Chapter 291

Yes, it's difficult!

He can't find a reason at all, and there's no way!

So, at this time, he simply didn't know what to do.

Of course, pan Deqi also regretted it in his heart, because he didn't think why Qin Tian's big bang of science and technology would catch fire.

You know, this one of them is simply not in line with the existence of the market! What a pity? Others are angry, so panderqi really regrets it at this time.

But at this time, the boss was very serious, affirmed and explained definitely, which had to show the big bang of science and technology.

In that case, at this time, pandech had to choose a way.

Yes, that's the truth.

After all, if it's not as honest at this time, then he may face the final anger of his boss and kill him directly.

It took him so many years of hard work to get to where he is now. If he was fired directly, it would really be unacceptable.

So at this time, he immediately spoke directly to the other end of the phone.

"Boss, it's like this. I have deeply offended Qin Tian, so at this time, I really have no way!"

So at this time, panderqi had to tell his boss all the things that happened that day and what he had done.

"Panderqi, panderqi, you are really a talent!"

And because of this, at this time, there was a voice with fire directly on the phone, "pandech, I said you were a stupid pig. That's an insult to a stupid pig. You're not as good as a stupid pig. I really don't know what your brain thinks!"

Immediately after that, the other party hung up the phone directly.

Seeing this, penderge was immediately dumbfounded.


It's over. It's really over at once!

At this moment, pandech was very flustered.

This is a terrible panic. He already knows that this time, the boss is completely angry. In this way, if he doesn't think of a remedy, he will really be finished.

What should I do?

What the hell are we going to do now?

Panderqi is like an ant on a hot pot. He is so anxious that he is dying.

He knows that at this time, he must apologize to Qin Tian, but is it useful for him to apologize to Qin Tian? Obviously, this has no effect at all. After all, he offended Qin Tian that day.

What are we going to do?


Pan Deqi was really in a cold sweat and couldn't think of any good way. At this time, his mobile phone rang again.

Grabbed the phone and saw that it was his boss calling again.

So at this time, he answered directly without hesitation.

"Boss, I'm wrong. I'm really wrong. I can do whatever you want. I accept it. But the first thing we should do now is to apologize to Qin Tian!"

After answering, he didn't wait for his boss to speak. The next moment, he spoke directly and apologized.

After hearing this, pan Deqi's boss was very angry at this time, but at this time, as pan Deqi said, now, it's useless to say anything. After all, no matter how much you scold pan Deqi, it's just scolding, which is not worth any effect at all, And now the only thing to do is to get Qin Tian's understanding!

So at this time, the only way is to apologize to Qin Tian!

So at this time, pandech's boss directly said:

"Panderqi, since you did this, you must think of a way to solve it for me. After all, now I'm losing money and still losing blood. Therefore, if you don't think of a way to completely solve this matter, I won't let you go."

"I know, I know."

At this time, pandge is really walking on thin ice!

He had to choose a vigorous answer.


At this time, pan Deqi's boss sighed heavily, "well, now you arrange the plane ticket for me immediately, and we will directly leave for Tiandu film and television company. We must get there as soon as possible, and then find Qin Tian. We must deal with this matter as soon as possible, otherwise, I have been losing money all the time, My heart hurts! "

Yes, that's right. Now we can only choose to deal with the matter as soon as possible. After all, we can't afford to wait in this situation!

You know, if he drags on, he's losing money, and it's still a loss of blood, so at this time, he can't wait. If he wants to take the initiative, he must see Qin Tian face to face and completely solve the matter! Otherwise, his heart will really hurt.

After all, that's a lot of money!

Of course, the money is on the one hand, and on the other hand, it is the fame of their Guotai. After all, if we don't introduce the "big bang of science and technology" filmed by Qin Tian into Guotai this time, how will those viewers view Guotai?

So this is the most urgent problem to be solved!

"OK, OK, boss, I'll book the ticket right away!"

At this moment, pandech quickly agreed.

So after hanging up the phone, penderge immediately arranged for his people to book the nearest flight.

Then he went directly to Tianhai city with his boss!



At eight o'clock the next morning, you can directly see that Tiandu film and television company has just opened the door of the company. At this time, you can directly see that Pan Deqi and his boss came here immediately.

"Two, who are you looking for?"

At this time, the eyebrow of the person who opened the door frowned, because she found that the two people were a little sneaky, so at this time, she immediately raised a trace of vigilance!

Yes, it's just a little vigilance. After all, when she first came to the company, she directly found that the two had been wandering around the door. It didn't seem to have good intentions at all!

So at this time, she began to ask.

"Well, that's right. We came here to find your boss!"

At this time, after hearing the opening inquiry, panderqi immediately came forward and said it directly.