Volume 1 - CH 4

Suzu and the elementary school girl vanished together.

They have not yet been found. The decision they made and the way it ended were both sad and hopeless. However, Touka regained the lively spirit she had lost in recent days. At least Suzu and the elementary school girl chose to live together. Nobody had died.

A person who used to believe they were unworthy of life had decided to live.

That fact sparked a small flame in Touka’s heart.

I must do what I can, too.

With such declaration, Touka resumed her ringfit activities.

The outcome was a stunning defeat.

“… I can’t-uu”

“I missed those whines of yours.”

The path to completing all of the levels appears to be long and steep.

Spreading her arms wrapped in a jersey, Touka moaned as she slumped against the floor.

“Uuh, this is all because I’m a degraded instance… A splendidly degraded copy…”

“Come on now Touka, you can do this. Go!”

“How carefree of you! Just wait until I upload a video of myself playing ringfit!”

“I wouldn’t mind, as long as you’re motivated.”

“I’ll also incite a storm of criticism from the audience.”

“Wait, why?”

Thus, Saku and Touka regained their normal lifestyle.

But at the same time, while they were going about their usual daily lives, their surroundings were undergoing a fatal change.

It all started one day, when Saku and Touka went out together.

The sky was gray, and it looked like it was about to snow at any moment.

It was then when an uninvited guest appeared on their doorstep.


“It’s been forever since the last time we went out together like this.”

“I know right. You’ve been shutting yourself away when it comes to anything but groceries, after all.”

While talking, the pair exited the supermarket through the automatic door. The next customer entered the store a few moments later. Saku felt the warm air from inside the store wrap around his back. The sound of the store announcements reached their ears before disappearing once again when the door closed.

Listening to the clatter coming from the main street, Saku picked up his grocery bags.

Today was an unusual one, as Touka went out shopping with Saku.

She would most of the time stay in the house, not showing any interest in Saku’s outdoor activities. But when he told her he’d let her pick the ingredients for the new year’s hot pot, she gladly agreed to join him. She agreed so obediently that Saku started considering if he should bait her with food more often.

If he did, perhaps Touka’s NEET lifestyle would improve. But then he’d have to be concerned about her weight. Ignorant of Saku’s reflection, Touka said, innocently, “We bought a lot, didn’t we?”

“Now we’re all set and ready.”

They went out today in order to prepare for New Year’s Eve.

During the end of the year and the beginning of the new year, the Fujisaki clan usually has a lot of events to attend to. Touka, who failed to become the clan’s God, and Saku, on the other hand, were exempted from participating. Precisely, they are allowed to attend the events of the clan, but they are never directly invited. Therefore, the both of them would plan a small new year’s celebration in Saku’s apartment.

“I’m looking forward to this. The new year’s party of the clan that believes in nothing but spiritual abilities is utter crap. But a party with you, Saku-kun, is definitely something to look forward to,” Touka stated firmly.

“Mind your language, Touka. I don’t want to hear you saying the word crap again.”

“Okaay. You never stop acting like my mom, do you?”

Touka pursed her lips and wrapped her arms around Saku’s elbow before cracking a smile.

Saku tilted the bags he was carrying and felt their weight increase, but he didn’t mind.

Touka giggled innocently as she peered into one of those bags.

“We got both Kagamimochi and rice cakes for the soup. This is getting exciting.”

“Let’s make rice cakes out of what’s left later.”

“I read on the internet that rice cake pizza is also delicious!”

“That sounds like a caloric disaster.”

“It’s fine, come on! Let’s eat good!”

Touka seemed content. Her elegant face was lit up with a smile reminiscent of a cat taking a sunbath.

Saku unconsciously smiled as he watched her delighted expression.

He spent a lot of money on the party this year.

He even made a reservation for new year’s cuisine at the convenience store where he works. In addition, he also bought soba noodles, ingredients for tempura and for hotpot, as well as a large amount of ice cream.

He did all of this because he saw Touka in that melancholic state. He tried everything to make her happy again. And, as a result of his efforts, Touka now appeared lively and distant from death, which relieved him deeply.

With something to look forward to, their steps naturally became lighter.

They kept walking, passing by a familiar road where someone was walking their dog in the freezing cold. After slightly bowing their heads as a greeting, Saku and Touka hurried back home. Their apartment should be visible in a few seconds.

Touka looked up at the sky, exhaling a white breath.

“Looks like it’s going to snow soon.”

The sky was gray.

It appeared as if it would begin to snow at any moment. The scenery of the garden with dancing white flashed in Saku’s mind. It felt like it happened a century ago. Nonetheless, he will never forget that scene. He’d remember that black within the white space for the rest of his life.

Feeling a slight pain in his chest, Saku shook off the cherry blossom blizzard in his head.

Touka shifted her gaze back forward. Saku, too, looked at the end of the road.

There, They both noticed a girl at the same time.

It was the uninvited guest who appeared in front of them.



A plain greeting welcomed them when they arrived. Saku was struck with an inexpressible sense of discomfort when he heard the high pitched voice of the girl in front of them. She was standing there with a suitcase. A porcelain-white skin, a slim build, long black hair, and dark eyes. She was wearing an orange duffel coat and was smiling. Her face was so pretty that it seemed out of place.

Saku had a hunch that the girl in front of him was not your typical young lady.

