fight it out with laozi."

"So what if I win?" Zhang Meiyuan asked in a cold voice.

He had already put away the barrier.

"If you defeat me, I'll agree to anything you want to achieve."

"He lost? If you lose, I'll listen to your orders. " Wulang hummed in reply.

"Don't draw thunder."

"Boss, you really believe him?" "Oh?" Zhou Tian opened his eyes wide. He's a monster. "

A frozen smile appeared on Zhang Meiyuan's face. "This demon has the exact same opinion of humans as me."

He took out a whip and swung it, producing a soul-stirring sound.

Wulang, who was trapped in the circle of flags, trembled.

"I haven't used this Seven Star Dragon Bone Whip since I made it. I'll whip you. "

"Ah He, you don't have to ring the bell to avoid him saying that we have helpers and that victory is unfair." Zhang Meiyuan stepped into the circle.

His eyes changed and shone with a frightening light.

He narrowed his eyes, placed his palms in front of his chest, lowered his center of gravity, and assumed a defensive posture.

Saburo grabbed a stick with a halberd shaft and thrust it at Zhang Meiyuan.

Zhang Meiyuan wrapped the stick around his whip and pulled it back.

The whip glinted silver as it ran along the length of the rod toward Saburo's hand.

Astonished, Saburo let go. Lost your weapon.

He roared and revealed his true form.

It was a huge hairy monkey, but its ears were erect, long and pointed, and it had fangs in its mouth.

Gray hair.

Every hair on his body was as hard as a thorn.

Wow, could it be that Sun Wukong had reincarnated?

"Hmph, you took quite a bit of time to cultivate in human form. I'm a bit reluctant to kill you."

Zhang Meiyuan did not finish his words before he swung his whip towards Wu Kong.

"However, I must teach you a lesson so that you know who the master is."

He mercilessly lashed out at the monkey's belly.

With the Demon Binding Flag trapped, Monkey had nowhere to retreat to, and jumping up was limited.

He received a whip blow.

"How do you feel?" Zhang Meiyuan stood still, not moving at all.

Wu Kong, on the other hand, was a hard nut to crack.

The wound hadn't split open yet.

"You can't stand three lashes." Zhang Meiyuan raised his whip high in the air.

"This is no ordinary magical whip."

He lashed out with his whip, and the big hairy monkey bent down while covering its stomach.

The whip landed on his back.

It was a mess of flesh and blood.

The area they were covering was dripping with blood.

He dropped to his knees.

Zhang Meiyuan smiled and said, "Since you've acknowledged him as master, I'll let you off."

"From now on, I am the only one in my eyes. I only want one thing, loyalty."

"Master." The hairy monkey's knees were crisp and he sincerely submitted.

"Get up, you're also considered a tough guy. If you take two lashes, an ordinary demon would be reduced to ashes with just a whip."

He withdrew his whip, "Dig out the flags and collect the talismans. It's too difficult to draw the thunder talismans and the materials are too expensive. We have limited funds, so we shouldn't use them recklessly."

Xiao Yao responded and put away the thunder talisman. The dark clouds in the sky dispersed and the sun appeared again.

Tianyi kept the Demon Binding Flag.

The demon was still kneeling on the ground.

He covered his stomach.

"Master, my wound can't heal itself." Saburo touched his head to the ground.

It looked very painful.

"Ah He, heal him."

He groaned and lay down.

His abdomen was cut open. If he did not cover it with his hands, his intestines would have flowed out.

There was a fluorescent blue light around the wound, making it impossible for his skin to heal.

A'Ho sprinkled the medicine on his wound.

The medicine ate the circle of bluish flesh.

He gritted his teeth and said nothing.

Zhang Meiyuan retracted his whip, leaned against the side, and began to smoke.

Without the blue light, Wulang quickly healed his wound, got up and knelt beside Zhang Meiyuan.

"Master, what orders do you have?"

Zhang Meiyuan blew out a mouthful of smoke, "Come with me to understand something. Then you can leave. "

"Huh?" Saburo thought he had heard wrongly.

