Chapter 1327

Inoue Yingzhu was overjoyed. On the surface, he quietly made an invitation gesture and asked Johnson to go forward, while he led the way.

At this time, Johnson's old friend shouted, "Mr. Johnson, please wait, where are you going?" he seemed to know that Johnson was going to talk about some big business with the Japanese. Relying on Johnson's enthusiasm for him just now, he didn't pay attention to the Japanese's displeasure at all.

John Wang took advantage of the situation and said to him, "old man, I'm going to talk to my new friends. If you don't have anything to do, you can come and have a look with me." John Wang didn't seem to care about the presence of others.

Although Inoue Yingzhu is very unhappy, after all, this is not a pediatric thing. More people are present, more risks.

If this person interrupts on one side and affects their only transaction at that time, he will lose more than he gains.

However, seeing that Johnson was so enthusiastic and that they had been chatting so enthusiastically before, yingsuke Inoue was not sure how good their relationship was.

Johnson, a close friend, was so arrogant and cold when he first met Johnson.

However, there were many people at that time, so Johnson only had a nodding acquaintance with him and did not communicate too much.

At first, he whispered behind his back that Johnson was not very good, but this time when he saw Johnson, he just greeted him with the idea of trying.

Although there was only one face, he was not sure whether Johnson really remembered him, but after all, he didn't have a familiar face here. It was not easy to rub a heat. Seeing a familiar face was still the focus of everyone's attention. Naturally, he wanted to stick it up.

Today, he just came to join the fun. He didn't intend to buy anything at all. He also heard the gossip from his friends that there was an exhibition of Mrs. Xin Zhui's body.

Once again, this is a hot spring restaurant. The temperature and humidity are appropriate, which dispels all kinds of doubts before. Come and have a look.

Who knows that I happened to meet Johnson, and Johnson's attitude towards him today can be said to be very good. Not only did I chat with him in full swing, but also I was very warm and polite to him.

This made him naturally send out a strong sense of pride from the bottom of his heart. He felt that he had become Johnson's good friend at the moment, and those around him should treat him differently.

Yingsuke Inoue saw that Johnson seemed very enthusiastic about this man, so he thought they were old friends who had known each other for a long time. Although he was very unhappy at the moment, he had no way. He couldn't afford to offend John Wang, so he had to let this man go with him.

John Wang chatted with his friends as they walked, and followed yingsuke Inoue to the house. Although this mop has no big background, it is just an antique lover. In addition, there is a little money at home, so I like to toss around when I have nothing.

However, he didn't have his own opinion. Most of the time, he just followed the tide and followed the pace of the public. When he first entered the industry, he was lucky and made some small money.

So I thought I had talent in this field. After doing business for several times, I gradually became bolder. This is probably what the old people often say that a fool has a fool's blessing.

Although John Wang doesn't like this person very much, he can only talk nonsense with him at present. If he really doesn't look at him at ordinary times, after all, this kind of person is not at the same level as him.

After entering the peace room, Inoue yingsuo asked Xizi to prepare tea, which was suitable for the indoor temperature. Inoue yingsuo took no time to make a pot of tea and filled them up. Then he spoke.

"Mr. Johnson, I wonder if you have received any favorite items in China this time?"

Although he knew that Johnson had got a treasure handed down from generation to generation, he still couldn't believe it without hearing his own admission. After all, Johnson had no reason not to return home as soon as possible after he succeeded. Why did he stay in China.

Johnson didn't hurry to answer. After drinking the tea in the cup and eating some snacks, he slowly said, "baby, I really got a lot, but I don't know which one you're talking about?"

John Wang couldn't help sneering. This little Japanese wanted to set his own words and didn't look at his weight.

Yingsuke Inoue obviously didn't expect Johnson to do so. He even asked him that if he could say one, two, three or four, wouldn't it prove that he had investigated him?

At that time, the dead foreigner must blow his beard and stare. I don't know why Westerners always feel superior. Johnson's oppressive momentum makes Inoue Yingzhu very unhappy!

"Mr. Johnson, I've only heard about it. Where will I know the specific baby? I don't want to broaden my horizons with you. I hope Mr. Johnson won't be surprised if there is any disrespect." Inoue said and lowered his head, but his eyes kept glancing at Johnson.

After Johnson had eaten and drunk enough, he said calmly, "the well asked me to come over and say there is a treasure. I don't know where it is. If there is, take it out quickly for everyone to enjoy!"