She is a Fujisaki.

“Nice to meet you, Saku Fujisaki and Touka Fujisaki. My name is Adaka Fujisaki. Well, I say Fujisaki, but I’m really just like you, a member of a branch family.”

The girl, Adaka, grinned.

Saku was unsurprised by her self-introduction.

Many people are descended from Fujisaki branch families. Those who belong to the head house can be numbered on the fingers of one hand, and they live their lives surrounded by God.

Saku wondered what a girl from a branch family would seek from them.

All of a sudden, Adaka pressed her hand against her chest and made a graceful bow.

Then, She spit blood-curdling words.

“Recently, girls who were formerly considered for the position of God have been slain one after the other. This is happening in both the head house and the branch families.”

“… Unbelievable!” Saku exclaimed, frowning. He’d never received a call about such disturbing occurrences.

The girl shook her head and continued her story, seeming awfully composed.

“I understand your surprise, but it’s true. I, too, had not received any news from the head house. I just happened to know about it from the news of my cousin’s death.”

“I appreciate you informing me of this. But, what is it that you…”

“I also have a request for you, Saku-san, former candidate’s servant.”

“I refuse.”

The conversation had taken an unpleasant turn.

Thus, Saku made the decision to decline before even hearing Adaka’s request. Adaka, on the other hand, pouted, emphasizing her gleaming, glossy lips. Ignoring Saku’s reluctance, she continued, “That is incredibly cold of you. But I shall insist on hearing my request. The problem is that the young man who used to serve me when I was still a candidate had naturally ceased all touch when I couldn’t become God. I currently have no one to protect me. So, Saku-san.”

“Stop right there. Saku-kun is not your property.”

“I didn’t ask you, did I? Hey, Saku-san.”

Touka jumped in front of Adaka, hands crossed, but Adaka ignored her claim. She tilted her head, solemnly looking at Saku. Then, with a sweet voice, she said, “— Please protect me.”

She peered into Saku’s eyes which then reflected her face like a mirror.

Seeing her reflection, she smiled, looking genuinely satisfied.


“I don’t see why Saku should protect you! Go back home!”

“My parents have already given me permission. Saku-san has been an excellent escort while you have been working as a spiritual investigator. He’s the perfect choice to pick for a bodyguard, don’t you think?”

“Yes he is! But as my escort, not yours! In the first place, Saku-kun is protecting me out of goodwill, not obligation! He’s not yours! Try your luck again another time!”

“That being said, I doubt Saku-san would drive out a weak girl in danger of murder. Am I right?” Adaka’s eyes furrowed as she sat in Saku’s apartment.

Saku poured a cup of soy tea, exhausted by their chat. He hadn’t used the guest cup in a long time.

Adjusting the temperature of the tea to the right degree, he offered the cup to Adaka who grabbed it by its flower-ornamented handle with a word of thanks.

Touka, sitting next to Adaka, looked as if she was about to bite on her.

She would most likely begin with her head if Saku doesn’t pay enough attention.

Saku raised his hands in an attempt to calm both of them down., then proceeded, “You’re name’s Adaka, right? I’m also against you being here.”

“Oh, you want to send me off to solitude?”

“I think you should seek police assistance.”

“You know I can’t talk to the cops about the Fujisaki clan’s God. I’m sure they wouldn’t do anything if I just told them I’m afraid I’m going to be murdered.”

“You still got to try.”

“My parents have lost all interest in me since the day I was no longer a candidate and refused to hire a guard. If anything were to happen, I doubt they’d risk their lives to protect me. That left me with the only option of staying with the person I trust the most in this situation.” Adaka spoke with eloquence.

Enduring his headache, Saku voiced the first doubt that occurred to him.

“I don’t understand the basis for your trust in me.”

“There is no basis. I’m just so confident.”

“I need at least one reason.”

“It’s my feminine intuition.”

Saku exhaled a deep sigh.

Her explanation was a jumbled mess. But she was correct in one aspect: Saku cannot drive her out. His ethics will not let him abandon a girl who claims she is in danger of dying.

Adaka knew about his good nature and deepened her grin. She licked her lips and went on, “And by the way. I won’t ask you to protect me for free. I’ll pay for rent and the escort out of my personal savings while I’m here. I can also offer you some special service if you wish.”

“You should value your body!”

“That’s it! I’m biting your head off!”

“And you shouldn’t abandon your humanity, Touka!”

Saku stopped Touka from jumping at Adaka by holding her back. He shook her back and forth to get her to relax.

In the meantime, Adaka maintained her cool and elegantly swept her black hair off her shoulders. She then made a surprised face and grabbed for her pocket.

“Oh yeah, right. I forgot to show you this.”

From there, she took out an envelope and opened it on top of the kotatsu. With a slight sound, the images within the envelope spread all over the table. Saku became speechless when he saw their content.

It was a dead girl.

The girl was dead inside a bathtub. Her legs were oddly aligned and protruding from the tub. She had probably slit her wrists. The water was fully dyed in red. It was a heinous and gruesome photograph of a dead body.

Overcome with shock, Saku asked, “… What’s this?” 

“These are pictures that were sent to the head house. It appears to have been a suicide.”

“To the head house? A suicide?” Saku furrowed his brow in reaction to Adaka’s reply.

What could be the meaning behind sending these pictures to the head house?

