Volume 1 - CH 2

Case number two: The skeleton that doesn’t extol

Touka is the type of NEET who gets aggressive when trying to acquire her food. This time, she was able to obtain a crab meat tempura, beef delicious croquettes, and some snacks, all from a dirt-cheap supermarket. To be more specific about the snacks, they were chocolate, potato chips, and germ cookies.

Let’s not forget that she was given the opportunity to conduct a lucky draw and used it brilliantly to win the special prize.

Congratulations! Touka won the latest model of a popular game console.

Now with a gaming console added to her daily tasks which consist of afternoon naps and reading novels, she is now invincible. 

Thus, Touka’s NEET life was improved. Using as much time as she wanted, she began to immerse herself in the development of her virtual island. She’d strengthen her bonds with the animals there and spend her time fishing and bug hunting. Sadly, however, the real Touka wasn’t moving the least bit. It was quite the alarming situation.

Thus, Saku chose to buy a certain video game with his own money, as a last resort to solve it. 

The game was called Ring Fit Adventure.

But when he presented it to Touka, She raised a stink. Training and exercising are the archenemies of a NEET. ‘Why would someone be a NEET if they could assertively work up refreshing sweat?‘ That was Touka’s do-or-die position in her protest. Saku could only try to further persuade the young girl in front of him who was puffing her cheeks.

“Come on, listen, at this rate I can see you getting fat and round as a ball. What will you do if you become like that?”

“I’m the type who doesn’t get fat, for some reason, even if I don’t exercise. No need to worry. Your assistance is greatly appreciated, but not required.”

“Visceral fat.”

“I didn’t want to hear those two words, you know! I will seriously sue you!”

“For what? To whom? Where?”

“You tyrant!”

“You’re the tyrant here. Come on now, just try it. You have no idea if it’s even fun.” Saku handed the Ringfit to Touka.

Then, she died in the first round.

It was a cruel death. Even Saku felt a bit sorry for her. But right when he thought she was going to give up, Touka stood up, her whole body trembling, and resumed the game.

As the young maiden she is, she won’t be satisfied unless she clears all the games she is given.

Though, that didn’t stop her from shedding inconsolable tears as she moved her body around.

“This is impossible. How could this be the work of a human being!?”

“It’s just a game that’s giving you instructions, you know.”

“The people who made it don’t have a heart. There is no way they could. I think I will die. Well, I don’t mind dying, really. It’s just that it sucks to die from getting defeated by an exercising game… It had been a fleeting life.”

While crying in despair, she continued her strenuous effort in the game. She can’t give up, after all; Regardless of her being a young maiden or not. But making an effort is never a bad thing. 

Saku warmly watched over Touka. He also made her a sugar-free banana yogurt drink because he heard it was good for muscle building. Touka drank it deliciously while complaining she wanted honey on it. 

Thus, Touka spent the day exercising. The relentless instructions in the game nearly killed her several times. Then, around the time she worked up enough sweat and cleared the first stage, it happened.

Pokopen! A dumbfounding sound announced the arrival of a new email.

Touka widened her eyes when she peeked at its content.

“We got a new request, Saku-kun.”

“A request?”

“‘’I am looking forward to your visit to the quiet forest. I would like you, the one who stands amidst life and death, to stay over and witness something in our house. Uta Hoshikawa… ’ We also got a video and an image.” Touka showed Saku the screen of her phone.

She opened the image first. It was the image of a map with directions to some mansion on it. It seemed to be located about two hours and a half by car, from Tokyo, deep in the mountains.

Saku frowned when he realized that he might end up driving that distance. He has a driving license and they could borrow a car if they needed. The issue was that Saku wasn’t confident he could drive for that long.

While he was starting to feel uneasy, Touka played the video. The next moment, he gasped in surprise. The phone screen revealed a painted skeleton performing a smooth dance. 

Saku was confused as he didn’t know how to react. But on the other hand, Touka, with composure, explained, “It’s a freeze-frame animation.”

It was a bit choppy, but the animation itself was quite good. The skeleton painted with flower patterns was singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Stars. The clumsy but beautiful melody eventually came to an end, and the skeleton closed its mouth.

Then a single word took up the entire screen.


Looks like it was the end of the video as the screen gradually faded out in black.

Touka stroked her chin as she closed the video reader. A few seconds later, she turned to look at Saku.

“Sorry, Saku-kun, but, can you get us a car,”

“Seriously? You’re gonna accept it?”

“Yep, I will. And the reason why is… “

Saku didn’t want to hear what she was about to say. He was already having an ominous premonition at that point.

But, since he didn’t stop her, Touka declared, “If I’m not mistaken, That skeleton’s skull is genuine.”


That building was deep inside the forest.

Apparently, Uta Hoshikawa’s father, Nagare Hoshikawa is a prominent novelist.

He had built a mansion in the middle of this lonely forest and was living there with his family.

It turned out it was a famous story among his fans since the information could be found with a quick search. Luckily, all the locals knew about the existence of the mansion so Saku was able to reach it easily by asking the people around. The only concern left on his mind was whether they’d get refused in front of the entry gate of this private property. His worries proved to be needless as the security guard unexpectedly let them pass, saying he was already informed of their visit. Lifting his hat, he said with a smile on his face, “Are you the guests of lady Uta? I can imagine your troubles.”

