Chapter 820

Zhang Feng and they all looked at the direction of the kitchen and waited for delicious food. Although the old woman was in her sixties, she was still very flexible. She was busy back and forth like she was not tired at all.

"Can you be a little promising? Looking at your eyes, it seems that you are going to eat the kitchen." Zheng Hu looked at everyone and felt very funny. They used to eat much better in the city than this. At that time, they didn't think it was delicious. Now it's just some home-made meals, which tortured these people like this.

Everyone was very embarrassed and embarrassed. They immediately took back their eyes. Everyone began to laugh. They hadn't smelled it for a long time, as if it was the last century.

Zhang Feng found that the yard was not only cleaned up very quickly, but the building was also very standard. However, they had not seen the male owner of the house for so long. They were not easy to ask. In case they died of illness or what happened, it would be very impolite to ask.

Just when Zhang Feng was still in a daze, the old woman appeared in front of them with a very large basin. She looked at everyone with a smile. It turned out that what she brought was the delicious food she prepared for them today. She put the basin on the table. Everyone's eyes fell into the basin and didn't want to move away for a second.

The old woman put down her food and ran back to the kitchen. She took out a basin of soup and put it on the table. Then she signaled that everyone could eat it.

It turned out that what the old woman made for Zhang Feng was a pot of chicken, but the soup was still mutton soup. Everyone saw the old woman motioning that they could eat, and then began to wolf down regardless of the appearance.

Zhang Feng felt that this was very bad, so he coughed twice and signaled everyone to stop. After all, the owner had not moved his chopsticks. They were so impolite. Although he could understand everyone's mood, they had to say thank you for disturbing people like this.

Everyone stopped and looked at Zhang Feng. He motioned to everyone with his eyes, so they understood what he meant and stood up to salute the old woman to thank her.

The old woman was very kind. She looked at everyone with a smile and motioned for everyone to eat quickly. Although they didn't know the language, they could still understand the emotion in their eyes.

Everyone didn't sit down immediately. They looked at Zhang Feng one after another, and Zhang Feng nodded. Then they quickly sat down, bowed their heads and began to eat.

"Why is there no male host, only the old woman living alone?" Zhang Feng asked the mute while eating. The mute can bring them to this place, which shows that they have known each other for a long time and are familiar with each other.

The mute looked at Zhang Feng and wrote it directly on the table. After reading it, Zhang Feng felt very incredible. The content written by the mute was that there were no men in the village. How could this be possible? How could there be no men to reproduce? He had never seen any village without a man.

The mute nodded to show that what he said was true. It seems that Zhang Feng's expression doesn't know what's wrong with him. They are not in the mood to know that now. They just want to eat.

"Don't eat too much. Don't kill yourself. You're so surprised what the mute wrote." Zheng Hu ate some and ate almost. He stopped his chopsticks. After all, they had been in the desert for so long. If they ate so much at once, they would be unbearable. He saw that Zhang Feng's expression was wrong, so he hurriedly asked him.

Zhang Feng didn't know what to say. Seeing that everyone was eating without listening, he shook his head and planned to tell you this strange thing later.

After a while, everyone ate all the food in the basin. One by one, they couldn't move. They really ate too much.

"You greedy ghosts, tell you not to eat so much. Zheng Hu looked at everyone and laughed. They could hardly move and sat in place with their stomachs.

Zhang Feng told them the news he had just received from the mute to see if they had heard of such a thing. After listening to it, everyone thought Zhang Feng was joking, but looking at his serious eyes, he knew that what he said was true.

"This is absolutely impossible. It violates nature and science. Just now we went into the village and saw children. Is it difficult that these children were born by these women?" Zhai Jing directly opposed Zhang Feng's words. In her research, both humans and animals need females and males to reproduce together.

They all turned their eyes to the mute and waited for the mute to give them the answer. The mute knew what everyone thought. At first, he didn't believe it, but he turned around the whole village and didn't find a man.

Later, the old woman took him to a place like a temple and pointed to the water inside. He watched a woman drink the water there with his own eyes. Finally, she really gave birth to a daughter after a year. Later, he had to believe it.

Dumb people kept writing on the table. After reading it, they could not help thinking of the daughter country in the story. Is this the legendary daughter country.

Zhang Feng said the conclusion in his heart, and the mute nodded in agreement. Their discovery may become a mystery in the world.

"Can you take me later and I'll take some water back to study." Zhai Jing has been completely attracted by the water here. She must be mute and take her to get water.