Adaka began summarizing the situation based on her own investigation.

“A former servant for an ex-candidat, just like you Saku-san, had suddenly sent these photos to the head house. The girl in these photos was his master. One of the countless girls who were not chosen to become God. Unlike me, they kept their master-servant relationship even when the girl was no longer a candidate… The man was caught by the police when the head house informed them.”

“Is he still captured?”

“No. The case has been considered as a suicide and they say the man was release almost right away… But then he vanished, and now ex-candidate girls are being murdered one by one.”

“Could the man be the perpetrator of the murders then?” Saku voiced the first remark that came to mind.

Adaka returned a quick nod. 

“That’s what you’re thinking, right?” Saku asked, turning to face her.

“Yes, you’re right. I’ve heard the man is as tall as a grizzly. You better be careful, Saku-san.”

“This looks similar to the little mermaid’s suicide.”


Saku tilted his head in response to Touka’s impression on the pictures. She was holding one of them in her hand and staring at it with piercing eyes. Adaka kept an unsettling eye on her. Raising back her gaze, Touka blinked repeatedly before she asked, “What? You don’t know the little mermaid’s suicide? What about you Adaka? Does the head house know about it?”

“I don’t think I know… Neither does the head house, I believe.”

“Could it be related to the case of the angel’s suicide? They have similar names.”

“That’s right. This current fad is a variant of it… more like a derivative trend,” Touka explained as she reached her hand to her smartphone. “We were successful in averting the global spread of suicide caused by that new icon… But it has entrenched people’s fascination in ‘beautiful suicide’ in its place. Creating a replica of The Angel’s suicide, though, is difficult.”

“I bet it is. It was merely a product of coincidence.”

“Instead, this is what’s secretly trending right now.”

Touka shifted her phone’s screen to Saku. It displayed a forum page with black font and red background. Saku desperately skimmed through the topics being discussed there.

It was apparently a site for discussing ‘dark’ topics.

Currently, all the threads were about a particular suicide case.

“This is really getting viral. I know someone in my school who died this way.”

“Here are some pictures.”

“I bet there are more cases that are still not leaked, since most of them are talked about in private.”

Saku squinted, wondering what those topics were about.

Noticing his confused expression, Touka explained, “The authorities are reportedly withholding information about these occurrences out of fear that they become a trend, similar to the angel’s suicide. Nonetheless, this unusual behavior of committing suicide in a bathtub by cutting one’s wrists and joining one’s legs outside the tub appears to be common among students. The legs aligned outside the tub resemble the tail of a mermaid, hence the name ‘the little mermaid’s suicide.’”

“This is terrible.”

“What makes this type of suicide different from the angel’s suicide is the message implied within it.”

“A message?”

A suicide is a suicide. A dead body is a dead body.

What’s the point of leaving a message in the first place?

That was Saku’s honest impression.

But Touka continued to explain the difference.

“As it’s name implied, this suicide is meant ‘to make the body look like a mermaid,’ right? That is why it is thought that anyone who died in this stance must have unfinished business or a lingering attachment to the world.”

“… Okay?”

The mermaid princess did indeed turn into bubbles while drowning in sorrow. She is a symbol of unfulfilled love.

Therefore, ‘the little mermaid’s suicide’ is said to have a similar meaning.

“In fact, ‘the little mermaid’s suicide’ can’t be completed without the help of second person. The whole point of it is to send a picture of the person at the moment of their death to the one who is causing them grief. Perhaps to someone who has cheated on them or broken their heart. As long as the receiving side knows of ‘the little mermaid’s suicide’ and the message implied within it, they will be able to understand and feel their sorrow. That’s the kind of suicide this is.”

“Such an unpleasant way for revenge.”

“It’s more likely done out of pure spite for revenge. Because of this, it has become a popular practice among students to send such pictures to their lost love through messaging applications.”

“I wish they had chosen something different to start a trend with.”

“… Also, there is this one rumor that’s been whispered from ear to ear recently.” Touka abruptly came to a halt in her speech. Adaka seemed to be appalled as she listened to her fluent explanation. After alternately gazing at her and the pictures on the table, she finally continued, “There are true murder cases in disguise among the many little mermaid’s suicides.”

“… So could this mean—”

“I don’t know. But the culprit had sent these pictures to the head house… It needs to be significant.” Touka whispered.

Adaka wrapped her arms around her body, frightened. 

Saku softly bit his lower lip as he had a bad feeling.


Three days have passed since Adaka moved into Saku’s apartment.

She’s been sleeping and waking up modestly since then. She even started cooking and cleaning the house recently. That’s the least she can do as a freeloader, she would say with a smile.

Saku was fine with her current demeanor.

But Touka; She was furious.

“I’d start cooking and cleaning the entire house if that means I could get back our lives together alone! Here, I will start by frying eggs!”

That’s how much she can’t forgive Adaka for breaking into her life with Saku.

She acted like a provoked cat in the house, forcing Saku to lure her outdoors with food. After all, it is the owner’s responsibility to soothe their cat’s worry.

And now, they are taking a walk together in the town.

“Touka, don’t you think it’s about time you calm down now? Here’s a steamed sweet bun.”

“You don’t understand my rage! You certainly don’t have to be mine… I know that… I know. But still, I can’t help but feel angry about this current situation!”

It happened while they were on their way back from their walk.

