Chapter 1107

Su Ming looked at Wang Yu obliquely, smiled and asked, "Wang Yu, what are you reading?"

"Wang," said Wang Yuli boldly. Do you still need to ask such a simple question.

"You kid, you're talking about serious business." Zhang Feng kicked Wang Yu with a smile.

After that, the people laughed, and Wang Yu laughed with them. Then he realized the problem of his sentence. For a moment, the people in the hospital laughed and talked happily.

"Zhang Feng!" at this time, there was a hearty voice at the door. Zhang Feng looked back and saw that the visitor was Ba song. He was full of energy, his face was red, and his body had recovered to the normal physique and looked very strong. Basong stood sweating at the door, his face full of joy.

"Yeshan jumped back." Su Ming whispered, which made Wang Yu keep his head down and laugh. Zhang Feng looked back and stared at him. The boy's hurtful words really opened his mouth and didn't look at the occasion. Did he say that about his own people.

Zhang Feng hurried over and looked at Ba song carefully up and down. It was great. "Ba song, I'm so happy to see you like this. You've finally recovered. How's your life in the mountain recently? Are you used to it?" Zhang Feng asked with concern.

He has been worried below for fear that Basong is not used to living in the mountains, that he is not used to eating here, that he is not used to the customs in the Taoist temple, and that the food cooked in the kitchen is not to his taste. He has sent people to send nutrition products many times, and he doesn't know whether Basong's body is used or not.

Ba song patted his chest, and the bangs rang. "Very good. Everyone is very good to me and the food is very good. They made me a lot of delicious food and the things you sent. Zhang Feng, I really don't know how to thank you." Ba song was very excited when he saw Zhang Feng.

"Can't you walk us like a dog all day? If you don't believe it, try with him one day and see if you can keep up with him." Su Ming seems to complain about Ba song's behavior.

However, Basong doesn't seem to care about Su Ming at all, because he and Su Ming have known for a long time that Su Ming is a man with a knife, a mouth and a heart. What he says is better than anyone, and he takes great care of him.

"Shopkeeper Su Da, look at your book. No one treats you as dumb if you don't speak." Zhang Feng was afraid that Ba song was uncomfortable and hurriedly asked Su Ming to shut up. In fact, Su Ming and Ba song often quarrel this time, and Liu San is used to it.

"Basong, I'm relieved to see you get better. You can let go of the previous things and take good care of your body. If you need my help, I can still help you in China. Basong, remember, living is more important than anything." Zhang Fengsheng is afraid that after Basong gets better, he wants to go back and take revenge.

If he insists on going back, Zhang Feng can't stop him. He has so many things now, and it's impossible to look at Ba song. He still hopes that Ba song can figure it out and figure it out. Don't focus all his mind on the previous things.

As long as he is willing to stay in Huashi, Zhang Feng is willing to take him in to work under him, but he doesn't know whether Basong himself is willing or not. Zhang Feng can see that Ba song is a rare talent. He has very high skills in all aspects, especially in field survival and extreme sports.

When Basong heard Zhang Feng say this, even if he was an iron man, his eyes gradually became wet. He owed Zhang Feng two lives. He had made a decision long before Zhang Feng came. He forced himself to exercise every day, just to recover completely before Zhang Feng came.

I don't know whether the tonic sent by Zhang Feng played a role or whether the water and soil on the mountain raised people. He felt that he recovered very quickly this time. His body used different changes every day, and he could feel it himself.

Basong smiled bitterly and shook his head. "Don't worry, I know what you're worried about. I won't go back. I owe you two lives. Even if I want to go back for revenge, I'll report you and go back later. I'm sure I'll take revenge." Basong said, clenching his fist.

Zhang Feng and his group saw what he had suffered, and the other party's means were too vicious. Especially after hearing what the Taoist priest said to him, Zhang Feng felt cold in his heart.

If you don't kill too much, the other party's means is not just to kill Basong? It's hard for people to die. It's intolerable to use such a sinister trick against Ba song.

However, Zhang Feng's power has not reached so far. Even if he wants to help Ba song, his current strength is more than his heart but less than his strength. He couldn't go to Thailand to wash his shame, but Zhang Feng didn't think about it.

Whenever one day he Zhang Feng had this strength, as long as Ba Song said a word, he would never say a word to help him solve this hatred together. Looking at Ba song's sad expression, Zhang Feng didn't know how to comfort him for a moment.

"Basong, what are you going to do next?" Zhang Feng patted Basong on the shoulder and took him to sit under the eaves. He wanted to know Basong's inner thoughts. He can't go back to Thailand now. Going back must be a dead end. There should be no one there to help him.

"I'm alone now, and all my money has been transferred by Ali. He joined forces with the Wizards over there to frame me. I believe him too much. If I could find out earlier, it wouldn't be like this today." Basong looked very upset and punched heavily on the ground.

