Chapter 689

Zhang Feng ignored him, turned on the tap of the water heater directly, adjusted it to the highest problem, and poured water directly on the man.

The man was just washed by cold cold water and scalded by hot water. He immediately screamed in pain. Zhang Feng didn't care about his cry. As long as he remembered, Zhang Feng kicked him back.

The man began to beg for mercy. He was hot on the ground. Yun Feiyang thought Zhang Feng was crazy, too scary and cruel.

Zhang Feng turned off the water and watched the man curl up on the ground. He didn't know whether it was painful and trembling or because of stimulation. The skin on the man had blisters in some places and peeling in others, most of which were red.

"As long as you tell me what you know, I may be able to spare your life." Zhang Feng's face was expressionless. He couldn't let him die. At least he should know some news before he died.

The man raised his head and looked at Zhang Feng in front of him like a devil. Although he didn't have any expression, he felt that this was the most terrible. People with faces were like demons and could end his life at any time.

"I was just hired. The man gave me money and told me to do whatever I was told to do." the man said and turned his eyes.

Before he finished, Zhang Feng directly turned on the hot water and began to show it to him. The man couldn't stand the stimulation of the second high-temperature hot water and fainted directly.

Zhang Feng directly turned into cold water and began to rush into his face. The man woke up. He really wanted to die. That might be more pleasant.

"You kill me. Please kill me." the man whispered to Zhang Feng. He didn't want to be tortured like this.

"It's not so easy to want to die. I said if you didn't say it, I would make your life worse than death." Zhang Feng stood there motionless. He didn't want to be so fierce, but it was forced out by the mysterious man.

Yun Feiyang can't stand such a scene. He has gone out to smoke in the living room. Zheng Hu just frowns and stands by the door watching. He doesn't know what he's thinking.

Zhang Feng went to the man and wanted to double his pocket to see if there were any clues, but after turning it for a long time, there was only a picture of a wet glass of water. In addition to the man, there was a woman, which should be his girlfriend or wife.

Zhang Feng threw the standing film in front of the man and asked him to look at the picture. He saw that the man began to cry silently.

"If you don't want to implicate the woman in the picture, just say it directly, or I'll let her watch you suffer." Zhang Feng won't do that when he gets up. He always works alone and doesn't involve his family and friends, even if that person wants his life.

The man grabbed the picture with his hand and held it tightly in his hand, as if he could lose the woman in the picture as soon as he released it. He didn't speak, and then slowly got up and sat against the wall.

"Can you give me a cigarette?" the man said simply, just like turning on a lamp in the dark. Zheng Hu took out a cigarette without hesitation and lit it, and then handed it to the man.

"My name is Zhou Xing. I'm from Qingshi. Our Zhou family is also a big family in Qingshi. Although my surname is Zhou, I belong to the lowest level of the Zhou family. I just follow the little master. We do whatever he asks us to do. We often do shady things."

Zhou Xing said while smoking. Zhang Feng and Zheng Hu listened carefully, while Yun Feiyang came in without shouting.

From Zhou Xing's mouth, the one who killed them was not the little master at all, but the man with a higher status than Zhou Xing was the right hand of the little master. He was very dark and vicious. He did everything the little master asked him to do, so the little master of God liked it.

But Zhou Xing didn't know why he wanted the stone in Zhang Feng's hand. Every time they acted according to orders, they never asked them why. They were not qualified to know these secrets.

Zhang Feng felt that Zhou Xing was telling the truth this time, and he might have been suppressed for too long. He couldn't stop when he said it. He seemed to want to spit out everything he knew until it was clean.

Zhang Feng has asked Zheng Hu to check the Zhou family immediately and the city. Just give him the most detailed information. Zheng Hu turned around and went out directly.

"I know I'm useless to you. You can kill me, but you don't touch my girlfriend. This is my last request. I've told you everything I know." Zhou Xing sincerely prayed to Zhang Feng and hoped to give himself a good time.

Zhang Feng thought. It seems that he will catch big fish for a long time this time. He can't act rashly, or he will lose everything.

"Have you heard of the Zhou family in Qingshi? How much do you know?" Zhang Feng looked at Xiang Yunfei. He thought he had been in the mall for a long time and should have heard of it.

Yun Feiyang nodded and looked very dignified, but he didn't say anything.

"I'll keep your life, but it doesn't mean your life is still yours. When I finish everything, I'll naturally let you go. Of course, if you want to follow me, I want to see your loyalty." Zhang Feng has an idea, but I still need Zhou Xing in front of me.

Zhou Xing nodded, picked up the blade on the pool and cut it directly to his wrist. The blood gushed out in an instant. He looked at Zhang Feng firmly.

Zhou Xing used to be treated in an inhuman way in the Zhou family. He also knew the style of the Zhou family. Even if he went back, he would be dead. If he followed Zhang Feng, he could not only live, but also find back all the humiliations he had suffered before.

Since Zhang Feng can give him a chance, he certainly wants to express his loyalty, but he has no other way but to sacrifice his life to gain trust.