A black box car pulled up to their apartment’s parking lot.

“… hm?”

“… What?”

Its door opened with a heavy thud and a man came out from inside, blocking their path.

An enormous shadow figure emerged from inside the car.

The man was as big as a bear, with long black hair covering his entire face.

He turned to face them the next second.

Horrified, Saku felt his blood running cold. The man matched Adaka’s description of the murderer. Memories of being almost snatched by the perpetrator of the falling internal organs case rushed across his head.

Saku took a step forward to defend Touka before he realized it.

The man’s fist crashed into his gut before he could take the second step.

“… Agh!”


He had no idea of what had just happened to him.

The man stepped in far too quickly.

Saku dropped all his luggage, kneeled down on the spot, and started vomiting all over the place. Sour stomach juice stained his nose. Meanwhile, the man grabbed Touka’s arm and dragged her along with him.


Saku frantically grabbed the man’s ankle.

His grip was so firm that his fingers sank into his skin.

The man smirked as he looked down at Saku. He swung his leg up as if about to kick him before abruptly stopping. Touka was clutching his arm.

“You can kill me instead!”

She was making those same eyes. That cold gaze, as if she was willing to give up her life.

Saku tried to scold her. He tried to scream and tell her to run. But he couldn’t speak properly.

The man snickered once more. Then he said something that caught them off guard.

“You’re just a degraded copy.”

“… !”

Touka’s eyes widened in shock. Her expression reflected how shocking those words were.

The man continued, with an indifferent tone, “Why are you still alive, huh? Isn’t the only thing that’s left to do for a degraded instance like you is to die beautifully? Now, can you say that to your servant for me? ‘All I have to do is commit suicide in the guise of beauty.’”

The next moment, Saku kicked the ground and bumped into the man’s stomach with all his might.

He continued his counterattack, taking advantage of the man’s stagger. Without hesitation, Saku pointed his finger at the man’s eyeball. The man turned his face away. At the same time, Saku kicked his crotch with everything he got.

The man grunted at this one.

The instant he bent over, Saku attempted to knee him in the face but failed. The man dodged his knee at the right time. A distance opened between them. Saku was breathing roughly. The safest decision he could take is to run away with Touka.

However, He was unable to forgive the man.

Wrath was bubbling inside his head.

(Don’t screw with me. Don’t screw with me! Don’t fuck with me! Don’t you deny her whole existence!)

Out of all things, the man had touched Touka’s innermost sorrow. He gouged out the part of her that is coldly attracted to death. That is something that Saku would never allow.

Saku would have stabbed the man without hesitation if there had been a knife or cleaver around.

The man realized that he was slightly outmatched by Saku, in his furious state.

He turned his back on him and escaped by jumping into his boxcar.

Saku would have followed him if Touka didn’t grab his hand.

She shook her head, looking like she was about to cry.

But the man opened the window and dropped the final blow.

“Don’t forget. All that’s left for those who have failed to become ‘God’ is to die.”

Then the man ran away, Leaving Touka sitting and stunned.

Saku kicked the ground as hard as he could while letting out a beastly grunt.


Touka was astonished. She didn’t speak a word that describes what she thought of the man’s words. She just went, silently, back into her kotatsu and curled up in its warmth.

Saku thought her reaction was understandable.

The man’s abusive language was too destructive for her.

But after hearing what he said, Saku became certain of one thing.

The picture of the ‘little mermaid’s suicide’ was not an actual suicide. It was a murder.

The man’s master was the first victim.

While hiding under the kotatsu, Touka said, “He will probably come back for me.”

Saku thought so, too. He couldn’t get this awful feeling out of his head.

Touka continued, with a hollow voice, “For some reason, he did not terminate his master-servant relationship with the girl. But one day, he came to realize the “insignificancy” of her existence and killed her. Then he probably awakened to the pleasure of murdering those who failed to ascend. Those who couldn’t become God are the most meaningless people in the world, after all.”

Saku strongly disagreed with her.

It was once spoken to him under the cherry blossoms.

—— It doesn’t have to be meaningful.

“However, there is a meaning in ending their life in a beautiful way. Maybe that’s what he thought.”

“Yes, you’re right. Your existence is meaningless, indeed,” a cool voice struck Saku’s ears.

For a moment, he didn’t recognise who said what. A few seconds later, he finally came back to his senses.

They were Adaka’s words. Today she is wearing an orange knit with a tight black skirt and tights. And as a matter of course, she was sitting in the kotatsu.

With a charming smile that could even be described as bewitching, she continued as if she was chanting, “Touka-san, your existence is truly meaningless. You know that very well yourself, don’t you? I have heard rumors about your activities as a spiritual detective. With that taken into consideration, nevertheless, let me say this. Your spiritual abilities are inferior to mine. Despite having an outstanding servant, like Saku-san, by your side, you still can only conjure the dead who hold grudges against people present on the spot.”

Saku clenched his fist. His bones creaked so loudly that they sounded like they were about to break. But, unaware of his anger, or perhaps despite realizing it, Adaka didn’t stop.

“You are a degraded instance that doesn’t even deserve to live.”

“Get out, right now!” Saku shouted.

The next moment, Touka jumped out of the kotatsu and ran off.

She didn’t seem to have misunderstood Saku’s words. Yet, she immediately opened the door and left the apartment after violently closing it behind her back. 