Zhang Feng doesn't understand. Ali looks like a disciple of Ba song. How can any disciple deal with the master like this? They only see what deep hatred they have. Ba song doesn't look like a person who will harm others.

"Basong, what do you have to do with Ali? Why did he do this to you? Is it because of Ali that you got sick for the first time? But have you never doubted him before?" Zhang Feng thought of seeing Basong for the first time.

When Basong came out of the airport, they couldn't believe it was Basong. Although they had contacted him on the Internet before, it didn't look like him from his photos. If it were not for Basong's death crisis, he would have to come and explain to Zhang Feng in person and return the money to Zhang Feng. It is estimated that he would have died in Thailand.

Maybe this is karma. It is precisely because Basong has this kind heart that he is unwilling to want these ill gotten wealth, and he adheres to his credit and will never break his faith. Therefore, although he is critically ill, he still dragged his body to China to explain to Zhang Feng.

Otherwise, even if he died quietly in Thailand, no one would doubt that such things happen too often in Thailand. The evil of those people simply didn't want Ba song to feel better. After he died, he still wanted to control him.

"It's hard to believe that Ali looks honest and quiet. He takes care of Ba song in front of and behind his horse. Unexpectedly, we have all been cheated by him." Wang Yu has always been the most hated thing. If Ali was in front of him now, he might have torn people's heart.

Basong looked into the distance with empty eyes and didn't treat the people here as outsiders. This was the first time he revealed his heart.

It turned out that Ba song's grandfather used to be a treasure hunter and his grandmother was a poison master, so Ba song knew the power of these poison since he was a child. His grandfather and grandmother wanted to pass on their unique skills to Ba song. Ba song was also influenced by it since childhood. Ordinary poison can't hurt him at all.

Basong was already very famous when he was a teenager. He was bold and fearless. He went wherever there was danger. Since childhood, he explored the woods, killed wild boars with his bare hands, drank cow blood and ate live insects. His family trained him like this since childhood.

He is often thrown into the primeval forest alone for a month. He doesn't worry about his life or death at all. Basong was so strong and miraculous that he survived, but something happened in his family when he was 17.

Basong's parents were both killed in a car accident. Basong insisted that the police call out surveillance to find the driver, but he searched all the video data and asked everyone around. Unexpectedly, no one saw it, no witnesses and no video data. Naturally, this case can't be solved.

"Haven't you found the car that hit your parents? Isn't it so evil? Since there is a camera, it will certainly be photographed. Can't the car disappear out of thin air after the collision?" Wang Yu thought this was the most strange place in the whole incident.

People can't see it, but the machine can't miss it. Someone must be playing tricks. However, Basong was so young at that time, and the current situation on their side was not good, so it was likely to be hastily decided.

Ba song shook his head. "I didn't find it. My grandfather said that everything they did would lose their life and there would be retribution. Just I didn't expect retribution on their parents, so after a year of nails, Grandpa stopped going to the police station."

"Then how did you offend Ali and them? Why did they use such vicious means against you?" this is what Zhang Feng most wants to know. Ba song doesn't look like a bad man. Did he look out of his sight?

Basong took off his clothes and revealed his tattoos. "What he wanted was on me, but he didn't know it, so he wanted to kill me." Basong's mindless words made everyone watch his tattoos.

It is nothing more than some popular Buddhist Texts in Thailand, as well as some Buddha statues and some totems. Basong's two arms, back and left leg are all tattooed, which is really like a work of art. Does Ali want his tattoo? That doesn't make sense.

Ba song suddenly grabbed Zhang Feng's hand and startled Zhang Feng. He hardly needed to look. He took Zhang Feng's hand and put it on the pattern on his body. There were six places, "here, here, here and here. This is a map." Ba Song said and looked at Zhang Feng.

Zhang Feng has a natural conditioned reflex on the word map. Why is there a fucking map? Has he been on the map in his life? Can you give me some fun directly? The map is very harmful!

Almost subconsciously, Zhang Feng and Wang Yu blurted out at the same time, "there are treasures in the map!?" this is an affirmative sentence and a question at the same time. They couldn't believe it, but only this statement could explain why Ali wanted to kill him.

Basong nodded. "Ali wanted to take off my skin when he killed me, but he was afraid he couldn't take it out. He was caught at the airport, so he rubbed all the tattoos on me, and then thought I was dead. Unexpectedly, I survived." Basong also worked hard. He held his breath until Zhang Feng came back.

Zhang Feng was stunned after hearing this. He didn't expect that there were such magical things on Ba song. No wonder Ali wants to kill him. It's understandable that people die for money. Birds die for food. Ali must be open to money and want to swallow the wealth alone.

But his maps just now are no different. They are just some pictures, totems and words. Is there any secret in them?