Chapter 182

Lanjiang old street is an antique building developed in Xicheng District. The most famous one along the street is stinky tofu. There are ten shops and nine stinky tofu stalls in front of one street.

Ye Huanyan and Lu Shen spent a summer vacation eating truth at 26 stinky tofu stalls in the old street,

On the corner of West Street, grandma's stinky tofu is the cleanest, but on the East Street, uncle's stinky tofu is the most memorable.

The uncle next to the sugar gourd shop sells the most stinky tofu. The aunt next to the sausage shop likes to sprinkle coriander on the stinky tofu. She says she doesn't want it.

In addition to the cleanest point, which Lu Shen personally tested, ye Huanyan summed it up by himself. His indulgent stomach can't eat the food on the street at all. If he eats a little, he will have diarrhea, that is, the stinky tofu on the corner of West Street.

Now he mentioned the old street, and the memories came to his face, full of the breath of youth.

"Old street..." she murmured.

I haven't been there for about two years. I almost forget that there is such a place for recreation.

When he got there, Su Nianhua bought a box of stinky tofu with spicy sauce, sprinkled a handful of chopped coriander, took two bamboo sticks and handed them to ye Huanyan,

"Have a taste and evaluate the overall level of stinky tofu in the old street."

Ye Huanyan didn't want to disappoint him, so she tasted a piece of bamboo,

"How salty..."

"Yes? I'll try it. " Su Nianhua secretly took off the mask, tasted it, and then quickly put on the mask. He could see the chewing behind the mask.

He wrung his brow and hummed vaguely, "it's really salty..."

But because of the mask, I couldn't spit it out, so I had to frown and swallow it.

Ye Huanyan can't help laughing at his dumb way of eating Coptis.

Breeze blowing cheek, with a few strands of hair, brushing her eyelashes, let her slightly squint eyes, like the water of the two curved moonlight, bright and flawless.

Su Nianhua couldn't help looking crazy and lost his mind for a long time.

When ye Huanyan smelled the smell of stinky tofu, she suddenly felt sick. In front of her boss, she threw a box of stinky tofu into the garbage can, bent over and retched, attracting passers-by's eyes.

Her eyes moved, she said in a high voice,

"It's too bad. I'm going to vomit. It's true. Let's change. Let's go."

A few girls holding ten yuan to pay the bill immediately take back their hands and take a look at the boss. The boss's face is very blue. Looking at ye Huanyan's back, they almost blow them up as stinky tofu.

Su Nianhua stood beside him and said with a smile, "isn't it kind to tease the boss like this?"

"I'm really going to throw up. It's definitely not clean." Ye Huanyan waved, "let's change one."

Su Nianhua only took her as a joke, and she didn't take her food seriously.

At the end of the street, I can't find any stall here ten years ago, but there are many delicious stinky tofu, but I can't find back the feeling of that year.

The sky is getting dark, and there are more people in the old street. The street lights are gradually on, shining on the roadside stalls.

When I was a child, the joy that colorful headbands can bring seems to be gone forever.

There are many bars in the old street with brilliant decoration style. They are all Qingba bars. Ten years ago, ye Huanyan and Su Nianhua, two minors, were blocked outside the door. They could only stand outside and listen to the resident singer.

At the gate of "time" bar, ye Huanyan stopped to have a look,

"I want a drink."

Su Nianhua's eyes moved, "let's go, I'll accompany you."

It's a small bar with beer bottles on the walls,

On a red brick platform, standing wheat, a male singer with long hair and shawls gently plays the guitar. The pick sweeps across the string, mixed with the crisp guitar sound. The male singer is singing a folk song, thick and hoarse, very thick.

"My favorite girl, go far away with me, I will love you forever, you have to believe me..."

As soon as he was seated, the waiter came over with the wine list. Ye Huanyan took a look at Su Nianhua. There was something in his eyes that he wanted to recommend.

"Two tequila sunrises and a dessert"

Su Nianhua is very familiar with wine and seems to be familiar with bars.

It's also related to his experience of singing in bars abroad for so many years.

Ye Huanyan has never been to a bar. Even when she used to travel with her roommate and went to the seaside of Erh, which is famous for its beauty hunting, she has never stepped into those bars full of lights.

She likes the natural scenery more than the artificial excitement.

Two cups of tequila come up at sunrise, with dark blue as the background color. Up, it's orange with indistinct boundaries, and finally it's red. Just as at sunrise, half of the red sun rises from the beach.

"It's not deep, but a drink will do." Su Nianhua reminds a way. Ye Huanyan nodded and tasted it with a straw. It was sweet and the alcohol was very weak. It was more like a drink than a drink“ We've been around here before. I said that my family doesn't support me to play music. If I come out from home one day and have no money, what should I do? You'll take me here. " At that time, ye Huanyan vowed that there were hundreds of bars in one night, enough for them to eat several McDonald's. Thinking of this, Su Nianhua laughed, "as a result, because we were minors, we didn't even let in the door of the bar."“ It's because you're stupid... "Ye Huanyan interrupted him. He didn't have a good way." it's because you didn't go in. People asked you how old you were. You said 16. Can people let you in? " On that day, she specially told him to change into the casual suit he wore when he was in charge of the school anniversary. Before going to the bar, she took out the hair gel from her bag and smeared his bangs into a big back, which seemed a bit mature. As a result, when I got to the door of the bar, all the questions were revealed“ In fact, you didn't want to go in on purpose, did you Ye Huanyan holds his arm and looks at him with a smile. Su Nianhua raised her eyebrows and said, "it's a mess in the bar. At that time, I can't guarantee that I can take you out safely, so forget it."“ So it is. " Ye Huanyan is still smiling, "I remember that night when it rained outside, singing a song about rain in the bar. I can't remember the lyrics clearly, so I think it's very nice." The feelings of a girl are always poems. At that time, whether we were eating stinky tofu by the roadside or standing in the rain at the door of a bar, we all felt romantic in our hearts“ You wait for me Su Nianhua's eyes suddenly flow. He gets up and walks towards the resident singer. He lowers his head and whispers something to others. The man gives the guitar to him. The sound of the guitar is crisp and gentle, like the water of a stream passing over the rocks. As soon as Su Nianhua opened his mouth, he attracted the attention of the whole audience. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.