“Touka!” Saku raised his voice.

“Just leave her be, who cares about her, anyway?” Adaka responded.

She clearly sounded amused by the situation.

“Nobody would be concerned if a meaningless copy vanished.”

Saku ignored her and rushed outside.

It will start snowing soon.

Saku pursued Touka in the midst of winter.


Touka was standing in the middle of a park.

Her softly rounded back appeared lonely and quiet.

Saku, in haste, tried running to her side. But, Touka suddenly blurted, “Can you not get any closer?”

Saku stopped. He exhaled a white breath.

Touka was still facing the same direction. She was looking into the gloomy, gray sky; Into the abyss.

Eventually, she asked, “You know I can’t become God, don’t you? So why do you insist on protecting me?”

“Don’t you think it’s a bit too late to ask such a question? I don’t care if you’re God or not. I just want to keep you safe.”

“Listen, Saku-kun, I will tell you this one more time.”

Touka turned around. Her black hair swayed. Saku was reflected in her clear eyes.

She was making a frighteningly solemn face.

Then, she continued, “You were the only person I could rely on. I’ve always relied on your kindness. But your feelings for me are simply the residue of an ingrained habit you developed while serving the girl you believed was God… Well, I knew it all along. Yet, I kept taking advantage of it and I am sorry for that.”

“Touka, what are you talking about… now.”

“You really are not supposed to be concerned about me,” She declared, once and for all.

Saku felt a surge of violent emotions deep within his chest. Touka did have a point, certainly. The soft spot he exposes to her is partly due to his ingrained servant habits. But that is not the only reason.

The next feeling he had was one of betrayal.

In his respect, Touka had no right to tell him that.

Watching him standing, stunned in front of her, she continued, regardless, “I’ve always wondered if this life is worth it. If there is a point in living if I cannot find a meaning in my life. Perhaps today’s events were the final push that brought me to the conclusion.”

Saku felt an illusion of a heavy wind.

God once said, inside the white space.

“You see, no matter how unworthy a person would feel they are for living, I’d still want them to live on.”

Now he is listening to Touka saying the exact opposite. 

Saku clenched his fist and asked, as if squeezing out his voice, “I’m trying to protect you… You think that’s not enough for a reason?”

“Thank you, Saku-kun,” Touka smiled warmly.

She laughed, softly and happily.

Then she shook her head, in denial.

“But that’s just an illusion.”

She stated so calmly, but at the same time, in a tone that drove him away.

With resignation vivid in her eyes, she declared, “I’m a person who deserves to die.”

Then what does that make of me? Saku thought to himself.

What am I for not wanting Touka to die? 

What makes of this feeling that cares for her so much?

Out of all the people out there, it was Touka who dismissed his feelings for her as an illusion.

The girl in front of him right now had the look on her face that clearly indicated she wouldn’t listen to him.

Kicking off the ground, Saku yelled out, “Do as you like!”

Then he turned around and ran away into the street.

It was already getting dark.

The cold winter air stung his face as he rushed furiously. He would just move his legs without any destination in mind. And after a chaotic run down the gray road, he finally stopped.

He could feel his lungs burning. He couldn’t put his thoughts into words and in return, He screamed out loud.


His cry resonated into the air, causing a huge number of ravens in a neighboring waste dump to take flight.

A middle aged woman scurried away after she gave him a startled look. 

Saku bowed his head and apologized. He was finally starting to cool off.

The next moment, he realized that he left Touka alone and hurriedly turned on his heel.

He left her for only a few minutes.

Hoping that nothing had happened, Saku frantically rushed back to her side. He desperately retraced the path he had taken while occasionally losing his way and going back to change streets. He arrived at the park on wobbly legs.

Praying that he would find her slender figure still in the same place, he called her name.


There was no response.

The park was empty.

But there is still a chance, he thought.

She probably has gone somewhere else.

Maybe she just returned to his apartment.

With such a hopeful thought in mind, Saku went back home.


“She got kidnapped for sure. Yeah, definitely,” Adaka said with a laugh. She sounded sincerely amused from the way she was talking.

Saku clenched his hands tightly. It was all his fault that Touka was kidnapped. But he couldn’t help but feel like he wanted to murder Adaka in this exact moment. Unaware or not of his killing intent, Adaka continued, seeming happy, “Why don’t you just leave her alone?”

“You want me to… Give up on her?” Saku replied with a low-pitched voice.

Adaka smiled at him with a provocative expression. She pushed her finger to her lips and murmured seductively, “More importantly, let’s talk about the future. I can’t do this alone. However, with your help, Saku-san, I may be able to become God for real this time. Don’t you think it would be more beneficial for you to work with me?”

“What are you talking about? The head house has one and only one God,” He replied.

There is only one girl whom all the members of the head house serve and revere.

She is more powerful than anyone else. Nevertheless, Adaka smiled slightly and continued, “Don’t you know? The God of the head house has been dead for a long time now.”

Saku knew about it too.

—— He has been told that the girl is God.

—— But that girl couldn’t become God.

—— And then, God had died.

Touka wasn’t chosen to become the God of the head house.

Afterwards, there has been a certain incident in which the current God died.

However, a new God was never chosen again. Even after her death, God lived on and is always exerting her powers, making the head house proud of her existence ever since. 

Only by overcoming life and death that she truly became a god.

