Chapter 671

Zhang Feng's behavior made the woman more embarrassed. After donating the money, she hurried away from the venue without daring to return.

Zhang Feng asked people to take everyone to the reception. He prepared champagne for everyone to enjoy. Zhang Feng packed everything and followed in a moment.

When we saw Zhang Feng's appearance, we all enthusiastically began to greet him, and some also took out their business cards. The move just now made everyone know him. We also saw that Yun Feiyang also respected him, and of course began to climb up the relationship.

Although everyone doesn't know the relationship between Zhang Feng and Yun Feiyang, this circle is like this. Everyone can see the color very well and is also very hypocritical.

Zhang Feng thanked everyone at the reception, and then met many dignitaries. Everything went well. After the reception, Zhang Feng found Yun Feiyang and thanked him again.

After the two said goodbye, the next day Zhang Feng had not got up on the phone, but he was on TV. Because of yesterday's charity auction, many reporters called him to interview him, but he refused one by one.

"I think you'd better accept an interview, otherwise everyone will be more curious about you. You can also use the power of the media to carry out love publicity to let more people know about poor villages."

Cheng Ye's words opened Zhang Feng's brain. He didn't want to appear in public. He thought it might not be a good idea. He didn't refuse when the reporter called again and arranged a time for an interview.

In the afternoon, Zhang Feng sorted himself out, and then began the interview. The place of the interview was where he lived, which was convenient for Zhang Feng.

"Why did you hold this charity auction?" the reporter looked at the questions in his book and asked Zhang Feng one by one. Then he patiently answered them one by one without any shelf.

The next day, Zhang Feng's story spread all over Baotou city. His interview was broadcast on TV in the streets. The sudden appearance of Zhang Feng was unknown in all fields.

Zhang Feng gave the raised funds a name called bee fund. Everyone began to guess and search the mystery of Zhang Feng's life experience. Soon, all his things have become transparent and completely become a big star of charity.

Zhang Feng doesn't know whether this is good or not, but he thinks it may also lead to the emergence of mysterious people, but he should be more careful.

Zhang Feng didn't have time to allocate these funds, and he didn't have the energy to get to know each village. It seemed that he had to find some help, so Zhang Feng came to Yun's house again.

Zhang Feng said his intention. Yun Feiyang directly called a young man who was about the same age as Zhang Feng and was gentle. Yun Feiyang handed over the matter to him. He was also a cloud family and called Yun Yao. Zhang Feng nodded to him, and Yun Yao immediately went out to help Zhang Feng handle these things.

Zhang Feng drank tea and chatted with him in yunfeiyang, waiting for Yunyao to come back. Soon, Yunyao came back with a young man.

"My name is ordinary. I am a newly graduated college student. Although I have no work experience, I will do all I can to help you." the young man frowned at Zhang Feng and Yun Feiyang. He must doubt his ability. He introduced himself. I'm afraid they don't have to help themselves.

"He said he was the only college student who came out of the village funded by Zhang Feng. In return, he must help Zhang Feng. I also investigated him. He is not very qualified, but he is very smart, so bring him back and let you decide." Yun Yao explained that he is not lack of ability, but he thinks ordinary is more suitable.

After all, ordinary people are also children from poor areas. They must know how to plan and use these funds. They also know more about the needs of poor mountainous areas.

After hearing this, Zhang Feng felt that Yunyao's idea was right, and then nodded. He accepted the ordinary. Looking at the ordinary in front of him wearing an old white shirt, Zhang Feng felt that the child was definitely the person he wanted to recruit.

Ordinary studies are completed by his own work study program. His family can't get a penny. After class every day, he uses his spare time to do some odd jobs. He is also very frugal in eating and drinking.

"While you go to investigate the poor villages, you go to various schools to find poor students like you, investigate and subsidize. There are also some children who are admitted to university and can't go to school due to poverty." Zhang Feng said his own idea and told Ping An that he must use the money again.

Ordinary nodding is like pounding garlic. He planned long ago that if he gets better in the future, he must help those poor children in the countryside.

This matter has come to an end, and Zhang Feng is relieved. Next, he will make more money. Now he has a greater responsibility.

Zhang Feng's phone calls these days have also been exploded. Many people don't call to introduce their children to him as girlfriends, or directly ask him to eat. He doesn't think it's necessary and politely refuses one by one, but these people finally catch a young talent like him. How can they let him go easily.

Just as they were having dinner, the housekeeper of the cloud family appeared in front of Yun Feiyang.

"Master, Miss Fan came to visit." the housekeeper also wondered. Fan Qingqing never came directly. What's the matter this time.

Yun Feiyang nodded directly and asked the housekeeper to bring her in. What's the girl doing here? I don't know what's famous one day.

"Uncle Yun, it's such a coincidence that I didn't eat. I'm starving." as soon as fan Qingqing came in, he quickly sat down and shouted to eat.

Yunfeiyang shook his head. The child didn't know when he would grow up. He always looked like a child. He ordered the housekeeper to add tableware.

