Chapter 926

Zhang Feng said to the gangster, "I didn't hear what you said before. Can you say it again? Who is in charge of this street?" Zhang Feng grabbed his collar and lifted him up with one hand. The gangster was too scared to beg for mercy with Zhang Feng: "brother, I'm sorry, I have no eyes. I'm wrong."

Brother has the final say, "brother entertain an angel unawares." I said, "big brother, I was wrong. After this street, you decide, we listen to you. You have the final say. I have eyes to see Tai mountain."

Zhang Feng patted his face with his hand and said, "there's no next time." then he called Wang Yu and said, "call the police." at this time, all the gangsters who came out to help came to beg for mercy: "brother, please be kind. I don't know what happened. I'm going to be caught. My family will drive me out of the house."

Zhang Feng saw that several of them were only in their teens and twenties. He couldn't bear to catch them all. At that time, he had to suffer. Zhang Feng said to them, "don't fool around outside in the future, be a good man, and hurry back." those people thanked Zhang Feng again and again and ran away in a swarm.

Zhang Feng grabbed the head, "you don't want to run." he asked Wang Yu to call the police directly. Soon the police came and took the gangster away.

Zhang Feng looked back at Song Manman and sat on the side of the road. Zhang Feng walked over and asked, "how about going home when you wake up." Song Manman has been awake for a long time. She was frightened to see Zhang Feng fighting in front and being hurt by others.

Zhang Feng pulled song Manman up and said to Wang Yu, "send her back, tiger. You drive my car, we'll go back first." Zhang Feng gasped, and the injury on his back began to hurt.

At this time, song Manman hugged Zhang Feng. Zhang Feng couldn't help but cry, "ah". Song Manman just met the wound on his back. Song Manman buried his head in Zhang Feng's chest and cried, "I'm sorry, I've bothered you again and hurt you. I really didn't mean it. Zhang Feng is sorry."

Song Manman's heart is full of guilt at the moment, but her feelings for Zhang Feng are deeper. Zhang Feng took her hand away and said, "you're not sorry for me. What's really wrong? You're sorry for your parents and yourself. Don't go out drinking alone in the future. I can smell the loneliness of your lonely city girl across the street."

Song Manman looked at Zhang Feng and joked with her. He felt more guilty. Zhang Feng really didn't have the strength to be angry with her. He said, "go back and have a rest early. I hope you can be normal next time, or it's good when I first met you." Zhang Feng said the truth. Song Manman changed unconsciously. She was very cold and arrogant for a while, After drinking and getting drunk, song Manman, who used to be knowledgeable and reasonable, disappeared.

Song Manman didn't say anything. He got into Wang Yu's car, looked at Zhang Feng through the window, waved to Zhang Feng and shouted, "Zhang Feng, I owe you. Bye." Zhang Feng didn't wake up until she was drunk.

Zheng Hu saw that the wound on Zhang Feng's back was very cracked. He hurriedly said, "maybe we need stitches. Let's go to the hospital. San'er, hold brother Feng and we'll take him to the hospital."

When he came to the hospital, the doctor saw that he really wanted to sew a needle. When he cleaned Zhang Feng's wound, the doctor said, "there may be some pain. Bear it." then he began to clean the wound and disinfect it. Zhang Feng clenched his teeth and beaded sweat trickled down his forehead.

After the doctor finished disinfection, he began to sew the needle. While sewing the needle, he said, "you young people always fight and don't think about the consequences before playing. Look, if it's scratched on the face, it won't disfigure." the doctor handled the wound for Zhang Feng quickly, ordered some precautions, and prescribed some anti-inflammatory and anti tetanus drugs for Zhang Feng, Zhang Feng, they left the hospital.

When he got home, Zhang Feng didn't dare to go back first. When his parents saw him like this, they didn't worry about death. They came directly to the opposite side. Wang Yu had come back. Zhang Feng asked him, "have you sent it back?"

"Send it to her door. I watched her go in. Don't worry." Wang Yu replied. As soon as Huang Weiwei saw that they were OK, Zhang Feng was injured and said, "it must be bad for song Manman to meet her every time." Zhang Feng agreed with this sentence. Zhang Feng cleaned here, changed a suit of Wang Yu's clothes and slipped back through the back door.

Zhang Feng slept on his stomach all night and dared not move. When he got up the next day, his eyes were blue. Zhang Feng found a pair of sunglasses and put them on. It was OK. I couldn't see it. Zhang Feng spent a week wearing sunglasses. Every time his mother asked him, he fooled around under the pretext of the sun outside.

Early that morning, Su Ming called and said that it was clear. Zhang Feng didn't delay for a moment. He immediately drove to the store. Su Ming was just waiting for him in the store. At first glance, he is also wearing sunglasses. He is very handsome.

"What's the situation?" Zhang Feng asked anxiously before he sat down. Su Ming asked Zhang Feng to sit down and said, "this Yayu pavilion has been open here for a year. Business is good and there is no holiday with us. It's just that the two people you asked me to check have some problems. Later, I inquired. These two people seem to have nothing to do with Yayu Pavilion on the surface, but they are really fishy behind the scenes."

"They sell some cheap antiques to tourists in the retail market. They say they are in urgent need of money at home and sell them cheaply. They are all old handicrafts, and they pick up tourists. They hang around in the retail market all day. In fact, all the things come from Yayu Pavilion, but the things sold on the surface of Yayu pavilion are good things. There is no big problem. They don't know secretly." Su Ming and Zhang Feng said.