Yet, Adaka declared, as if she was singing a song, “But this time, God will certainly die.”

The death of God.

A fact that is too heavy and frightening for the head house to accept.

It’s a symbol, a loss of power. As a member of the Fujisaki clan, Saku felt the need to know more details of this matter.

But at this moment, Touka’s whereabouts were of far more importance for him. Ignoring Adaka, Saku turned his back on her and walked to the entrance door. It was at the same time when his phone started ringing. Taking out his phone, he confirmed that the caller was Touka.

He quickly picked up the call and immediately squeezed out his voice.

“Please, don’t kill her.”


“How did you know I was the caller?”

“There is no way Touka would call me right after she disappeared.”

A few seconds passed with the kidnaper being completely silent. Before long, he answered in a low voice, “I’m planning to make you’re master suicide.”

“No! I swear don’t you—”

“But before I do that, I need her to do something for me. The issue is that she needs your presence in order to perform what I tell her. Apparently, she’s too uneasy doing it alone. Would it be possible for you to come to the place I tell you?”

“If that means you’ll let here live.”

“That depends on your actions. Don’t call the cops.”

The kidnaper hung the call after he gave Saku the address. Grabbing some cash, Saku once again rushed outside. He stopped a cab in the main street and gave the address to the driver. His heart continued to beat painfully all the way long.

Finally arriving at the destination, Saku paid the driver and got out of the cab.

In front of him was an old building.

It was near the site of the previous internal organs throwing incident.

The buildings in this area have been abandoned across the board. 

The kidnapper may have discovered this building and chosen it as a convenient hiding place upon learning that Saku and Touka were involved in the incident.

Saku entered the building.

Immediately, he sensed a presence on his left.

He lifted his gaze.

A large figure was standing.

A bat swung down, slicing through the air.

Saku felt a strong shock in his head.

He didn’t get it.

He couldn’t figure out what had happened.

Then, he lost consciousness as if it had been sucked from him.

He had a dream.

The kind of dream in which he knew he was dreaming.

There was a black amidst the white.

A sudden, strong gust of wind blew.

The beautiful young girl was fixing her gaze on Saku, in the middle of the sea of blossoms.

With a slight smile on her face, she said, “— The poor thing.”

She never said those words at that time.

Then this must be Saku’s subconscious talking to him through the young girl.

The young girl continued, whispering with a smile, “Still, get up, Saku-kun.”

Don’t you see she’s waiting for you?

Saku woke up.

He was inside a gray room.

The walls were bare concrete.

Four people of varying ages and genders were tightly chained next to him.

It was a bizarre sight.

Saku attempted to grasp his current situation. He tried to desperately calm down. However, he inevitably lost his composure when he spotted the person he was looking for. He let out a voice that sounded like a groan.

“… A—”

Touka was the only one standing next to the man, with her hands chained.

She looked at Saku and let out a sigh of relief.

“Thanks goodness… You woke up!”


Saku tried to move to her side. Unfortunately, he had all his limbs tied and couldn’t budge an inch.

All he could do was awkwardly wriggle on the concrete ground. 

The man nodded his head as he watched him. He tapped Touka’s shoulder in a friendly manner and said, “Alright now, I’ve got him here like you asked… I’ll have you bring it in return.”

“Yeah, I get it,” Touka nodded back.

Saku couldn’t fathom out the meaning of their conversation. Though, he soon predicted what was going to happen.

Touka was about to conjure a spirit. 

Saku fell into further confusion, wondering what was on the man’s mind. 

The man killed the girl he used to serve.

Calling a spirit that carries a grudge against him is a suicidal act.

Yet, the man didn’t show a sign of stopping Touka.

Touka gazed at Saku.

Saku’s eyes reflected her face like a mirror.

Touka lifted her hands and uttered, “—— Come.”

Nothing happened.

A deafening hush descended upon the room.

“… What?”

“Just as I thought…”

The man shook his head, driving Saku’s confusion to a further level.


Why did the spirit of the God candidate girl didn’t not appear? 

Her death was undoubtedly a murder.

As Saku was wondering, Touka shook her head and said, in a calm voice, “The authorities concluded that you only sent the photo of suicide to the head house and that you were not involved in her death… Looks like they were right. The death of you master was indeed a suicide.”

“How is that possible?!”

Saku promptly exclaimed.

But the man briefly nodded in silence.

In a moderately gentle tone, Touka continued, “You didn’t kill your own master, did you?”

“That’s right. My master lost her purpose in life since the day she couldn’t become God. She still lived for seven years, nonetheless. But the other day, she took her own life.”

“You don’t feel pleasure in killing former candidates, do you? So why did you speak so harshly to me earlier?”

“I hated you for being alive, despite not becoming God, just like my master.”

“So you kidnapped me for the purpose of killing me?”

“That’s one reason. But I’m not planning to kill you if you agree to help me. I needed to be certain… that is why I hoped she would respond to your call.”

“… What the hell are you talking about?” Saku asked the man.

The candidate girl did really commit suicide.

The man is most likely unrelated with the series of murders, as well. It’s only natural that the spirit didn’t emerge, following Touka’s call. Yet, Saku was still unsure what the man was looking for.