"Let me introduce you. This is..."

"I know, Zhang Feng, right? I'm fan Qingqing." before Yun Feiyang finished his introduction, fan Qingqing stretched out his hand and began to introduce himself.

The people present are not surprised. Now who doesn't know him, Zhang Feng, is a freak.

After shaking hands with fan Qingqing, Zhang Feng continued to sit down for dinner and didn't talk to her again. Instead, fan Qingqing didn't say his intention at all and kept asking him this and that while eating.

Yunfeiyang saw the child's intention. It turned out that she came to Zhang Feng. No wonder, she can do anything. She's like a little madman one day.

After dinner, everyone chatted for a while. Zhang Feng was about to leave. Fan Qingqing immediately stood up and said goodbye. When she left the door, she asked Zhang Feng to take her back on the excuse that it was troublesome to take a taxi.

Zhang Feng was also embarrassed to refuse and directly agreed. On the way, fan Qingqing kept asking some questions that Zhang Feng didn't want to answer.

Suddenly a sudden brake, the car in front suddenly brake, Zhang Feng had to step on the brake immediately, but he still hit the car in front, but the collision was not serious.

Zhang Feng saw that there was nothing wrong with fan Qingqing next to him, so he opened the door and got off to see what happened to the car in front. Before Zhang Feng came to the driving position, a small man came down from the car. He seemed very nervous and hurried to the back of his car to have a look.

"You even dare to hit my car. Pay me quickly, or I'll pay for a new car." the man is unreasonable. Obviously his fault is still there for Zhang Feng to settle the claim.

Zhang Feng took out the phone and wanted to call the police directly to let the successor solve the matter. The man looked at his car back and forth. When he saw the co driver fan Qingqing, he smiled wickedly.

"It's OK not to let you compensate. Let the beauty in your car accompany me all night, and I'll let you go." the man shamelessly called fan Qingqing's idea.

Zhang Feng stopped his hand on the phone, frowned at the man, how he thought and how he wanted to smoke him. Fan Qingqing is also worried, but if Zhang Feng goes down, she doesn't need to be involved. There are things Zhang Feng can't solve.

Fan Qingqing looked at Zhang Feng frowning and looked at the short man smiling at her. She opened the door and got out of the car. She went to Zhang Feng and asked what was going on.

Zhang Feng didn't answer either. The short man went directly to fan Qingqing and hooked her chin with his hand.

"Niu, if I go with you, I won't let you lose. Is he your driver? He's dressed in black, and others think something's wrong at home." the man wants to highlight his sense of superiority, belittle Zhang Feng, and want to be too high in front of fan Qingqing.

Zhang Feng was going to say something, but fan Qingqing pinched his arm and motioned him not to speak.

"Brother, you are rich and powerful at first sight. How can you solve such a simple problem if you don't hit the car? Do you want to book a hotel first." fan Qingqing stepped forward, grabbed the man's shoulder and said charmingly beside him.

When the man heard the smile, he directly cracked to the back of his ear. He didn't expect the girl to be so open and really promised himself.

"What room do you open? How about going to my house directly." the man hugged fan Qingqing's waist and molded up and down back and forth.

Fan Qingqing dodged, turned back and untied the top button of his clothes to see one, and then lay on the door. The delicate milky white inside his shirt rippled out, which made the man's eyes straight.

Zhang Feng looked at everything in front of him and thought that the woman was crazy. It was incredible. He didn't understand what she was going to do, but Zhang Feng kept staring at fan Qingqing's rippling snow-white from a man's point of view.

Fan Qingqing went to the man, touched the man's neck, drew a circle on his chest, slowly spit out his mouth, and then the air blew his ears.

Men can't stand this stimulation at all. The logo below has been raised and supported very high.

"Why don't we just stay in the car? It's more exciting, isn't it?" the man touched fan Qingqing's waist and wanted to pull her into the car.

Fan Qingqing turned back and kicked the man's crotch directly while the man wasn't paying attention. The man cut the sky with a cry and fell directly to the ground.

"Our illegal parking also makes us lose money and want to eat my mother's tofu. This is your end." fan Qingqing muttered while kicking the fallen man in high heels.

When Zhang Feng saw fan Qingqing's move, he naturally reacted the same and blocked his lower body with his hand. In the scene just now, he was also slightly hot and dry. Where is this a woman? It's clearly a devil.

Fan Qingqing finally finished his evil spirit, and then went back to the car. Zhang Feng stayed where he was and looked at the black and blue man on the ground. He thought that if anyone married fan Qingqing, it would be equivalent to going to hell. At that moment, the man was probably abandoned. Zhang Feng thought secretly.

"Don't come back and drive. What are you looking at?" fan Qingqing looked at Zhang Feng standing still and called him directly from the driving window.

Zhang Feng heard the sound, quickly reacted, returned to the car, backed up and drove away.

Zhang Feng didn't dare to speak all the way. When fan Qingqing asked him a question, he didn't dare not answer. Who knows what bad tricks this crazy woman will have to deal with him.