It appears that this girl named Uta is quite the spoiled child. Passing through the gate, Saku parked the car in a spacious parking lot in the front yard. He expressed his apprehension while carrying a suitcase from the car.

“I wonder if we will be welcomed in the house.”

“Who knows. Nothing ventured, nothing gained,” Touka replied as she approached the western-styled mansion. Step by step, she climbed the stairs leading to the entranceway.

She halted in front of a sculptured and intimidating, heavy door and went directly to push the electric bell, ignoring the lion-shaped doorknob.

A short period of silence. 

Not long after, the door opened and a woman appeared from inside.

She was dressed entirely in black and wore an apron. Clearly, not a family member. She didn’t appear to be resting before coming to open the door, based on the formal ambiance she exuded. A handmaid, probably.

Her black hair tied up, the woman turned a cold gaze to Saku and Touka.

She then moved her thin crimson lips, making Saku even more nervous, before bowing slightly.

“I assume you are the spiritual detective, Touka Fujisaki. Uta-sama is waiting for you.”

The woman emphasized the “Uta-sama” part, for some reason.

She then opened the door wide and let Saku and Touka in.

Entering the entrance hall, they exclaimed in awe while they looked around. Both of them are used to seeing houses of rich people. But the splendor of this mansion was of a different kind from that of the headhouse.

The ceiling was decorated with a morning-glory chandelier, and the floor was covered with a thick Persian carpet. They could tell that each piece of furniture was highly expensive on its own.

Saku’s gaze was soon drawn to the top of the amber polished stairs.

A young girl in blue was standing there.

She was on her way to the entrance hall, it seemed.

She was staring at them from a slightly inclined position as she prepared to descend the stairs. Her gaze was fixed on Touka in particular when a broad smile surfaced on her face. 

Today, Touka wasn’t wearing her jersey, naturally. She was dressed in a black one-piece, which probably coincided with the girl’s impression of the so-called “spiritual detective.”

The young girl addressed them with a high-pitched voice, “Oh, so you accepted my invitation!”

Flipping her blue one-piece, she rushed down the stairs and ran towards them. Her chestnut-colored hair softly swayed on her back. She then halted her steps, faced the both of them, and with a smile, took Touka’s hands.

Despite being surprised by her abrupt behavior, Touka did not reject it.

The two elegant figures facing each other while holding hands looked like sisters.

Tightly gripping Touka’s hands, the girl introduced herself. “Nice to meet you. My name is Uta Hoshikawa. So you are Touka-sama, aren’t you! I bet we’d become friends!”

“Just, call me Touka. Thank you for the passionate welcome. You seem to be quite the friendly chap, aren’t you?”

“I don’t hold back when it comes to making friends with people who interest me. Well, I guess I should call you… Touka-san. So, who is this gentleman with you?”

Uta Hoshikawa switched her gaze, brimming with curiosity, to Saku, then she tilted her head, shaking her abundant hair. 

Touka appeared rather troubled by her question. She wasn’t sure of how she’d respond to it. Saku empathized with her hesitation since he also didn’t know how to exactly explain their relationship. They were Lady and servant, in the past, but not anymore, now.

Touka looked up at him and replied, “This is Saku Fujisaki. He is my… I’m not sure, assistant? Partner? What do you think, Saku-kun?”

“You could say I’m her legal guardian. Pleasure to meet you.”


“Oh, Having an elder brother like you must be lovely! Nice to meet you, Saku-san!” Uta took his hand, this time, and he lightly squeezed it back. Her palm was soft and small.

She smiled once more and ran off to the second floor with dancing steps, urging Touka to follow after her. 

Saku, who got left behind, lifted the suitcase containing their baggage, before he got interrupted by Uta. She turned around and informed him in a distinct voice tone that sounded almost like she was singing.

“You don’t have to lift such baggage. Just leave it to the handmaid. Kiyone-san, please carry the suitcase for him.”


“No no, it’s too heavy for you. I can carry it on my own.”

“… I’m more afraid of Uta-sama’s temper tantrum when I disobey her orders.” The handmaid, called Kiyone, whispered with a low voice that only Saku could hear. She sounded clearly irritated from the way she spoke, driving Saku to take his hand off the suitcase in fluster. With great struggle, Kiyone lifted it and carried it with her slender arms all the way to the second floor, in which the guest room is probably installed.

On the other hand, Uta continued with a lively voice, “Come on now, let’s go to my room! It’s over here!”

Saku and Touka looked at each other and resumed walking.

They wandered the hall of the second floor and headed into the inner hallway while following the back of the girl in blue.


Uta’s room was lavishly decorated in the style of a princess.

Several thick books were stacked on her desk, a massive mirror stood next to a large wardrobe, and her canopy bed was adorned with various stuffed animals and cushions. The room was full of cute and lovely little accessories, which helped to make one object stand out in it.

That object— The painted skull was placed boldly on top of a drawer.

Touka nodded as soon as she saw it.

“That’s the skull from the video, isn’t it?”

“Yes, isn’t it cute?”

Uta responded with a lively voice, picked up the skull, and started stroking it vigorously, emitting a rough sound. Its size was slightly smaller than her head. 

Touka whispered discreetly while fixing her gaze on the flower pattern painted in the skull, “Doesn’t that skull belong to a real human?”