The man shook his head, a second time, and answered, “I just wanted her to live. She was still the favorite candidate of the head house despite not being chosen to become God. She had various other paths to life, planned just for her. I gave her my blessing. But she didn’t accept her reality. She rebelled against the head house and chose to die with a broken heart.”

“Then, why are you doing this… ?”

“She died out of the blue. And the day before she did, she had met these four people. Her suicide may have been out of despair, but the immediate cause that determined her actions must have been in one of them,” the man explained with visible wrath in his eyes.

The four men and women who were tied up let out bewildered noises. They were all clearly listening in on their talk.

Throwing them a look as if he was staring at animals, the man declared, “I want to kill the one who is responsible for it.”

A short scream echoed in the room.

But Saku was thinking about something else. 

He was asking himself, what would he have done if one of these people was responsible for Touka’s death?

He would kill them.

Thus, Saku realized that he had no right to stop the man from what he was doing.


“The spirit of your master did not appear, which means she has no grudge against anyone in this room. There is no need for revenge as long as she doesn’t despise anyone.”

Touka attempted to persuade the man, but he just reacted by shaking his head in denial.

Glaring at the four men and women, the man let out a deep voice. 

“Maybe you’re right. She was a kind woman, after all. She would never hold a grudge against anyone. But I personally can’t admit that. This is my own decision, my problem.” The man glared at the four men and women with eyes filled with fury.

The four suspects were a middle aged, thin woman, a plump man, a young woman with flashy makeup, and a skinny old man.

“These people over here are all members of her family.”

In other words, all of them are members of a branch of the Fujisaki clan. If they had been members of the head house, there would have been uproar. But as they are only members of a branch of the clan, nobody would bother looking for them, let alone saving their lives.

The four men and women trembled in their appeal.

“How could we have been the cause of Reika-san’s death?”

“Maybe it’s your fault, no?” the plump man suddenly questioned. He pointed to the middle-aged woman with his chin and continued with a muffled voice, “You blamed Reika-san, didn’t you? You relentlessly criticized her for not accepting the offer from the head house, saying that she was ungrateful and that her partner wasn’t so bad.”

“Oh, okay, I see. Then what about you? I remember you insulting her for being a parasite, a good-for nothing.” The thin middle-aged woman smiled faintly. Swallowing her agitation, she seemed to have admitted her pinch. But on the other hand, she started accusing the plump man with sharp words. “It’s funny how you only blame others and try to get away with it.”

The kidnapper crossed his arms and watched over them.

The thin woman quietly continued, her eyes like those of a snake, “I recall hearing you calling her a sow… Oh, the poor Reika. I would want to die as well if someone said that to me.”

“But… Wasn’t it you who acted the coldest to Reika-san?”

“I act cold to everyone. That’s the kind of woman I am.”

“And besides, you, Ayako. Will you quit acting as if you have nothing to do with this? You know you’re not innocent.”

The plump man turned to the young woman with the flashy makeup, all of a sudden.

The young woman reacted with a scowl. Though the plump man didn’t stop.

“According to what I’ve heard, you got into an argument with her and claimed that you were supposed to be chosen for the offer. I related to you at that point. But slapping her was definitely not a good idea. I bet Reika-san was shocked by that slap. Don’t you think so?”

“Y-Yes, you’re right! But she forgave me when I apologized for slapping her! There is no way Reika-san would have committed suicide over something as insignificant! I’m unrelated! I have nothing to do with this… I mean, I had no idea she was in so much pain!”

The young woman started weeping tears. She moaned and cried as she shook her head from left to right.

Then, abruptly, she turned to the old man, giving him a harsh look, and said, as if spitting, “Speaking of making a face as if completely unrelated, wasn’t it you, grandfather, who treated her the worst?”

“Hm?” the old man replied, seeming unfazed.

The young woman continued, as if biting down on him, “I know what told her! You rebuked her more severely than anyone else did, telling her to go apologize for the head house! And that’s not all! You even threatened to separate her from her servant if she doesn’t listen to you! You knew Reika-san had a heart for her servant and you drove her to a corner like that! Ah… Reika-san, Reika-san, I’m so sorry!”

“Get a grip of yourself. That girl wouldn’t have killed herself over such a trivial matter. And I will tell you this, I am in no way ashamed of the words I have told her that day. It is in accordance with the will of God as a branch family to listen to the orders of the head house. If you believe otherwise, then just kill me. I won’t run, hide, or even resist.”

The old man imposingly responded to the young woman’s accusations.

The kidnapper gritted his teeth hard. 

Saku began to understand the situation. Apparently, the man’s master, Reika, had a dispute with the head house. It probably had something to do with what the kidnapper had just said.

“She was still the favorite candidate of the head house despite not being chosen to become God. She had various other paths to life, planned just for her. But she didn’t accept her reality.”

Then, all the other members of her family criticized her.

Perhaps one of them was the direct trigger to her actions.

As a result, she committed suicide.

“It’s not my fault…”

“There is no way it could be me…”

“It doesn’t make sense that one of us is responsible anyway… ”

Each side continued to argue and bicker.

Soon enough, the kidnapper declared with a low voice, “Whatever. It will be all of you.” Maybe things would have turned out differently if only one of them had admitted their sin. But now, only heavy anger remained inside the kidnapper. “I’ll kill you all.”

The young woman let out a shriek. One after the other, they started deploring.

It’s his fault, it’s hers, him, her, who was it then?