The mute shook his head and refused. Then he continued to write on the table. It turned out that almost no one would come here. They have always lived like this. For hundreds of years, the mute was the first foreigner in their village. He had no way to bring Zhang Feng and them.

The villagers don't want anyone to know or study the secret of the village. There are no signs on the map, so few people can get here.

Zhai Jing doesn't give up and lowers her head. She thinks of a way in her heart and wants to explore it secretly. How can she give up such an amazing feat.

After they had a good meal, the mute took them to the room assigned just now and let them rest. Everyone washed, then lay quietly in the room and began to sleep. Their sleep was particularly sweet, and they didn't have to worry about external dangers.

While they were all asleep, Zhai Jing secretly walked out of the village by herself. She walked carefully around the village, looking back and forth for the temple that the mute said.

Finally, when Zhai Jing was about to leave the village, she saw a different building. The house was different from that in the village. It should be the place she was looking for.

Zhai Jing sneaked into the temple and found that there was no one inside. Then she turned back and forth in it. She didn't know a statue enshrined in the middle of the temple and had never seen it. Anyway, it doesn't matter. He saw a big jar under the statue and a slow jar of water in it.

Zhai Jing quickly took out the bottle she took with her. This is the sacred water in the mouth of the villagers. She filled the bottle. When she was about to close the lid, there were many people behind her. She turned and startled her.

Zhai Jing knows that things are bad, but there are no other doors around. The door when she came in has been blocked by the villagers.

Among these women, a woman came out, looked at the bottle in Zhai Jing's hand, stared at her fiercely, and then said something. She didn't understand. Then many people caught her.

Zhai Jing could have settled it with them by force, but she deserved it first. If she hurt them again, it would be more unclear.

The villagers took Zhai Jing to a place like a small square, tied her to a column, and they began to take out some musical instruments to play.

Zhai Jing was really frightened by such a scene. I don't know what the villagers wanted to do, why they tied her up and played musical instruments. The villagers kept turning around her and finally stopped slowly.

Zhang Feng and them were still asleep. The old woman suddenly came in and pushed them. They slowly woke up and thought it was dawn, but it was still dark outside. The old woman waved her hand to them to follow her.

Everyone put on their shoes and hurried out of the room with the old woman. Looking at the old woman's worried look, they analyzed that something must have happened, otherwise it would be impossible to call them up in the dark.

Zhang Feng and others followed the old woman and came out of the yard. After a while, they found a bright light, which should look like a lot of people. Is it a party? It's a little too late at this time.

After they walked over, they found Zhai Jing tied to a wood from a distance. Deng Liang was worried at first sight. He immediately wanted to rush up, but Zhang Feng stopped him.

Zhang Feng looked at the mute and wanted to know what was going on. After reading it, the mute seemed very anxious. He squatted on the ground and began to write.

Zhang Feng looked at the content written by the mute and knew that they were preparing for punishment. Which one should be the most severe? Only those who made a big mistake use such punishment.

Deng Liang also saw the content written by the mute, so he immediately asked if there was any way to save Zhai Jing. The mute looked at everyone and was very embarrassed. Finally, he pulled over the old woman and kept gesticulating with her. Finally, the old woman nodded and motioned them to wait here.

The old woman hurried to the crowd, and then knelt down directly to the man who looked like the leader, and then gave a big gift all the time. She didn't know what to say.

Those village names were inspired by the old woman's words. They must be pleading for Zhai Jing. It seems that the old woman's personnel are still good. After a while, they let Zhai Jing go and looked at Zhang Feng's direction.

The old woman quickly waved and let them out. Zhang Feng took them out slowly. I don't know what they are going to do next. I hope it won't be a bad thing.

The old woman looked at the mute and kept talking. After hearing this, the mute also looked at Zhang Feng and they didn't know how to tell them.

Zhang Feng was very anxious and hoped that the mute could tell them what the villagers said. The mute knew Zhang Feng's thoughts and wrote on the ground. Zhang Feng shook his head directly after reading it. It's impossible. They can't leave anyone behind.

It turned out that the only exchange condition for releasing Zhai Jing was to leave a man among them, so that they might have a boy in the future, but Zhang Feng could not accept their condition. It was necessary to release Zhai Jing, and it was impossible to leave a man.

Zhang Feng asked the mute to tell them that it was impossible to do so. Didn't the man left become a stallion? How could he accept such a thing.

The mute understood Zhang Feng's meaning, and then began to compete with the old woman. After the competition, the villagers laughed, turned and left. The old woman also took Zhang Feng and them home.

Zhang Feng didn't understand how the villagers could let them go so easily. He pulled the mute and asked what the mute told them.