“Yes, It’s my sister’s! I obtained it by severing her head from her corpse, burying it, and waiting for the flesh to rot before finally shedding it off! Wonderful, no? I loved my little sister so much that I wanted her to always be with me.”

If the bones were not boiled before getting sampled, there would still be traces of grease inside them and they’d change color. This explains the reason the skull was painted in a flower pattern. Its inside was filled with potpourri most likely to prevent the rotten smell. 

Watching the artificially decorated skull in front of her, Touka added another question.

“… So, why did you choose the skull, specifically?”

“You know that old tale about the singing skull? I thought that maybe my sister would really start singing someday if I keep it with me.” Uta returned an eerie response, but with a cheerful demeanor.

Saku and Touka squinted at the same time. 

It was at this moment that they confirmed Uta’s crime of damaging a corpse. But the young girl didn’t seem to be aware of her sin. She would just keep on dearly rubbing her cheeks against the skull.

Saku was at a loss for words. He felt that anything he’d say would be lost on her at this point.

Meanwhile, Touka carried on with her questions.

“How did your sister pass away?”

Instantly, all expressions disappeared from Uta’s face.

With a thump, she placed the skull back on top of the drawer and replied with a disheartened voice, “Well, it’s considered to be an accident. Even the police concluded that no crime had occurred. She fell off a cliff behind the house while out for a walk. Her body was discovered with a basket beside it. The ground surrounding the cliff was bare and there was nothing but her footsteps on it.”

Saku could only agree with that conclusion. One got to approach the girl in order to thrust her down. The lack of other footprints would only suggest that it was an unfortunate accident.

Uta’s face, however, was tense, making him realize that she didn’t believe so.

Touka inquired earnestly, “Could it be you’re thinking there’s another possibility?”

“Who knows… “

Uta, on the other hand, chose to obscure the crucial part by abruptly changing her attitude.

She started walking and swaying right and left while singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Stars before finally jumping into her canopy bed. She hugged her droopy-eared stuffed rabbit and glanced up at Touka.

“I will wait for you here,” She mumbled sweetly as she waved her white legs peeking out from beneath the blue one-piece.

It was a voice that didn’t tolerate denial.

Touka stared at Uta for some time and Uta would intentionally blink several times as she stared back at her. It looked for Saku as if the two of them were having some sort of silent conversation. Eventually, Touka turned on her heel.

“Let’s go, Saku-kun,” she said before opening the door. Saku could see the hallway from where he was standing.

He slightly turned his head back and found Uta still rolling in her bed and singing her twinkle stars song. He was aware that she was a child. He could make her talk if he gets persistent enough, but he didn’t come to this place just to talk with someone he met for the first time.

He has only one task set in his mind.

That is to protect Touka no matter the situation.

Saku walked into the hallway, following Touka like a faithful dog.


“Her sister… Oh, you mean Uta[1]?”

Uta’s mother, Emi Hoshikawa, looked very worn-out.

Saku could easily notice how she was terribly skinny and quiet. 

They heard that she was against the idea of inviting a spiritual detective home as she was afraid that they’d find out about her daughter’s crime of damaging a corpse. But in the end, Uta was able to force her way and call them, anyway.

Emi was looking at them with anxious and unsteady eyes before Touka declared, “You don’t have to worry. We’re not going to tell anyone about your daughter’s crime.”

“That would be… Great. Oh, yes… Really appreciated. I will tell you whatever you want if you intend to keep it a secret.” She finally revealed a relieved smile and started answering Touka’s question about the accident. “Uta fell from a cliff when she was taking a walk. That’s an undeniable fact. Then… After the police returned the body and I finished writing her death certificate, Uta would suddenly cut off her head with a wood chopping axe.”

“You must have been astonished.”

“You’re right, but to be honest, I wasn’t that surprised by her actions. I was more or less expecting something outrageous from her. That girl has an awfully violent side to her that even I, her mother, can’t control… She must have wanted to stay with her little sister forever. I couldn’t get angry with her when I imagined her feelings.”

“Are you being honest?”

“No, I’m not… I was at the end of my wits after Uta died and was too exhausted to scold her,” She replied with a weary, bitter smile. 

Touka gave her a sincere look of sympathy. 

After the accident, Uta’s body was placed in a wooden coffin and directly cremated, owing to the help of a relative’s company, her missing head going unnoticed. Her ashes were deposited while her skull stayed in Uta’s room. 

Her father, Nagare Hoshikawa, didn’t get angry either and Saku knew the reason why.

Nagare Hoshikawa is of old age. His daughters, Uta and Uta were born when he was fifty. At the age of sixty, he suffered an internal hemorrhaging in his brain and is currently in a coma in his bedroom. It was probably the reason Emi overlooked her daughter’s crime. She was already exhausted from taking care of her husband. She no longer had the strength left to fight anything.

“Can we call it off at this point? I don’t think I can help you any further… “

“Yes, this is enough,” Touka replied with a smile. She then thanked Emi and apologized for the indiscreet questions. 

Then, she went with Saku to ask the next person in the house.

“Oh, Uta-sama… She was just like her sister. I heard she fell straight from a cliff while holding on to her basket… “

“Well, yes. We heard about her death from Uta-san, too.”