But their pleas would only stir up the man’s rage.

During this ruckus that could nearly be described as a farce, Saku realized something.

Touka’s eyes were filled with sadness.

Biting her lower lip, she looked as if she was about to cry.

Soon enough, she opened her mouth.

“… As the young maiden I am, I can’t keep quiet despite knowing the truth.”

“What is it? You know who killed her?” the kidnaper asked.

Touka briefly nodded in return.

Saku became horrified.

He had a feeling that Touka was about to say something critical. But he had no time to stop her since the man immediately continued with a delighted voice, his eyes wide open.

“Is that so! Then tell me! Who killed Reika-san?!”

Touka raised her hand.

Then, she pointed at one person.

Reika’s servant, the kidnapper.


“…… Me?”

“The clue was ‘the little mermaid’s suicide.’” Touka started explaining, sedately.

Saku felt compelled to intervene. Her words were way too cruel for the servant.

But she continued regardless, mercilessly spelling out the truth.

“It was you who sent that picture to the head house, wasn’t it? You believed that her suicide was a plea of grief. Before you did, it was you who first discovered the body. Or perhaps received the picture from Reika-san. Either way, Reika-san was probably convinced that you’d be the first person to discover her dead body. That only means the person whom Reika-san intended to forward the message of the little mermaid’s suicide was you, if you take time to think about it,” She clarified in a nonchalant attitude. 

Saku could only ponder.

‘The little mermaid’s suicide’ is a method of death that carries a heavy message.

It is a common practice among students to send a picture to someone who understands its hidden meaning, as a way of conveying their grief and regrets.The kidnaper has a correct understanding of ‘the little mermaid’s suicide.’

He fulfilled the conditions. Thus Reika chose this way to convey to him her lingering affection.

“Furthermore, the head house did not know about ‘the little mermaid’s suicide.’ We already know at this point that Reika-san wasn’t intending to send them her picture. The true meaning of the suicide won’t get conveyed if they’re not told about it beforehand, after all. But you, on the other hand, were told about it in advance… Weren’t you?”

The man started trembling. Her speculation must be on point.

Touka continued, unconcerned by his reaction, “I can also imagine the kind of sorrow she wanted to convey. You said earlier, ‘She was still the favorite candidate of the head house despite not being chosen to become God. She had various other paths to life, planned just for her. I gave her my blessings. But she didn’t accept her reality.’ And according to the earlier conversation between these four ladies and gentlemen… Her partner wasn’t so bad. And there is a reason they didn’t choose this woman here instead. Judging from all this, what could be this path that the head house chose for Reika-san? An arranged marriage. She was offered a good match by the head house.”

Saku nodded his head. He also came to the same conclusion from hearing the conversation between the four men and women.

However, among all these factors, what was the one that drove her the most?

Why did Reika take her own life?

And out of all means, chose ‘the little mermaid’s suicide.’

‘the little mermaid’s suicide’ is a method commonly used by teenagers to convey their broken heart by sending a picture of their dead body to the counter party.

“You drove her over the edge by giving her your blessing. Reika-san wanted you to stop her. She died of despair… Realizing that you regard her solely as your master. And as a way to convey her broken heart to you, she chose the little mermaid’s suicide.”

The man’s trembling grew more noticeable. He shook his head to the left and right, as if he was possessed.

Seeming utterly desperate, he started denying.

“It can’t be! Her partner was a nice and kind man! That match was supposed to make her happy! All I said to her was ‘how nice!’ And yet, yet! Why…”

“I’d die if I were in her shoes.”

Saku rolled his eyes when he heard her response.

Touka did not retract her words. She kept standing there, proudly.

Saku, Touka, and four more gazes turned to the man who’d vainly glare into the empty space.

“… It was me… Me… Just me… ?” The man collapsed on the spot, muttering to himself in daze. “It was me?”

Then, he raised his voice and began to cry.

As though he was attempting to spit out his own heart.


Saku, Touka and the four members of the branch family were released. The man said he was going to escape. Although, Saku knew that he was lying.

The man was most likely going to kill himself.

He realized that he was the direct reason for the death of the person he cherished the most. 

It’d be hard for him to find a meaning in his life.

Saku couldn’t stop him.

He would have done the same thing if he was in his place.

He wouldn’t be able to live on after killing someone he cared about so much.

That is why Saku returned home, together with Touka, leaving the man behind.

“We’re back.”

“I’m back.”

Both announcing their arrival, they open the door of their apartment, just to be faced by an unexpected scene.

Crimson red was all over the place.

Every corner of the scene they were familiar with was dyed in red. The floor was covered in a pool of sticky blood.

The inside of the living room looked like a scarlet blossom in full bloom.

In the center of that flower, a young girl was lying.

It was Adaka Fujisaki with a cut throat. 

The cut was cleft into a crescent shape, seeming like second lips.

The wound made her dead body appear as if it was sneering at its own death.

Saku and Touka became speechless. It was at that moment when the door they forgot to lock, opened without a sound.

“Are you Saku and Touka-san?”

A man in a well-tailored black double suit called out their names.

Saku recognized him. When he nodded, The man who was giving off the impression of a snake whispered, “God is waiting for your attendance.”

Why are the God candidates getting killed, one after the other?

Why did Adaka get murdered?

What is happening to the Fujisaki clan?

Saku and Touka went off to find out.