Chapter 313

Yes, yes, it is vigorously publicized, so the strength is incomparably huge, and because of this, at this time, everyone basically knows it.

Perhaps this is precisely because of this reason, so at this time, Jiang Guocheng directly received good news.

Therefore, at this time, Jiang Guocheng directly invited Qin Tian to Yanfeng security company. After all, he had to report some recent related things to Qin Tian!

So now!

In the general manager's office of Yanfeng security company.

At this time, you can directly see that Qin Tian and Jiang Guocheng are sitting here directly opposite each other.

At this time, Jiang Guocheng immediately took the lead in opening his mouth:

"Well, boss, do you know? This event has not started yet. Now it is a direct climb to the hot search! "

"Oh, really?"

"Then it seems that the publicity effect is in place!"

At this moment, after hearing this, Qin Tian's mouth immediately couldn't help rising directly.

Yes, the reason for this is that it's all publicity in place!

"Well, yes, boss."

Jiang Guocheng responded.

To tell the truth, at this time, you can directly see that Jiang Guocheng is really happy, excited and excited. You know, it's really unexpected to achieve such great results now!

You know, at the beginning, he didn't agree!

But now? It's almost unexpected that such a great achievement has been made. It's really surprising!

Yes, it's surprising!

Of course, we still have to thank Qin Tian for all this. After all, all this is the credit of Qin Tian. If it wasn't for Qin Tian, it wouldn't be like this now.

"Thank you, boss!"

Therefore, at this time, Jiang Guocheng thanked Qin Tian in an instant.


Qin Tian 'en' said, "now our publicity has achieved such a great effect, so what about our activity registration?"

The reason why Qin Tian did such a good job in publicity is to make this activity more intense and popular, and more people can directly know it. After all, after more people know it, it must be enough to attract a lot of people to participate in this activity. In this way, This is the final effect he wants to achieve when he makes such publicity!

As for the final effect, what is it? Of course, Qin Tian needs to know at this time, so Qin Tian immediately asked Jiang Guocheng directly.

At this moment, after hearing Qin Tian's inquiry, Jiang Guocheng said it directly without hesitation. Of course, this is what Jiang Guocheng wants to repay Qin Tian, so at this time, he has nothing to hesitate. Besides, the effect of this time is very good, so Jiang Guocheng immediately said:

"Boss, we have fifty or sixty thousand applicants these days!"

Fifty or sixty thousand?

This is a huge quantity!

You know, for an event like this, which has 10000 participants, it is already a very great existence. After all, every event has limitations, but what I didn't expect is that the event they are holding now has a full number of 50000 or 60000 people?

I have to say that the final effect is really beyond imagination.

However, now that so many people come to participate, does the activity itself become a little cruel? After all, the purpose of these 50000 or 60000 people to participate in the activities is to directly run for the championship. If so, it's really a little cruel. After all, it's 50000 or 60000 people!

Of course, this can directly attract so many people to participate, which is a good thing, but it's a little bad. Is it true that these people have strength? Is it because their publicity effect is in place? They just see that the reward of the champion is so attractive, so they come to participate?

If so, I'm afraid it's a little bad. You know, the original intention of the activity they held was to improve the reputation of the company and attract some real talents. However, if all the people who came to participate were parallel goods, then the gains are not worth the losses!

Yes, it's not only that the gain is not worth the loss, but also it will directly affect the activity itself. You know, their activity is fundamentally different from other activities. You know, their activity must require the players to have strength in order to have a good look. After all, this is the most real battle, You said that if the players have no strength, they are just like ordinary people. What else is there to see?

Therefore, this is not only to attract real talents, but also to directly reduce the heat of the activity itself!

Because of this, Jiang Guocheng considered this problem at this time, so at this time, Jiang Guocheng directly said:

"Boss, although the number of participants in this event is very large, the quality can not be guaranteed. You know, it is precisely because there are so many participants, so it is really difficult to do screening at this time. Whether it is in terms of financial resources, manpower or manpower, it will cost a lot!"

Yes, yes, this is indeed a problem, because there are too many people participating in the competition. Then, if you want to select good and powerful people from these people, it will take a lot of time, manpower and financial resources.

But at this time, Qin Tian didn't think it was a problem.

So at this time, he immediately said, "in fact, this is not a thing. You know, we can directly add a condition when selecting!"

Add a condition?

Hearing this, Jiang Guocheng was obviously stunned at this time.

In fact, Jiang Guocheng thought about this method, but he didn't think of it at all. What conditions should be added!

You know, this is the first time they have held such an event. At the same time, there is no such first listing in the market, so he really didn't think of a good way at this time!

So at this time, he immediately asked directly:

"Well, boss, I don't know what you're talking about. What exactly is this condition?"