“What a terrible accident. No one thought she’d die at such a young age. Really, it’s such a pity.”

Saikawa, the cook, was speaking smoothly.

He was an eloquent man with short black hair that suited him well. As he was of young age, he seemed to be grieving over Uta’s death and sympathizing with her sister who was left alone. He didn’t seem to have any other information, nevertheless.

Hastily moving around his arms wrapped in his chef coat, he continued, “Is this enough? I’m pretty busy right now. I’d be able to speak with you later if you want.”

“Very well. Thank you for your collaboration.”

He was in the middle of preparing dinner and couldn’t afford to waste any more time. Especially today, with two additional guests staying in the house.

Touka and Saku left the splendid kitchen after expressing their thanks. They could hear him from behind using fragrant oil to crisp up beef steaks. Saku secretly looked forward to tonight’s dinner. 

Moving on, they proceeded to interrogate the next person.

“I don’t know much about Uta-sama except that she was an unlucky little girl… Right, Kiyone-san? I also have a child of similar age and I can imagine the madam’s anguish—”

“What about you just speak honestly, Rikka-san?”

Kiyone coldly interrupted Rikka’s speech— a plump and modest-looking handmaid, making her fluster and nervously look around, left and right.

“No what… What do you mean?” She replied with a hushed voice.

“Just say that Uta-sama was as violent and oppressing as her sister. She was like a devil; Unstoppable when she pitched tantrums… Well, madam and the master wouldn’t stop spoiling her, nonetheless.”

Saku couldn’t believe what he just heard.

Kiyone’s words clearly expressed her genuine spite towards the sisters. 

Maintaining her imposing attitude, Kiyone pressed her hand to her chest as she stared straight at Touka’s eyes. With a stern tone, she continued without seeming the least bit embarrassed.

“I never liked Uta-sama, and I believe that concealing that fact from you is even more dishonorable. Thus, let me frankly speak my mind. I was sorry to hear about her death… But if you ask for my thoughts, I’d say that she reaped what she sowed.”

“You’re saying it’s… Karma?”

“Yes, exactly. I bet Uta-sama won’t die in a dignified way either,” Kiyone concluded with a dim smile.

Touka remained silent. 

Saku didn’t know what to say either. He knew nothing of the relationship between Kiyone and the sisters to criticize her cruelty. He was an outsider, as far as he was concerned. 

“Was that all? We both have work to do.”

“Yes, I think it’s enough. Thank you for your assistance.” Touka bowed down in response to Kiyone’s words and headed, with Saku, to the next person.

The first thing they noticed when they went outside was the cloudy gray sky. It was going to rain soon.

Touka turned on her phone with a thoughtful look on her face. Shortly after, she squinted and addressed Saku.

“Well, well, Saku-kun… I’ve got some bad news.”

“What in the world could it be now?”

“The rain is going to get pretty bad, apparently.”

Touka displayed the weather information, inciting a frown to appear on his face. He was expecting some rain when he observed the sky before departing, but definitely not a downpour. Letting out a thin sigh, he prayed that it’d clear away before they have to leave the mansion, tomorrow. 

In order to change the mood, they approached Tachibana, the security guard.

Tachibana was a gentle-looking middle-aged man. He responded to Touka’s question while repositioning his hat.

“I was sorry to hear about Lady Uta’s death. It was exceptionally hard for me to witness her sister and mother’s grief… I personally liked Lady Uta. She was a moody little girl who was hard to please, but it was natural for her young age. I’m sure she would have composed herself as she grew older.”

“Can you tell us the way to the cliff from which she fell?”

“Oh, sure. You can reach it by walking a bit through the woods in this direction… We’ve set a simple fence after the lady’s death, but be careful whatsoever.”

Following his directions, Saku and Touka headed for the cliff behind the house.

They walked through the deep-green forest, which appeared to be well-kept because they didn’t have any problems with their footing.

It didn’t take them long to reach a wide, open area, just as the guard had referred.

They both started looking around the cliff. There were about three meters of bare soft soil; Most likely the area from which Uta fell. Touka started approaching the soil without hesitation before she got her arm grabbed by Saku from behind.

“It’s dangerous.”

“It’s okay… They installed a fence now. I’m not going to fall unless someone pulls me down from my legs… Saku-kun, you become terribly concerned when it comes to my safety. Even though that’s not necessary… I’m not the kind of person you should worry about.”

“Will you stop saying that? You know I’m always concerned about you… Only you.”

“… Oh wow, you made me skip a beat there. But don’t worry, I will be fine. Here, you can even take my hand if you want,” Touka replied.

Taking up her offer, Saku grabbed Touka’s hand as she peered over the edge of the cliff.

He had a feeling that she’d get absorbed by it if he wasn’t there with her.

They could see a river flowing far below the fence, as well as the ground surrounding it, which was covered in stones. Falling from here would inevitably result in either a serious injury or death.

Saku imagined the body of the girl rolling there with her basket.

A sweet little girl, much like Uta, lying on top of those rocks. Her head cracked like a pomegranate and her spinal fluid scattered around with the content of the basket.

The view in his head was like a painting.

“… I see it now,” Touka uttered and nodded once. 

Nobody knew the picture inside her mind.


After they had finished speaking with all of the house’s residents, Saku and Touka returned to Uta’s room.

