Chapter 1044

Zhang Feng and Zheng Hu also work very hard on the cliff. There are very few places to settle on the cliff, which is not only challenging their physical strength, but also their wisdom. They should take good care of their foot points in advance and design a series of actions in their mind. If there is one less link in heavy armor, they may not be able to move on.

Zhang Feng and Zheng Hu have been covered with sweat. After climbing for more than 20 meters, Zheng Hu has rested several times. Zhang Feng is obviously better. His progress can be much better and faster than Zheng Hu. Both of them have moved forward for a period of time. Zheng Hu obviously began to overdraft, and his arms and legs began to tremble.

Zhang Feng asked Zheng Hu to slow down. Don't worry. He can hold on. He doesn't have to catch up with him all the time. Zheng Hu doesn't want to fall behind. He has stopped in place and began to breathe. He will rest and climb. Zhang Feng has fallen more than 20 meters behind him.

It took them more than an hour to climb half the distance. The short 100 meters made people feel like tens of thousands of meters. Zhang Feng occasionally looked back at Zheng Hu and continued to climb.

Just when Zhang Feng climbed to two-thirds, Zheng Hu accidentally didn't grasp it firmly, but he fell down directly. He grabbed it carelessly, but it was of no use at all. Zhang Feng looked down nervously when he heard the voice, while Deng Liang was more nervous. When he heard the voice of Zheng Hu outside, he grabbed a rock in the hole with both hands, and Huang Weiwei and they helped to pull the rope quickly.

Zheng Hu thought that he might really die on the cliff this time. He forgot that he was still firmly tied with a rope around his waist. After a free fall of more than 20 meters, the rope around his waist almost suffocated him, and he hung in mid air.

As soon as Zhang Feng saw that Zheng Hu's life was in danger, he continued to climb. Deng Liang immediately pulled Zheng Hu and wanted to pull him up. When they pulled Zheng Hu up, all sides of the station almost climbed up. When he reached the top of the cliff, he looked around and found that they should be a long distance from the place where he had entered the cave.

Zhang Feng lay on the ground and began to breathe heavily. He was also tired. He had not been so tired for so long. It was very rare. After he had a good rest, he immediately stood up and began to find a place to tie the rope to a place that could support him.

Zhang Feng untied the rope from his waist and tied it to a big stone behind him. After he finished everything, he shouted loudly at the cliff line.

Zheng Hu and they received the signal, so they first planned to let Huang Weiwei go up first. After all, it was such a woman that women had priority. But at this time, Du Tianhou, like a wolf dog, didn't let Huang Weiwei go up first. He said that he must be the first and he was the wounded. If he wasn't allowed to go up first, no one would plan to go up.

Zheng Hu wanted to hit Du Tianhou, but Huang Weiwei immediately pulled Zheng Hu apart, untied the rope around her waist and threw it to Du Tianhou. Du Tianhou grabbed the rope and immediately asked Du Xiaobin to tie it up. After trying and trying, she felt it was firm, so she pulled the rope hard.

Zhang Feng began to pull up hard. It took more than ten minutes to pull Du Tianhou up. After Du Tianhou came up, he immediately began to laugh, then untied the rope around his waist and began to lie on the ground to rest.

Zhang Feng threw the rope down again, and then kept pulling the people below up, but Du Tianhou had been lying on the ground and didn't come to help at all. Zhang Feng was exhausted, covered with sweat and green veins.

After Huang Weiwei was pulled up, she looked contemptuously at Du Tianhou, and then let Zhang Feng rest for a while before continuing. Zhang Feng shook his head and threw the rope down again. Huang Weiwei helped him pull the rope up together.

After an hour, the people below had landed safely. Everyone lay on the ground and began to breathe fresh air. Zhang Feng was tired and fell to the ground. He was really exhausted. Everyone was very happy. They were ready to rest in place and find the place where they went in.

They have nothing to eat. They can only wait for a good rest. After they recover their strength, they hurry to meet Yun Feiyang. As long as they find Yun Feiyang, they can go back.

When everyone was almost rested, Zhang Feng told everyone to get up and start quickly, so as not to let them continue to lie on the ground. If they don't start now, they won't have the strength to look for them when they sleep over.

Although everyone was very reluctant, they all listened to Zhang Feng's orders and got up ready to continue on their way, but Du Tianhou was still lying on the ground and seemed to have fallen asleep.

Zheng Hu directly went over and kicked Du Tianhou and told him to get up quickly. Du Tianhou also woke up immediately, but he was very impatient.

"You're fucking sick. You didn't see me sleeping. It's hard to come out and sleep safely for a while, and you woke up his mother." Du Tianhou began to scold when he woke up. Everyone didn't expect that he should cross the river and tear down the bridge. Just now he was kneeling and kowtowing in the cave. He wasn't him after he came out.

"If you go with us, get up now. If you don't go, we'll go first. You're free." Zhang Feng only promised not to leave him alone in the cave, but he has no obligation to protect him all the time. Anyway, he has reached a safe place on the ground. What does he like.

Zheng Hu had planned to teach the white eyed wolf a good lesson after listening to Du Tianhou's words, but Zhang Feng grabbed him, turned around and took them to find the direction. After finding the direction, they began to move forward, leaving Du Tianhou alone to complain.