Although John Wang was worried, he still had to keep calm in front of little Japan. Anyway, he came in. He would be at ease if he came. In the big deal, he would fight at that time, and he would take the opportunity to run out.

Anyway, there are only him and Tiedan. It won't be too difficult to get out of here. It's just that this is the first time Zhang Feng has asked him to do something, and the other party is a little Japan he hates very much. He also wants to complete the task successfully.

In the teahouse outside, Zhang Feng was drinking tea leisurely and contentedly, watching the news, completely ignoring he Xuan's worry. No matter what he Xuan said or asked, Zhang Feng seemed not to hear.

In this hour, he had told he Xuan countless times that there was no problem to reassure him, but he Xuan asked him every few minutes. Gradually Zhang Feng lost his patience. He simply regarded he Xuan as non-existent and transparent.

At this time, a news aroused Zhang Feng's interest. A forest in the next city triggered a fire, and there seemed to be signs of active volcanic movement in the mountain. Township cadres collectively sent out rescue and disaster relief to evacuate the villagers, and all of them have been evacuated to safety.

The fire burned for two days and one night before being put out gradually. Now it has been completely isolated and no one is allowed to enter. Zhang Feng looked at the address. It seems that it is not far from Wang John's hometown, and it is still a national high-level landscape area.

I didn't expect to be burned by a big fire. Zhang Feng thought things seemed strange, but he couldn't say why.

At this time, he Xuan came over to see what Zhang Feng was looking at. He was so absorbed. At the news, he hurried to say, "you just saw the news. I saw it when the fire was burning. It's strange to say that this place has beautiful mountains and rivers. How could there be a fire? It's estimated that some people who went to adventure camping accidentally burned a fire to keep warm at night."

He Xuan skimmed his lips and said, "these so-called explorers in China don't have the ability to explore at all. They are all half a bucket of water. It's not allowed to burn such a big Ming Huoling in the forest, otherwise it will pollute and damage the environment."

He Xuan seemed to complain about these explorers. Zhang Feng looked at he Xuan and asked, "where do you start? Don't people go into this scenic spot?"

Zhang Feng remembers that in this scenic spot, many local people will go hunting, and the resources are rich. Those farmers will dig some natural medicinal materials and precious mushrooms to sell, so as to maintain their livelihood.

After all, now everyone pays attention to pure nature and wild. The price of those wild things is naturally much higher than those planted artificially. Therefore, even if those rich people spend a lot of money, they have to eat the most natural and pollution-free things, so that they can be different.

He Xuan seemed a little excited when he talked about this topic. He sat in his chair and opened his conversation box.

It turned out that when he was studying abroad, there were many societies in the school. At that time, he joined a society of astronomy lovers, most of whom were boys and several girls.

At that time, during the holiday, they made an appointment to watch the stars in a very famous local scenic spot, but who knows that although the club is ostensibly an astronomy lover, those people have a very adventurous spirit in their bones.

I don't know whether foreigners are like this or what, but fortunately, he Xuan is not a person willing to lag behind others. He was excited when he saw that these members beat chicken blood day by day.

After a lot of preparatory work, they finally set off. It is a national forest park covering several hectares.

It's a park, but it's an area without jurisdiction. After all, the place is too big to manage. Some warning signs can only be set up on the roadside of the expressway symbolically.

However, due to the age, some fonts of those warning signs have fallen off, and they can't see what is written at all. These people are all eager to explore in the forest, so they can take care of so much.

When they got to the forest, these people hunted again. It was felling again. When he saw some precious plants and animals, he killed and collected them. For a time, he Xuan was scared. That was the first time he saw such cruel killing.

Originally everything was safe and sound. He Xuan also planned to quit the club after he went back. After all, he couldn't play this way. He'd better quietly choose a club that suits him.

Who knows they were lost when they went back, but they also lit a fire in the forest, but they never thought that this fire would cause a big fire.

According to regulations, the fire killed almost half of the animals in the forest. But he Xuan's classmates are still like nothing. They also say that it's OK to escape and that the good people are all right.

At that time, they all thought it was like this. As long as people were all right, they couldn't take care of so many things, but who knew that after they went back, they caused a major disaster.

Up to now, he Xuan still feels a faint pain in his heart, liver, spleen, lung and kidney. After all, they have indeed committed a very irreparable situation and an unnatural disaster.