Chapter 822

After Zhang Feng and Zheng Hu finished everything, they lowered their hats and went straight out of the private room. They went out of the hall and walked back and forth in the corner, and then they could see how many people there were.

Zhang Feng motioned Zheng Hu to patrol inside to see if there were any of these people. He carefully checked to see if there were any other potential safety hazards.

Zheng Hu swaggered inside, and then turned back and forth inside. Zhang Feng was afraid of being seen. He went directly to one of the hostages and kicked him on the ground. Because he saw that the man was taking out his cell phone and was afraid of being seen by other criminals, he kicked him directly.

Zhang Feng walked back and forth in front of the hostages. He was also protecting the hostages. After a while, Zheng Hu came back, nodded to Zhang Feng, and then signaled that he was safe.

Zhang Feng went to the opposite side and kept looking at the hostage gangster, indicating that Zheng Hu was ready to start. The two gangsters had not paid attention to Zhang Feng and Zheng Hu, but when they asked them to start, two gangsters came back with explosives in their hands, and then went directly to the hostage next to them and tied the bomb to the hostage.

After the two gangsters finished, they went directly to Zhengfeng and said something to the two gangsters in front of them. Zhang Feng and Zheng Hu couldn't understand what they said, except that they laughed after they finished.

They patted Zhang Feng and Zheng Hu on the shoulder and seemed to share the joy with them, but they didn't understand, so they stood there awkwardly with their heads down.

One of the gangsters felt very suspicious when he saw their actions, so he stopped smiling and directly raised the faces of Zhang Feng and Zheng Hu. They were very surprised when they saw two strange faces, so they quickly got on alert and asked them what they were doing.

As soon as Zhang Feng and Zheng Hu saw that they had been exposed, they hurried to the private room. As soon as they turned around, the gangsters began to shoot at them. Zhang Feng pushed Zheng Hu aside, and then the bullet passed directly through his arm. He didn't stop and continued to run.

Zhang Feng shouted Zheng Hu and asked him to hide quickly. Then he ran quickly. There were several gunshot wounds on his body, but it didn't matter. While he ran, those gunshot wounds healed with the speed that his eyes could see.

Zhang Feng ran to a corner and stopped. If he wanted to attack these people closely, he had to do so first. He believed that Deng Liang and they must be nearby. He was more than enough to deal with these people alone, but they had to deal with the guns in their hands first.

The gangsters didn't stop. They were still running fast when they reached the transfer position. Zhang Feng stretched out a leg and tripped the gangsters who rushed over directly. Before these gangsters got up, he jumped up and stepped on the gangsters.

Zheng Hu and Deng Liang rushed over immediately and subdued the gangsters, but because they didn't understand what the gangsters said and didn't know how many gangsters there were, it seemed that they had to act separately.

Zhang Feng asked Deng Liang to take several gangsters to a private room, then tied them up, and let Deng Liang and Zhai Jing watch them here. Don't let them escape again.

Zhang Feng asked Wang Yu to change his clothes and go out with them to find out if there were any remaining gangsters. They searched room by room and checked every corner to see if there were any bombs. There was no one in the front hall. He asked Zheng Hu to remove all the bombs tied to people.

Zhang Feng finally found all the rooms, but he just didn't find the remaining person. The number they just said is not these at all. There must be others. Zhang Feng saw that there was a door next to the last room, like a bathroom. Would it be in the bathroom.

Zhang Feng approached the bathroom carefully. He heard a voice inside, a woman's cry and a man's panting. After listening for a long time, he thought it must be bad. He slowly walked into the bathroom and found that in a toilet compartment, a man didn't wear pants.

Under the man is a woman. He grabs the woman's hair rudely and gallops back and forth on her, regardless of the woman's cry and begging for mercy. This should be rape. Zhang Feng hates such people most. The men who bully women are not good people.

Zhang Feng walked slowly. The other party didn't find his arrival and was still torturing the woman. Zhang Feng grabbed the man's hair directly. It can be seen from the clothes on his upper body that he was the last gangster he was looking for.

The man didn't know what had happened and shouted loudly, but Zhang Feng couldn't understand what he said, but it was definitely not good. Zhang Feng threw him directly on the ground and kicked him in the man's stomach.

Zhang Feng didn't stop. He continued to wave his fist back and forth on him. Finally, he didn't stop until the whole person was angry and fainted.

Zhang Feng took off his clothes and gave it to the woman. After the woman was dressed, he took her and the fainting man back to Deng Liang's room. He asked Zhaijing to take good care of the woman, and then kicked it in the crotch of the fainting man. He didn't go out until he heard the crisp sound of the doctor

Just as Zhang Feng was about to go out, he was greeted by a sudden attack. He looked at the man who attacked him. He turned out to be a woman wearing a leather coat. Before Zhang Feng asked her questions, he rushed directly at him.

The woman's skill is very good and the speed is very fast, but her strength is still far worse than that of Zhang Feng. Zhang Feng thought that this woman should be the leader of these gangsters, otherwise she couldn't appear at last. Zhang Feng didn't show mercy. He punched the woman in the stomach, directly flew the woman out and hit the wall.

The woman covered her stomach. She looked at Zhang Feng with very fierce eyes, then tried to stand up and wanted to attack Zhang Feng again.

Zhang Feng didn't want to waste time with her. He grabbed the woman's hair directly, and then pulled her hair to Zheng Hu. Zhang Feng checked that there was no danger, so he opened the door of the hotel and asked the hostages to go out quickly.

After the hostages were rescued, they all thanked Zhang Feng one after another. Zhang Feng ignored them, went out directly and said a word to the head of the armed police outside, and then rushed in. Many armed police followed Zhang Feng behind.

After Zhang Feng handed over the criminals to the armed police, they ended the battle, and then wanted to take Zheng Hu and them to leave the hotel and return to the hotel to rest. However, as soon as they reached the door, they were stopped. The people who stopped them were not the armed police or the rescued hostages, but many journalists.

The flash flashed back and forth in front of Zhang Feng and them. Zhang Feng immediately covered his face and didn't want to be photographed by those reporters. In this way, he would be famous, but at the same time, it would lead to death. If the gangsters knew that he defeated these people, they would secretly find him in trouble.

Zhang Feng and Zheng Hu quickly left the scene, but what he didn't know, someone had followed them for a long time, and took a lot of photos along the way. They went back to the hotel and hurried back to their rooms. He also ordered that if there was nothing, everyone should try to find their own rooms elsewhere.

After Zhang Feng returned to the room, he immediately changed his clothes and took a bath. He didn't feel so relaxed for a long time. He opened a bottle of wine and sat down on the sofa and drank.

Zhang Feng was embarrassed to take the banner and asked them to sit down, but they were followed by a lot of reporters. Is this an official reporter.

"This is a reporter?" Zhang Feng pointed to the reporters behind them and asked the person headed by him. He didn't want to accept any interview. He had already made a big tree to attract the wind, and there must be another enemy exposed.

The leader smiled embarrassed and explained to Zhang Feng that this was their official reporter and would not report indiscriminately, that is, simply ask a few questions.

Zhang Feng shook his head. No matter which unit the other party is from, he doesn't want to be interviewed. He can accept the reward, but he doesn't have to show up.

The captain was also very embarrassed to see Zhang Feng. Finally, he could only let the reporter go out first, but the reporter had already secretly taken the photos. As long as there were their names and photos, he was not afraid of no report.