Zhang Feng saw Zhou Xing's wrist looking at the bleeding. He immediately took a towel and covered it for him. Then he picked him up and planned to drive him to the hospital.

"You are also smart enough to know that your life is not in your own hands. Just take your life and let me believe you. You can be so cruel to yourself. I believe you once. If you betray me, I won't be so kind and soft as today."

Zhang Feng felt that the people in front of him could be trusted for the time being. From his behavior, he should not make any big moves, but he should be on guard, just in case.

Zhang Feng sent Zhou Xing to the hospital to go through all the formalities, and then hurried home. As soon as he entered the house, he saw Zheng Hu sitting on the sofa waiting for him.

Zheng Hu, Zhang Feng came in and immediately handed him the information in his hand. This week's family was deeply rooted in the Qing City. They never thought that Zhang Feng already knew the black hand behind the scenes. They just waited for Zhang Feng to make all the arrangements.

It turned out that the Zhou family appeared to be serious businessmen, doing import and export business, but privately they were actually selling all kinds of smuggled goods, such as antiques, drugs and arms. As long as they could bring benefits to them, they would do anything.

Because the Zhou family is rigorous, they have never been found out, and their positive image is well maintained. In addition to being very rich, they have a wide range of contacts.

"I've actually heard of the Zhou family, but I knew they had a problem, so I refused all business contacts, so there were very few intersections. In the business world, some small and medium-sized enterprises didn't dare to provoke them because they were very cruel."

Yunfeiyang, who has been sitting on one side, suddenly opened his mouth. Unexpectedly, the strong enemy this time is the Zhou family. Their family is completely opposite to the Yun family. The Yun family has strict family education and no one does anything that violates the laws and regulations. The Zhou family only looks at interests and is very cruel and cunning.

The two families belong to a big family, and they are equal in financial resources. Once, the owner of the Zhou family didn't know where to know Yun Feiyang's phone and called directly to cooperate with him. After Yun Feiyang refused, the other party was very upset and sent someone to find him trouble, but he solved them all.

Zhang Feng and Zheng Hu listened to Yun Feiyang and determined the style of the Zhou family. Zhang Feng lit a cigar and smoked silently.

"We should know nothing at all. Don't leak any information and hide Zhou Xing. When the news comes out, it says that he died on the Sichuan Tibet line and his body was rolled down the hillside, and then I will arrange it freely." Zhang Feng told Zheng Hu and Yun Feiyang that he wants to release a long line to destroy the Zhou family first, and then deal with the owner of the Zhou family.

Both Yun Feiyang and Zheng Hu understood and nodded, but Yun Feiyang was still very worried that Zhang Feng's an Wei might die if he was bad.

"No matter what you do, I will support you, but your fight with the Zhou family is not like before. You must think more and be more careful." Yun Feiyang always feels his heart is at sixes and sevens. He doesn't know what to do, so he can only pay more attention to him silently.

Zhang Feng nodded, patted Yun Feiyang and Zheng Hu on the shoulder, reassured them, and then told them to rest, too. They had been tired for several days.

The next day, Zhang Feng called Zhu. He asked Zhu to find someone to hook up with the Zhou family, and then he would tell him what to do, and told Zhu that if the other party inquired about him, he would say he had a grudge against him.

Zhu hung up when he understood. He didn't understand what had happened, but Zhang Feng must have his reason for asking him to do so.

Zhang Feng wanted to go to the hospital to see Zhou Xing after calling. Yesterday, in addition to the wound on his wrist, he also had a lot of burns. Although it was not very serious, it would be very easy to be infected in such weather, and the hot area was relatively large.

Zhang Feng was just about to go out, but he found that there were words on the car glass. It was made by the people of the Zhou family. The content probably said that Zhang Feng was lucky this time, and there would be no place for him to die next time.

Zhang Feng looked around. Would there be people from the Zhou family around him and knew his whereabouts all the time? It seems that it is not difficult to find this person.

Zhang Feng didn't drive. He opened the door directly and went home again. He called Zheng Hu and asked Zheng Hu to find several people who were about the same size and height as him, and then took them directly to his house to have a look at him.

After a while, someone rang the doorbell. Zhang Feng didn't have to think about it. Zheng Hu was followed by four young people. They were almost the same height and shape as Zhang Feng.

"I want to find a substitute. It may be a little dangerous, but I will try to ensure your safety. The salary is calculated by day. I will choose two of the four of you. If you repent now, you can directly take the fare and leave."

Zhang Feng sat on the sofa, smoking a cigar and looking at the four people in front of him. Unexpectedly, Zheng Hu could find such accurate four people in a short time. He secretly admired Zheng Hu.

Several people didn't speak after listening to Zhang Feng, and no one left, and then waited for Zhang Feng's choice.

"You all introduce your career, and then imitate a favorite idol. Let me have a general look." Zhang Feng's double selection is the same as the draft. Zheng Hu is a little surprised. He doesn't know what Zhang Feng wants to do, but he thinks it must be bad.