18 Tricking The Cat Burglar

As Nami and Stuart went out of Arlong park Chew said "Arlong what will you do, we all know Nami had almost collected the 100 million berries according to her bet and with this money she can even enjoy the rest of her life easily"

Chew is a muscular , blue skinned, and thick lipped fishmen with hair down his shoulders. His Arlong pirates tattoo was on his right shoulder.

Wearing necklace, blue stripped vest, dark brown leather pants, and sandals, he was one of the three top dogs or the three strongest fishmen after Arlong.

"No we can't let that happened isn't that what you said Arlong" Kuroobi said.

Kuroobi is a muscular, blue skinned, black haired fishmen which were tied in two little ponies.

Wearing a dark blue coloured sleeveless Karategi which is tied by the black belt around his waist, wearing sandles, he was also one of the three strongest fishmen after Arlong and was fully trained in fishmen Karate.

"Ofcourse, When Hachi comes tell him to inform that Marine Captain that the plan has been preponed." Arlong said.

""Ok"" Kuroobi and Chu replied.

While Arlong and the fishmens were thinking ways to deal with the problem Stuart has created the man in question was enjoying himself with a beauty in his arms.

"So where are my 50 million berries" Nami asked.

"You don't have to worry about them as they were never far from me, but the important thing is what gift will I get in return of the 50 million berries" Stuart asked

"What!? Am I not what you wanted" Nami asked.

"Ofcourse but do I really had to spend 50 million for that!? We both have feelings for eachother with your being more serious than mine but you controlled yourself so that you could help your village. All you needed was 10 million berries atmost and still you would have said yes but I am ready to give you 50 million berries so shouldn't I be getting a thank you gift for that" Stuart explained.

Nami blushed hearing his explanation and knew it was true "I don't have anything else then myself to give you, which I already decided to do when you asked me to become your woman" Nami said as she blushed more.

Stuart smiled as he looked at her then pressed her closer to his chest. Nami was surprised seeing Stuart's action and closed her eyes as his lips touched Nami's and they kissed.

On the road where no one was present accept them, the couple were boldly kissing each other while wrapped in eachothers embrace.

Stuart with his left hand around Nami's slim waist his right hand slowly went towards her ass and grabbed it suddenly.

"Ah!" Nami exclaimed and opened her mouth.

Right at that moment a slippery object invaded her mouth and wrapped around her tounge like a snake. Nami was surprised at first but slowly melted in Stuart's embrace as he skillfully used his tounge to pleasure her.

They kissed each other for a long time forgetting about their surroundings and only seperated when both of them were out of breath.

""Huff..huff...hufff"" both of them were breathing rapidly as there faces had a tint of red on there cheeks as if they were drunk.

"For now I will be fine with just this but you should let your body be ready as I will eat you after we deal with this Arlong" Stuart said as he took out a ring from his pocket.

"This ring!?" Nami asked.

"Well the papers that you signed aren't something we will be showing to the world right, this ring here will be the proof that you are mine. If anyone tries hit on you just show them this ring and say you already belong to someone" Stuart said as he lifted Nami's left hand and putted the golden ring which had a red colour ruby type jewel on Nami's ring finger.

Seeing Stuart's love for her and his protectiveness for her Nami couldn't control herself and started crying.

"Oye oye why are you crying, You didn't liked the ring" Stuart asked.

Nami hugged Stuart tightly and said while crying "Thank you, thank you Stuart-kun , I love you, I love you no matter how many women's you have in the future I won't leave you ever"

"Huh.. oh don't worry about that I won't ever let you leave me not in this life atleast since you have signed this paper" Stuart said as he got out of her hug and showed her the paper.

Nami was shocked when she saw that Stuart has already taken the paper from her as she checked her pocket and it wasn't there.

"Do you really need it now, and where are the 50 million berries you promised" Nami said.

"What are you talking about didn't I already gave you that and this paper is just an insurance don't worry about it" Stuart said.

"What where is it!? I can't see it" Nami asked.

"Isn't it in your hands Nami-chan" Stuart said as he pointed at her ring.

"What!?" Nami asked in surprise as she looked at her ring that Stuart has given her.

"Yes Nami-chan all the 50 million berries that I said I will give you is in that ring" Stuart said.

Nami looked at Stuart then at her ring then at Stuart and again at her ring and finally shouted "WHAT!?......"