As soon as they entered, they heard her singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Stars. After Saku saw the crime scene, the colorfully decorated room began to give off the impression of candy. With a snap, he closed the door behind him. 

Uta was still waiting for them while swinging her white legs.

This time she was hugging a stuffed bear as she looked up at them. Her chestnut-colored hair was spreading out on her back and she was revealing an adorable smile.

“So how did it go? Did you obtain any lovely information?”

“You could say so. Found a few interesting leads.”

“Oh yeah? … I’m glad a spiritual detective got to learn so many things about us,” Uta replied with a satisfied tone. 

She didn’t seem to be lying. In fact, she looked genuinely happy and pleased. 

Staring at Uta with a solemn face, Touka posed a question.

“Can I ask you one thing?”

“What could it be?”

“Why did you invite me to this place?” She asked sharply.

Then, Uta smiled softly, before she gazed up at Touka with enchanted eyes and whispered, “I’d heard rumors about a spiritual detective who can hear the voices of the dead and bring them to our world. I invited you because I believe you can make a verdict in case I fail at unveiling the truth, and leave everything uncovered and unknown, the way it is.”

“… In case you leave everything uncovered and unknown?”

“One person, among the people you’ve met today in this mansion, will get murdered tonight,” Uta declared so abruptly.

Saku and Touka, wide-eyed, were taken aback by her sudden warning of murder.

Uta kept blinking her large eyes while wearing a smile, unsuitable with the ominousness of her words.

“If that person turned out to be me, then please, cry for my death,” She continued, with a sweet, singing whisper.


Uta refused to speak further after her confession. She just insisted they don’t tell anyone in the house about it or otherwise she will kill herself. No one would believe it anyway even if they did.

Saku and Touka had no other choice but to leave the room with no clear explanation.

The weather deteriorated at the start of the night. Transparent drops of water fell on the windows, one after the other, until they eventually lost their shape, turning into lines. It was raining heavily. The sounds of rain, mixed with the echo of thunder, shook the entire mansion. The outside turned into a thick curtain of rain that didn’t seem to be lifting any time soon. 

In the guest room, Saku asked Touka, his gaze fixed on the window. 

“So, what are we going to do now? Do you want me to stay up tonight while you sleep?”

“Let’s face it. I can’t sleep tonight while knowing a murder is going to take place.”

“Don’t worry, I will protect you if anything happens. Just sleep and relax.”

“That was a really cool line. But it’s the other way around, Saku-kun. It’s me who should stay awake while you sleep. Okay?” Touka whispered.

Saku scowled at her familiar attitude. Touka was prepared to sacrifice herself, this time as well. The frigid core of her soul was peeking out once again. Touka Fujisaki has no regard for her own life.

This time again, he couldn’t help but ask her the reason behind her self-deprecating mystery.

“Why do you wish to hasten your death like this?”

“… Who knows. I wonder why.”

She appeared to have stifled the words that were about to escape her mouth before responding coldly. Saku shook his head in resignation.

At these times, She’d never bring up the subject again. Saku, who knew about it very well, decided to stand up and go fetch some instant coffee for the both of them. He used coffee bags and pots that were already provided in the room. The reason the room was well equipped like a hotel was due to editors, back in the days, and doctors recently stayed in the house, too.

He took permission from Kiyone, earlier today, and prepared two strongish cups of coffee, just right for fighting drowsiness. 

“Here, some coffee.”



Touka held the cup with both her hands and started cooling its surface by repeatedly blowing on it. She gazed blankly at the steam while listening to the rain. A heavy silence dominated the room.

Before long, Touka finally struck up a new conversation with a mutter.

“Hey, Saku-kun. I was called here because of my abilities.”


“Could it be said there is a meaning for them if I succeed at stopping tonight’s murder, then?” She whispered, sounding like a lost child.

Saku narrowed his eyes in response.

Touka is constantly searching for a meaning in her abilities, which could be considered akin to self-discovery. She never stops questioning the significance of her existence as a young maiden who couldn’t become God.

Or perhaps… 

(She must have made some kind of promise with someone, as I thought.)

He didn’t answer her question with words, but instead, he just stretched out his arm and roughly patted her head. Touka started flapping her arms in panic when she got her hair crumpled and expressed her confusion.

“Wha! What are you doing all of a sudden?!”

“Let’s make sure to stop this murder.”

“… Yeah.”

She nodded and smiled while holding the mug cup almost as if she was hugging it. Then, keeping that soft smile on her face, she continued with a whisper.

“I want to save someone… I sincerely wish to.”

They both took a sip from the strong coffee. Apparently, it was too bitter for Touka and she added a massive amount of sugar. Saku sneered at her childish taste while emptying his cup. 

Uneventful time passed for a while. There were no unusual sounds in the mansion except for the sound of rain.

However, it didn’t take too long before the first strange occurrence took place.

Saku felt as if his eyelids were about to close down. His vision started swaying as an unusual drowsiness was taking him over. He immediately realized the oddness of the situation. No natural drowsiness could overtake a person this quickly.

He instantly checked on Touka.

“Touka… Isn’t this, weird?”

The coffee that was supposed to keep them awake seemed to be taking the opposite effect.

Saku started having a bad feeling about it. His shaky vision made him feel as if he were in the middle of an ocean. Desperately struggling to fight it off, he turned over to look at Touka, finding out that she already dozed off on her chair. He then remembered how she complained about the bitterness of the coffee. 