"Such a person should let him go to see Lord Yan early, or waste air and waste land. He really shouldn't pull him up." Zheng Hu also held his breath and wanted to throw Du Tianhou under the cliff when he went back now.

Zhang Feng didn't say anything. Now the purple gold glazed box is in his hand. They don't know what it is. They immediately find Yun Feiyang, which is the most important thing.

They insisted on walking for about two hours. Even if they were tired, they didn't have a rest. Finally, when everyone was about to walk, they saw the fire and tent. It seems that there is cloud flying in front. There must be nothing wrong.

Zhang Feng and them quickened their pace and finally supported themselves to the tent. Yun Feiyang and Zhai Jing were cooking. Unexpectedly, Zhang Feng and them came back from behind them. They were also frightened.

"How did you come back from that direction? How could you go in so long? I'm afraid you can't get out." Yun Feiyang asked Zhang Feng while patting his frightened heart.

Zhang Feng didn't have the time to answer his questions. They immediately sat down and began to eat. In minutes, the newly cooked cans had been swept away by them. They obviously didn't have enough to eat. They hurriedly asked Zhaijing if she had any.

Zhai Jing looked at them one by one like starving ghosts who had not eaten. She immediately brought them food. Zhang Feng wolfed down something and finally stopped after burping contentedly.

"I think the happiest moment of my life is now." Zheng Hu lay aside after eating, his face full of happiness. He felt sleepy immediately after he was full, and then he went to sleep.

It seems that Yun Feiyang and Zhai Jing haven't reacted from this embarrassing situation. When they react, they have all fallen to the ground and slept. Only Zhang Feng remains awake.

"My God, what did you experience in it and how did you torture you like this? It's incredible. I've never seen you so embarrassed, and the grandson surnamed Du died in it." Yun Feiyang wants to ask all the questions at one time, and then wait for Zhang Feng to answer.

Zhang Feng didn't want to say anything. He directly handed the purple gold glazed box to Yun Feiyang, and then motioned him not to talk. He found a place to sleep.

Zhai Jing looks at Yun Feiyang. They stay where they are. They can only ask questions after they wake up. They cook food again. After eating, they also find a place to sleep.

Early the next morning, Yun Feiyang woke up. Looking at Zhang Feng, they were still sleeping, and they slept very heavily. He didn't wake them up. He quietly lit the fire and cooked a lot of food. When they woke up, they could eat directly.

Zheng Hu woke up after smelling the fragrance. He didn't wash his face when he got up. He immediately ran over to pick up an iron jar and began to eat. This time he didn't wolf down, because he was not so hungry, so he ate slowly this time.

Yun Feiyang saw Zheng Hu wake up and sat next to him and began to ask those questions. Zheng Hu began to answer questions one by one. After knowing what happened in the cave, Yun Feiyang was also very afraid. He didn't expect that there were so many stories in this humble cave.

"The grandson of the Du family dares to treat you like this. I must make them look good after the meeting. As long as you come back safely, I didn't open the box Zhang Feng gave me." Yun Feiyang was angry when Zheng Hu talked about Du Tianhou, but suddenly remembered the box Zhang Feng threw to him yesterday.

Zheng Hu shook his head and said he didn't know what was inside. Just when the two people talked silently, everyone woke up slowly. After they washed, they began to sit together for breakfast. Zhang Feng told them to eat quickly. After eating, they were going to go back. He didn't want to stay here for more than a minute.

After eating, everyone began to pack up slowly. After almost cleaning up, they drove back to Baoshi. Yunfeiyang's car had been asking about the purple gold glazed box. Zhang Feng told him to open it when he went back. Now he didn't know what it was.

Along the way, everyone's temperament has obviously improved a lot. Yun Feiyang has been paying attention to the box and doesn't talk to everyone. He has been studying it. Finally, he didn't see a name.

"After I go back, I'll take a good bath, open a bottle of good wine, celebrate my life again, and then have a good sleep." Zheng Hu sat in front, driving and thinking about how to rest when I go back. Everyone laughed at his worthless words.

After driving for about two hours, they have arrived in Baotou. Zhang Feng asked them to clean up and have a good rest, and then reward everyone's stomach in the evening.

After listening to Zhang Feng's words, everyone disappeared for hours and minutes, leaving Yun Feiyang behind him. He didn't want to have a rest, but he was more curious about the things in the purple gold glazed box.

Zhang Feng didn't want to open the box right away. Anyway, he didn't have to worry in his hand, but he couldn't resist Yun Feiyang's nagging behind him. He had to take him to the study to see what was inside.

"Be careful before opening it. In case there is a mechanism or poison gas in it, you must think of a all-round plan before opening it..." Yun Feiyang has been explaining to Zhang Feng in his study for fear of any mistakes.

Zhang Feng and Ben didn't care about that. They asked Yun Feiyang to stay away. Without thinking about it, they took the key and opened the box.

There was no mechanism or poison gas in the box. The contents surprised both of them. They thought it was a treasure map, but there were two teeth in it. There were some carvings on the teeth. I don't know what it means.

Zhang Feng and his wife took the tooth and looked at it for a long time. They analyzed that it should be a tusk of an unknown animal. Only two teeth were still placed in the purple gold glazed box. They were not as valuable as the box. They really didn't know what it was for.

Zhang Feng and Yun Feiyang didn't come to any conclusion after looking at it for a long time. They directly put their teeth back and study it when they have time.