Chapter 545 - 545

Chapter 545: Chapter 545

Lucia's Point of View

Pendragon Estate

Cassidy groaned at that as everyone looked at Arthur stunned. "Arthur don't take too kindly ta gods."

Arthur scoffed at that. "I... I don't know how to take that." Camoa told him.

He shrugged. "It doesn't matter. She looked like a High Elf just like the others. Going off your theory, why would Davost show me a specific moment from the past?"

"Who can say?" Camoa replied. "The Goddess might think it will help you, or has some manner of connection to you."

"What did you see?" Alwin asked.

"As I said, a battle from long ago. It had to deal with Thana." Arthur informed us.

"Maybe that's why you saw it. If Thana was involved, you two seem to share a history, so she wanted to reveal more about her?" I offered.

Arthur didn't seem convinced. "Well, regardless, it didn't seem that helpful." He told me before he turned back to the Druid. "About the visions of the future... How certain is it that-"

Camoa cut him off. "As I said before, the future isn't set in stone. While you may have seen many different outcomes, none of them are guaranteed. What did you see?"

His eyes drifted to me, and I stared back at him as his lips seemed hesitant to answer. "Little tidbits. Very little sound or words came through." Arthur said after a moment as he looked down before he rubbed his chest once more. "It was painful."

Nodding, Camoa scooted back on her couch. "Yes. That is normal. The future is never a clear thing. Some will hear only sounds. Others might only see a single image. It is different for everyone. How different was everything?"

"What do you mean?" Arthur asked back with his eyes narrowing in focus.


"I see."

She moved to leave, but I called out to her. "Marina..." Stopping, my water guardian turned to look at me. "Close the door and give me a moment of your time." Doing as I instructed, Marina quickly moved back to my bedside.

Looking at me expectantly, she spoke. "Father?"

"In the coming months, I will be giving you, Breeze, and Rock assignments. These assignments will go hand in hand with seeing the world. It won't be overly fun or a vacation like you may hope." I told her.

Tilting her head, Marina replied. "This has to deal with your vision?"

My eyes locked on hers. "Yes and no. I need allies, Marina. Uniting this world will be important if they want to survive against Thana and The Crimson Wasteland." Laying down in the bed, I grunted as I adjusted myself. "As such, there are a few things I need each of you to do. Not now. For now, I want you here."

She nodded. "Very well. Where will you be sending us?"

"You will be heading to the ocean."

That piqued her interest. "The Ocean?"

"The Middle Ocean specifically. That's where the Seafolk are in Crawlana. I've no idea where this underwater kingdom is, but I need you to find it."

"Okay!" At least she seemed excited about that. "What of Breeze and Rock?"

"I'll tell them later when you all head out. It will be in a month or so. Maybe after the new year..."

"Father..." Marina suddenly called to me softly. "Will you not tell me what you saw?"

My teeth clenched as I sighed through my nose. "No, but I do have a request." She quirked a brow at that. "Keep Lucia away from the area around Klasteris. I don't know why she would wish to see it, but do not let her go there. Understood?"

She bowed slightly. "I will do my best."Continue reading on No_veLbIn