"You are a demon, and we are humans. We are different species, so it is not suitable for us to stay together for too long. We will let you get infected by a bunch of bad habits of a human."

"Say that again, then follow me and hold you captive. "You're annoying too, since we have so many rules, you'll feel depressed."

"Wulang isn't afraid of being bored, I'm afraid …"


"I can't just sleep with my daughter."

"Hahaha." Zhang Meiyuan laughed.

Zhou Tianyi's face was filled with envy, "It's still better to be a demon. No one will ever say what's in your heart." He was almost drooling.

"I will teach you the Divine Music Curse, and when I call for you, you will appear. "Alright." Zhang Meiyuan pulled over the monster's face.

We organized.

Together, they walked over to the Golden Family's house.

The demon consumed Zhang Meiyuan's pill before returning to its original form.

A handsome young man.

Zhou Tianyi soon became familiar with him.

Shoulder to shoulder.

"Bro, your original body was a monkey."

"He is crafty." Zhang Meiyuan corrected Tianyi expressionlessly.

"Gray and white hair proves that you have cultivated for over a hundred years."

"Bro, you must have bewitched a lot of women with that look of yours."

Zhou Tian's left ear went in and out of the right ear.

"Human women prefer beautiful men, I'm just changing according to their wishes."

"I envy you. I've never had a woman before. She's a virgin. " Zhou Tianyi whispered with him.

"But once a woman has slept with me, she fears me like a tiger or a wolf. Don't give it to me again. Every single time, they had to be strong. "

"You can do that?"

As I walked in front, I felt like Zhou Tianyi's eyes were about to pop out of their sockets.

"It's good that I'm willing to force her to become weaker, but it's fine if I'm not. Demons have always been like this. " His hair fell over his shoulders like satin.

He explained the rules of the Demon World to Zhou Tianyi.

"It's nothing, the strong preys on the weak."

"Why didn't you get eaten when you were weak?"

"Firstly, I have four sworn brothers. Secondly, my name is Sly and I'm not called for nothing. I'm very smart."

"I've even eaten tiger brains before. Scratching his head open, he ate it until his brain ran out. "Haha, I hid in a tree a long time ago."

"… …"

We came to the Guppenses'.

Sister-in-Law was sorting and packing things.

He was not surprised to see us, and was not surprised to see him enter the house.

"Why did you come with them? You swore not to. "

"I am loyal only to my master." He was smiling at the woman.

"Did you miss me?"

Zhou Tianyi's face was filled with black lines as he looked at Wulang's wretched appearance.

The woman blushed and turned her head away.

"Anyway, I didn't do anything bad. I have already paid the price for this Evil God. "

Wulang brought a stool and placed it behind Zhang Meiyuan.

Zhang Meiyuan nodded in satisfaction and sat down.

"Where is your husband's soul?"

"How would I know?" The woman rolled her eyes.

"It's not like I'm a mage that can catch ghosts and kill demons."

"Mu Wenwen, I'm tired." Zhang Meiyuan took out a cigarette, and Wulang flicked his finger to light it up.

I looked at him and saw that he was a sycophant.

"I can't understand one thing. The fool's father is so annoying, why didn't he get himself killed earlier and wait for so many years instead?"

"Ask him?"

"You think I didn't ask? He was so obsessed that he didn't say anything. " I retorted.

The woman didn't even look at me.

"He bought insurance for the fool long ago, but he never did anything to harm him."

"It's because he thought that a fool would not live to be an adult without a care. Every year there are so many children who die, not one more foolish child. "

"He really is dead. It's not like he has wasted all these years just to put himself under insurance."

"I didn't expect a fool to have such a good luck. A fool can live to the age of thirteen, and he hasn't even gotten sick."

"At this time, you've come." I looked at her.

He carefully examined the difference between a peasant woman who needed to go to the village and the village.

Her cheeks were still as white and rosy as a girl's.

A head of fine hair like a dark cloud.
