Chapter 332 - 332

Chapter 332: Chapter 332

Prince Vitar's Point of View

Capital of Vithari - Dwardew

Unknown Time

They said at the same time. "What's happened?" I immediately inquired as I stood back upright.

My soldier bowed. "There is a creature in the sky with the enemy forces gathering under it!" He reported. The source of this content is N0veII_bIn

The Druid turned to Lady Turiel. "It's the same creature from before."

All of us rushed towards the gates. The entire city was sealed inside a cave with openings placed in specific locations. All of which were sealed with runes so nothing could get in. The gates also had lookouts along the wall above them. Windows to see who was approaching, or in this case, the enemy's movements.

"That is your magic and yours alone." Elincia told him with a smile. "We know very little about your kind, but I have never seen a Dragon use magic like you are now. It might be the standard. It might not." She watched as the flames flickered in the wind. "Regardless, I know that there is strength in learning. If you keep this up, you may one day surpass even me."

"That's the plan." I interrupted with a smirk as Elincia rolled her eyes at me. "You're a very instinctual individual, Ty. As such, your training is going to be a little different. Now that you know how to access that magic, even if it's only slightly, I want to begin the next phase."

He looked at me determinedly. "I'm ready."

"Good." Turning around the deck, I spoke. "I need someone to train with my student!" I called out. "Any volunteers?"

To my surprise, there was an immediate answer. "I'll do it."

My gaze locked on the voice. "General Kheri." I replied evenly. "Are you sure you want to participate? You don't even know what it is you'll be doing."

She smirked and removed her armor along with her weapons. "I'll be helping Lord Typhon Delmaris. Meaning," Rolling her shoulders and limbering up, she continued. "I'm going to perform what is expected of me."

I looked to Elincia, who had a smug look on her face as she looked back at me, and I finally shrugged in response. "Then let's get started."

"So," Ty began as he moved next to Kheri. "What're we going to be doing?"

"Spar." I said simply, and both seemed a little disappointed at that. "Under a few Gravity Pillars." Without warning, the two toppled to the deck from the unexpected and unseen force. "Kheri, yours will be a little stronger to make things fairer. Have fun trying to beat the shit out of each other."