Chapter 1074

After Zhang Feng explained, he took Huang Weiwei and Liu San down the mountain. Walking at night was Pediatrics for Zhang Feng, but Huang Weiwei and Liu San had some difficulties. Zhang Feng took out his mobile phone and turned on the flashlight to illuminate them. He didn't walk fast all the way. He took more care of Huang Weiwei for fear that she might fall down.

As long as she walked through the unstable road in front, the road behind was much easier. Although Huang Weiwei had great pain in her feet, she still bit her teeth and walked down step by step. Zhang Feng saw it in her eyes and it hurt in her heart. Although Huang Weiwei has always been such a woman, now her identity is different.

Although Zhang Feng and her family used to take good care of her, Huang Weiwei's tenacity made them admire her. But now that Huang Weiwei is his sister, he has to assume the responsibility of a big brother, not just a big brother's empty name.

But at the beginning, the mountain road was steep. Even if Zhang Feng wanted to help Huang Weiwei, there was no way. Otherwise, if they accidentally fell down together, they would be broken to pieces. Zhang Feng helped Huang Weiwei all the way, trying to save her a little strength. The three moved step by step and walked slowly down the mountain.

It was not easy to cross the hillside. The steps and roads below were relatively smooth. Zhang Feng walked in front of Huang Weiwei, bent down and said, "come on, I'll carry you." he directly carried Huang Weiwei down, which may be much faster than her own.

As soon as Huang Weiwei saw it, she quickly waved her hand and said, "no, I can go." although it was her eldest brother, Huang Weiwei was more or less embarrassed and asked Zhang Feng to carry her. What's this like? Huang Weiwei insisted on going on her own.

But Zhang Feng has been blocking in front and won't let Huang Weiwei pass. It seems that if Huang Weiwei doesn't let him back down the mountain today, he won't give up. "Weiwei, hurry up. Don't be stubborn. If I'm tired, I'll put you down and have a rest. Keep some physical strength, or you won't be able to walk back tomorrow." Zhang Feng advised Huang Weiwei.

Liu San also echoed: "yes, sister Weiwei, just listen to your brother. He still has no problem carrying you. Besides, he's tired. Isn't there me? Your feet have been ground like that. It must hurt step by step."

Liu San is the one who can best experience this pain. Zhang Feng's unusual body may not feel it, but Liu San was born in a bitter family. With the blisters on the soles of his feet and high-intensity action, it's unbearable to walk.

When Huang Weiwei heard them say so, she no longer insisted, lying on Zhang Feng's broad and thick back. Although Huang Weiwei's feet were burning and painful, her heart was sweet. She didn't expect that her brother would feel so good and someone would feel so happy.

For a long time, Huang Weiwei's most envious girl is Yun Piao. Yun Feiyang's caring remarks and unlimited doting on her make others envious. When she asks, Yun Feiyang always says, "I'm just this sister. I don't love her. Are you waiting for others to love her?"

No matter what yunfeiyang does, yunfeiyang is wireless shielding and tolerance. No matter how noisy she is, she knows that there is a big brother who will help her clean up the mess. She has almost never heard yunfeiyang say no.

This kind of brother and sister feeling makes people look at it and really envy it from the bottom of their heart. Huang Weiwei never felt this way even when she had a sister before. Her sister is gentle and kind, and she is also very kind to her, but she often tells her in the way of admonition, this is wrong, that is not good.

She never dreamed that she would have such a good brother in her life. She thought that the sudden departure of her parents and sister left her alone in the world. At the beginning, she also wanted to commit suicide.

However, after being kidnapped by those rioters, she decided to avenge her family. Otherwise, even if she died, she had no face to see her family. The picture of her blind date was like a nightmare until now.

From the moment Zhang Feng broke into the house to save her, her desire for survival became stronger. All the money she saved now will be used to prepare for her future revenge plan. She is deeply resentful. If she doesn't repay it for a day, she won't be at ease at all.

At the thought of these past events, Huang Weiwei couldn't help but shed some tears. Zhang Feng was only on her way. She didn't know that Huang Weiwei thought so much behind her. Huang Weiwei realized her gaffe and was afraid that Liu San would see them, so she quickly wiped her tears secretly.

"My Lord, what's the matter with this Basong this time? It looks worse than last time. Didn't you cure him last time?" Liu San finally asked his questions when he was finally free.

In fact, Zhang Feng didn't know what evil was in Ba song this time, but according to the way Taoist priest cracked it just now, it should be a powerful witchcraft, and his mouth was always plausible. Zhang Feng basically didn't understand it.

However, later, he said something to another upper body man. The man begged for mercy, but Zhang Feng didn't know how to tell Liu San about these things. When Liu San asked him at the moment, he thought for a long time and said, "Basong, he should have been framed!"

Ba song's little assistant is no longer there. Otherwise, it will be clear when he is caught and asked. Zhang Feng is very sure that Ali is the one who caused Ba song to look like this this. Only he can contact Ba song nearest and start on Ba song.