As soon as Zhang Feng heard this, the two people obviously broke the order of the Grand View Garden, which was good. At that time, when tourists go back to identify whether something is fake, it will have a great impact on their reputation and reputation of the Grand View Garden.

Zhang Feng said, "you find these two people and take them to Mingyan hall. I'll invite the elders of Mingyan hall now." Zhang Feng said and called he Xuan: "you ask your cousin to pull things outside the Grand View Garden and listen to me at any time." he Xuan didn't expect Zhang Feng to be so efficient.

Mingyan hall is a place similar to the Commercial Committee of shops in the Grand View Garden. It was jointly managed by Mr. Li, Mr. Bai and Mr. Zhou. At that time, the Grand View Garden was prosperous, and there were few intrigues and things that could not be seen. Later, Mr. Li died, Mr. Bai was seriously ill, and Mr. Zhou gradually stopped asking about these things.

Moreover, the annual fee paid by those who come to do business is that Mingyan hall is used to support a group of people. They work specially for the managers of Mingyan hall. On weekdays, Mingyan hall does not open the door. It can only open the door when important things are important for people to enter, not merchants. They can only watch at the door from a distance.

Originally, the three close friends were entrusted by everyone to manage these things and give everyone a fair word when there are important things. Now, Mr. Zhou is also tired. There are no big things in recent years, and Mr. Zhou has come less. So later, some people who came to Daguan garden to do business just heard of it and don't know where the famous speech hall is, Some of them don't even know.

In the past few years since Zhang Feng left China, it has gradually become a thing of the past, a legend and a name in the Grand View Garden. Now he comes back with a low profile, which many people don't know. Now he can only convince everyone by asking Yan Lao to solve the matter.

Zhang Feng drove to the place where Zhou Lao lived. It was a villa area in the community. The modern villa area was built into an antique courtyard by Zhou Lao. The whole yard was surrounded by bamboo sea, and an antique door was designed. Zhang Feng rang the doorbell. After a while, someone came to open the door. There was only one crack. Someone asked, "who? Who are you looking for?"

Zhang Feng replied politely, "is Mr. Zhou at home?" the man only replied, "Mr. Zhou doesn't see a guest." so he closed the door.

Zhang Feng quickly pushed the door and said, "please tell Mr. Zhou that Zhang Feng has come to see him. I'll wait at the door." then he released his hand pushing the door. After the man closed the door, Zhang Feng quietly waited outside the door.

After a while, the door opened and the man said, "please come in." Zhang Feng went in. Old Zhou was still so neat and clean. Zhang Feng once ran errands for old Bai. He marveled at old Zhou's attainments in the garden. He took care of dozens of square meters of vivid and vivid, which was not lost to the big garden at all.

Zhang Feng went up the steps. There was a large porcelain jar under the eaves of the door. There were several red Koi swimming in it. Zhang Feng opened the door and went in. The person who opened the door said, "Mr. Zhou is in the study on the second floor. Please go up."

Zhang Feng went to the study on the second floor. Mr. Zhou was writing. Mr. Zhang Feng didn't dare to disturb him. He quietly stood aside and watched Mr. Zhou finish writing the word at one go. It was the words "good virtue and good fortune". After Mr. Zhou finished writing, he put his pen aside and saw that Mr. Zhang Feng had come in.

"Hahaha, it's Xiao Feng. Why did you think of coming to see me today?" Mr. Zhou still likes to joke and has a strong laugh. It seems that Mr. Zhou has been in good health in recent years. Zhang Feng said: "Mr. Zhou, I haven't seen you for a long time. I haven't been able to see you in China for some time. It's my fault."

Mr. Zhou waved his big hand, "you young people, it's time to work hard. It's not easy for you these years. Of course, you've made some achievements. I've heard about you. It's good. Don't forget your original heart. Mr. Bai didn't mistake you at the beginning."

Zhang Feng bowed his head in shame when he heard Zhou Lao say so. Zhou Lao said, "come on, what's the matter today? You're a busy man now. You can't go to the three treasures hall without anything." if Zhou Lao didn't ask, Zhang Feng was really embarrassed to speak.

Zhang Feng told the story of Yayu Pavilion, and old Zhou was even more angry when he heard it. "These smelly boys really think that we old people are dead and sick, and there are no people in the Grand View Garden who can speak. It's nonsense."

When Zhang Feng saw that Mr. Zhou was angry, he quickly said, "don't be angry, Mr. Zhou. I just want to invite you to go over and help me clean up these malignant tumors. I really neglected the Grand View Garden during this time, which will cause this kind of adverse impact. I will try my best to recover the misunderstanding of people outside us."

Once, when Zhou Laobai was with them, the Grand View Garden was indeed a school of integration and had an excellent atmosphere. Unexpectedly, in recent years, it was polluted by these mercenary people. Zhou Laobai sighed and said to Zhang Feng, "you know, since Lao Li left, Lao Bai didn't remember me at all, and I lost my energy."

"I don't know how many years I can live. My old friends have left me one after another. Now I don't want to worry about some messy things. I feed fish, plant flowers and write every day. It's good, but Xiaofeng, you have to take this responsibility. The Grand View Garden belongs to all of us and depends on everyone to maintain it." Zhou Laoyu said with a long focus.

Zhang Feng nodded again and again, "what you said is very true. I didn't want to bother you. I really have no choice. I hope you can help me."

Old Zhou stood up and said to Zhang Feng, "don't worry. If you can come to me today, it means you still pay attention to me, a bad old man, and you respect me. I can't let go and let these bastards destroy the rules handed down by the older generation." old Zhou stood up, took something out of the cabinet and kicked it in his pocket and went out with Zhang Feng.