The coffee they drank most likely had some kind of drugs in it.

Saku’s consciousness fell into darkness the moment he came to that conclusion.

He had a dream.

A lucid dream.

He was in a white space.

All of his surroundings were completely white.

There was only one shade in the middle of that space.

A black in the center of the white.

(Oh,) Saku thought to himself. (I’ve never forgotten this place.)

He will never forget about it no matter how much time passes.

A heavy wind blew.

Amidst the sea of sakura blossoms, a beautiful young maiden was tilting her head, her gaze fixed at Saku.

Her crimson-red lips softly curved.

She smiled.

It seemed like she smiled.

Then, she said, “— Wake up.”

That day, she didn’t say those words.

She never told him to wake up. Not even a single time.

This only means that Saku’s unconsciousness is trying to deliver him a message through this young maiden.

Or at least, that’s what he thought.

The young maiden continued with a whisper, seeming rather amused.

“Wake up, Saku-kun.”

Someone has died, see?

The next moment, Saku woke up.

He heard voices from afar that sounded like bees buzzing.

There seemed to be a commotion in the mansion. Enduring the headache, he got up from his chair and hastily looked around while hearing the sounds of his bones creaking.

“… Touka?”

She wasn’t there. The worst possible guess flashed in his mind the next moment.

Saku’s blood ran cold. He was aware that Touka was constantly living close to death. Yet he always refused to imagine losing her. Going through such a tragedy one time was already enough for him.

In a panic, he rushed out to the hallway. He leaned forward and made his way to the hall of the second floor.

Then, he halted his steps when he came across Touka. Dressed in her classic black one-piece, she was glaring at the first floor. Her face from the side looked beautiful and stern, all at the same time, like that of a goddess.

“Touka! I’m glad you’re safe. What happened?”

“… See for yourself.”

He didn’t notice it until he was told.

Someone’s body had been discovered in the entrance hall, directly beneath the second floor hall.

At a first glance, it looked like a doll that got violently slammed against the floor.

Its neck was bent in an unnatural angle.

The bright blue color of the one-piece it was wearing nearly blinded him.

It was the body of the little girl in blue— Uta Hoshikawa.


The first thing the residents of the mansion did was contact the police. Sadly, however, they were told that it might take time, probably until the afternoon of the next day, for them to arrive due to landslides, caused by the downpour, blocking the road.

The mansion became temporarily isolated. 

Uta’s body was covered with a blanket. Emi, her mother, was crumbling on her knees in front of it, her hands covering her face.

Kiyone was the first to break the silence.

“It seems like she committed suicide. She was the type who looked like she could die at any moment’s notice, after all.”

Emi shook her head slowly as she wept, quietly. She didn’t seem to have the words to deny what she said. Kiyone held Emi around the shoulders, trying not to show her the body, and continued her speculations.

“She’s been having an unusual emotional disorder since the day she cut off her sister’s head. I’m frankly not surprised she jumped down to her death from the second floor.”

“… Wrong. It wasn’t a suicide,” Touka uttered out of the blue.

Saku was the only one who nodded to her words while the rest just stared at them.

Kiyone directed a cold gaze to Touka before whispering in a deep voice, “Why do you think so?”

“We have a Persian carpet here, on the first floor. The floor itself is quite soft making it difficult for a person to die even if they fall on their head. One must fall in a drastically unnatural position for them to break their neck in this way.”

Saku nodded once again, in agreement with her guess. The police will most likely find traces that support her claim.

Touka’s deduction didn’t stop there.

“In the first place, no one would want to jump from such a low place if they want to commit suicide. This is clearly a murder case. She fell from the first floor as a result of struggling with someone.”

“In that case… Wouldn’t that make you suspicious?” Kiyone pointed out with a voice as sharp as a needle.

The next moment, Emi gasped and Saku stepped forward to defend Touka. But at the same time, he also realized that the most suspicious people here are the two calling themselves ‘spiritual detectives.’ In the eyes of the residents of this mansion, Saku and Touka would naturally be the culprits. 

Touka, however, continued unfazed, “Uta-san predicted earlier that one of the people we met today would die. ‘If that person turned out to be me, then please, cry for my death,’ she said.”

“Why would she make such a prediction… ?”

“Good question… I’ve been wondering the same thing. As the young maiden I am, I can’t ignore this issue.” Smoothly, Touka stroked her own chin and jaw. She was immersing herself in thoughts.

Before they realized it, everyone had gathered in the main hall.

Uta’s mother, Emi, and her handmaid Kiyone. Rikka and Saikawa, the cook, kept a wary eye on the situation from the second floor. Tachibana, the security guard, was standing right next to the entrance, making a solemn face.

All of them were attentively watching Touka’s conduct with uneasy expressions.

At the same time, there was a glint of suspicion included in their gazes that felt like a blade.

Nevertheless, Touka didn’t seem concerned about any of it and continued, “If it had been her who was about to get killed, she would have said so. In other words, does that mean there is some sort of indiscriminate murderer who targets random people in this house? That wouldn’t make sense, otherwise, Uta-san wouldn’t have predicted a murder occurring tonight. Leaving us with one logical answer.”

How did Uta Hoshikawa manage to predict her death? 