"I know, it must be Ali! I knew this boy was weird! Oh, it's all my fault. If I could tell you earlier, maybe Ba song would be all right!" at this time, Liu sanmeng patted his head. It seems that he was right at that time.

Originally, he wanted to find a chance to talk to Zhang Feng, but Zhang Feng was too busy to see anyone in those days. Liu San met Zhang Feng several times and just wanted to open his mouth and was interrupted by Zhang Feng. Later, Zhang Feng went directly to Baoshi. Liu San thought he was thinking too much, but he didn't expect such a big thing to happen.

I knew that I would talk to Zhang Feng no matter what. Now when I saw Ba song doing this, Liu San felt a little remorse. "Lord, I blame me. If I told you earlier, maybe such a thing wouldn't happen. Alas, it's all my negligence."

Liu Sanyitong's mindless words made Zhang Feng even more confused. What's the relationship between Ba song's evil and him? He and Ba song haven't met several times in total, and they have been on the mountain. How can they blame him? Where should we start.

"San'er, what's the matter? What does this have to do with you? Why is it all your fault?" Zhang Feng carries Huang Weiwei on his back and wants to talk to Liu San, but it's really breathless, so Huang Weiwei has to admire Zhang Feng's physical strength.

"I didn't go to the bathroom and Ali also went to the bathroom when they went to dinner, but I found that he didn't go to the bathroom, but ran aside to make a phone call, but I didn't understand what he said. Of course, I felt a little strange and wanted to talk to you, but later you were too busy and I didn't find a chance." Liu San said truthfully.

After hearing this, Zhang Feng knew that this was the case, but Liu San can't blame it. Even if he told himself, he wouldn't guess in this regard. Besides, Ali was brought by Ba song himself. This is a disaster in Ba song's life.

"It's okay. It has nothing to do with you. At that time, it's estimated that even Ba song wouldn't think that Ali would be such a person. Don't take it to heart. It's good that it's all right now. You work harder these days and look at Ba song. I may have to run on both sides." Zhang Feng plans to let Ba song recover completely on the mountain and take him down the mountain after he's well.

Otherwise, no one can say anything more. It's in his territory and can put his distinguished guests in such a great danger. Ah Li, when he's finished, he must avenge Ba song!

Hearing Zhang Feng say this, Liu San is really much better. He is a person with too much mind. He wants to take care of everything. Unexpectedly, Zhang Feng has no intention to blame him at all. The two walked down the mountain together. Huang Weiwei was lying on her stomach all the time listening to them talk about these things. The cool wind blew past. It was not pleasant.

Finally, at the foot of the mountain, Huang Weiwei struggled to get down. "Brother, let me down. It's flat. I can do it." Zhang Feng saw that the car was in front, so he put Huang Weiwei down and was ready to find a restaurant to take them to have a good meal.

Driving to the hotel, the three people were eating and discussing things on the mountain. Huang Weiwei didn't know what was going on with BA song. When she and Liu San came up, Zhang Feng and them were locked in the house, and Su Ming stopped anyone from entering.

Zhang Feng then told her that it was the Taoist priest on the mountain who saved Ba song. "Hey, I owe a big favor to Taoist priest this time. If it weren't for Taoist priest, Ba song's life would be gone. I have to go to see Taoist priest tomorrow. I think he has made great efforts and should have a good rest for a while."

Zhang Feng felt that the Taoist priest spent a lot of time saving Ba song. It is estimated that he can't recover in a day or two. Unexpectedly, the Taoist priest treated a stranger without hesitation, which moved Zhang Feng. He really didn't know how to repay the Taoist priest.

After dinner, Zhang Feng ordered several more dishes to pack, and then sent Huang Weiwei home first. "Weiwei, if your parents ask after you go back, you say I've been living in the mountains these days. I'm a vegetarian and have a healthy life. Don't say anything else."

He was worried that his parents would think too much, so he told Huang Weiwei for fear that she would tell her things outside. At that time, she would worry her parents for no reason. Huang Weiwei nodded and said yes. In fact, she knew how to do these things without Zhang Feng's explanation.

Put Huang Weiwei down at the door. Zhang Feng thought about it and went in with her. When he got home, his parents seemed to have rested. "My parents seem to be asleep, so go back to sleep. I'll go up and change my clothes. It's too hard to wear."

Zhang Feng is wearing a suit. Will he go up the mountain or change into casual clothes? Huang Weiwei nods and is ready to go back from the back of the kitchen. At this time, Zhang's mother comes out of the room and turns on the headlights. "Xiaofeng, Weiwei, you're back."

"Mom, why haven't you had a rest? Did we come back to quarrel with you?" Zhang Feng quickly welcomed his mother out. Fortunately, it's still early. His parents may be watching TV in the room. They always say that the TV in the living room is too big and consumes too much electricity. Usually, the old couple are watching TV in the room.

"I thought you came back for dinner in the afternoon. Why did you come back so late? Have you eaten yet? I'll give you a hot meal." Zhang's mother saw Huang Weiwei standing at the kitchen door, so she made plans to go to the kitchen for a hot meal. She thought the two children didn't eat.