Touka answered the question with the one and only reality.

“That is, Uta-san attempted to kill someone tonight.”


“What are, you saying… Lady Uta was trying to kill someone?”

“What do you mean? My daughter could never…”

“I understand your surprise. But this is the only explanation that fits in the puzzle.”

Touka replied to Rikka and Emi in a calm tone. 

In the meantime, Saku was recalling Uta’s words.

‘One person, among the people you’ve met today in this mansion, will get murdered tonight.’

‘If that person turned out to be me, then please, cry for my death.’

She was making a murder notice. 

There was no wonder Uta was able to predict someone dying tonight.

If she succeeded at killing them, the corpse of the victim would appear.

If she gets murdered in the process, then her corpse would be laying here instead.

It was that simple.

She must be the one who put those sleeping pills in their coffee, too.

She was the only person who knew they would drink coffee to stay awake through the night. 

The door to the guest room was always open. She had plenty of time to enter the room while the both of them were busy asking around the house residents. 

The reason she didn’t tell them the name of the person she planned to kill was to prevent any potential hindrance, like warning that person. She also believed that Touka, the spiritual detective, will be able to find them and reveal the truth. 

Saku remembered Uta’s enchanted eyes as she whispered, ‘I invited you because I believe you can make a verdict in case I fail at unveiling the truth, and leave everything uncovered and unknown, the way it is.’

Right now, Touka is in the middle of revealing the truth, just as Uta had hoped.

Who did Uta attempt to kill, but got killed by them instead?

“At least, there is one person in this house who was qualified for being targeted by Uta’s killing intent,” Touka declared with a sound voice.

Then, she raised her hand wrapped in black and pointed to one person, without hesitation.

Saikawa, the cook.


“H-Hold on there! I told you I was feeling sorry for both Lady Uta and her sister. Being targeted by her killing intent makes absolutely no sense,” Saikawa claimed as he hurriedly barged into the main hall. With a hint of nervousness on his eloquent face, he continued frantically, “Why do you think it’s me and not Kiyone who disliked her all along?”

“That’s because you’re the only person who gave an odd statement regarding Uta’s death.”

Saku recalled their conversation with Uta.

She was the only one who doubted that her sister’s death wasn’t an accident. Most likely because she heard that same statement from Saikawa.

“When I asked you about the accident, you replied, ‘I heard she fell straight from a cliff while holding on to her basket… ’ Her body was found with the basket next to it, indeed.”

Saikawa’s face stiffened. 

Touka kept her gaze fixed on him as she continued.

“Only the killer could have seen her falling while holding on to her basket.”

“Oh come on… It was just a supposition, you know. I just told you what I had imagined. I mean, Uta-sama would always hug her basket when she goes out for walks. I just thought that she was probably hugging it when she fell, too.”

“Well, in my opinion, the statement of falling straight from a cliff while holding a basket could also be interpreted as a murder confession.”

Saikwawa’s throat was twitching every time Touka would add a guess while she seized him with her tranquil gaze.

“You can hardly say it’s a trick. Let’s say that Uta-san was walking towards the cliff. Standing on the grass around it, you call out to her. You tell her she forgot something then throw the basket at her chest the moment she turns around.”

Saku recreated the scene in his head.

The basket follows a loose arc-like trajectory and ultimately hits the chest of a little girl resembling Uta.

The girl loses balance and falls from the cliff.

Also while reflexively hugging her basket.

“Uta-kun would easily fall from the cliff because of the shock, leaving only her footprints in the area.”

Emi looked at Saikawa, incredulously.

Saikawa reacted by shaking his head in denial. With a twitching smile, giving the impression as if something broke inside him, he started complaining.

“That’s a false accusation… stop saying nonsense.”

“Let’s ask both of the girls whether what I’m saying is nonsense or not.”

Touka shifted her gaze to Saku. Then, Saku gazed back at her.

His eyes reflected her face like a mirror.

Touka placed her hand on her chest.

With a thump, she dropped her western-style umbrella on the floor, like a justice mallet.

“I’m not essentially in a position to pass judgment. After all, I’m more inclined to being a murder than a detective. However, as I was asked to make a verdict— and as the young maiden I am, I shall entrust the judgment to someone else.” Touka spread her arms, and with a whisper, as soft as it could get, she called, “— Come over.”

Nothing would come out if Saikawa hadn’t killed the sisters.

But out of nowhere, four white hands reached out. 

They were children’s hands that looked almost like claywork.

The next moment, they embraced Saikawa.


The white organ-like things were singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Stars.

A broken pitch struck the ears of everyone in the hall. It was more of a cheerful cacophony than a song. The two girls who turned into soft lumps of meat were stretching and shrinking forward and backward, left and right, until they reached and pulled Saikawa’s hand.

He was being dragged into the mud with a furious strength, while the white lumps continued singing their song.


Screaming his lungs out in confusion, he was taken away by the girls he murdered. 

Touka and the rest of the group, Emi, the handmaids, and the guard, followed after him.

The scene they were witnessing was so stunning, nobody tried to stop the dead girls from what they were doing. All they did was mindlessly follow them as if they all got possessed. 

It looked like a distorted Hamelin parade in Saku’s eyes. 

Saikawa eventually arrived at the cliff’s edge. Covered in mud and sludge, he desperately clung to the fence. The girls tried to push him off, but he was so persistent that it didn’t work. All of a sudden, they stopped singing.

Shouts of frustrations started reverberating instead.

Saikawa directed a clinging gaze at Touka and started desperately pleading, “Help… Help me.”

“Let’s see. There’s a chance you’ll be forgiven if you promise to turn yourself in and not flee from whatever punishment you receive for your sins. But first, I want you to tell me something. Why did you kill Uta-kun, the younger sister?”

“There was a compelling reason for that.”

“You will get killed if you don’t answer honestly,” Touka whispered.

The girls resumed their Twinkle Stars song.

The stretching and shrinking lumps of flesh coiled around him.

Their fingers dug into the skin of his cheeks and began to peel his flesh. Drops of blood splashed the ground.

Saikawa shrieked, choking his throat.

He wandered his eyes, seeking help, but all he got instead was cold stares.

No one wanted to help him.

It didn’t take very long before he got desperate and spilled the beans.

“Because it seemed I could kill her!”

Silence overtook the place.

A heavy, heavy silence.

Touka asked, “… And?”

“That’s it! I killed her because it was possible, that’s it!”

There was no concrete follow-up to his explanation.

Saku looked up at the sky while biting his lips.

It was too hard to believe.

Saikawa’s motive was really that straightforward.

“When I took the basket she forgot, I thought, oh, maybe I can kill her using this! I thought it was my chance to kill her without anyone suspecting me! So I killed her! That’s it! Got a problem with that!?”

At that very moment, someone ran by Touka like the wind.

A skinny hand dragged Saikawa from his leg.

As he couldn’t instantly react to the sudden surprise attack, his body surpassed the fence and fell from the cliff.

By the hand of a living human, and not a spirit.

“— Ah.”

Nobody grabbed the hand he stretched out when he was about to fall.

Just like the little girl who fell from there in the past, he was alone.

The sound of a body smashed to the ground echoed far below.

Touka murmured, looking completely astonished.

“… madam.”

“Die. People like you should just die,” the mother who lost her two daughters muttered while making the face of a demon. Her weary expressions, oozing fatigue were nowhere to be seen.

With a fierce smile, Emi looked down at Saikawa’s corpse. The next moment, she covered her face with her hands and collapsed on the spot, trembling and crying.

Kiyone placed her hands on her shoulders then looked up at the ashy sky before whispering, “There is going to be another shower this afternoon. Likely enough to clear the footprints from this area.”


“This man jumped from a cliff out of remorse for killing Lady Uta.” Kiyone cast a cold gaze at the corpse.

Rikka stayed quiet while Tachibana pressed his hat on his chest.

The spirits of the two girls disappeared along with their song, their figures melting with the ashy sky.

After watching them disappear, Kiyone finally declared, “It was a suicide.”

Nobody said a word.

Then, it started raining. 

The rain was getting gradually stronger.

As if it was closing the curtains of the incident.


After a police interview, Saku and Touka were allowed to go home after staying one night.

The sky was already clear.

Inside the car on their way home, Touka opened the window. A clean light blue sky was unfolding over their heads.

Feeling the cold breeze on her face, she whispered, “I wanted to have one more conversation with Uta-san before all this happened.”

“What did you want to talk about with her?” Saku asked.

Touka leaned over to the window before replying.

“I wanted to tell her that things won’t end well if she leaves the case to me. That’s just who I am. I wanted to ask for the result she wished for by inviting me. But I didn’t get the chance. Too bad I can’t talk with souls holding grudges… Perhaps the God of the headhouse could do it, but at least I can’t.”

Touka slowly closed her eyes. Saku didn’t say anything. He knew well that the God of the headhouse could easily make what she said possible. She is omnipotent, after all. Touka’s abilities, however, are far from that level.

(If that incident didn’t happen, would God really be as omnipotent as she is now?) He wondered. 

But then, he immediately shook his head, trying to forget the gruesome memories. 

A moment of silence conquered the car.

Touka opened her eyes and sighed in sorrow, “I couldn’t stop the murder.”


“My abilities serve only for revenge, after all.”

Saku wandered in his thoughts while driving.

Only the souls of those who have a grudge against the world could hear Touka’s call and get drawn to her. And all they do is attempt to clear their hatred. 

He recalled the fierce smile Emi was making before trembling and weeping.

He wondered if she will be able to keep on living after losing her only two daughters and committing murder on top of it.

All of a sudden, Touka muttered, “I wonder what’s the meaning of such an ability. Why am I even still alive?”

“It’s okay for your abilities to not have a meaning. I want you to stay alive.”

“That’s because you…”

You don’t know anything. He heard those words coming from her mouth. 

But she didn’t continue. Saku also realized that no matter what he does, he won’t be able to make her say the rest of her words. Thus, he chose to remain silent. In the middle of silence, the both of them continued to feel the cold wind, until they returned to the apartment.

TL notes:

Hello. There it is, the second chapter. I just want to mention that I recently got a full-time job, in the middle of translating this chapter, which is why it took a long time to finish it. Next chapters will take as much time (or even longer, sorry) to translate, since I now barely find the time, or the eneregy, to get on them.

You will find below some official illustrations and character designs shared by the author and the illustrator on Twitter. Hope you enjoyed the read.