Chapter 1344

Zhang Feng could not help shaking his head when he heard Wang Yu say these things. The boy didn't know how bad and dangerous the situation in Dongshi was. He would say such simple and easy words.

"Wang Yu, in ice and snow, the weight of ten kilograms is equal to twenty kilograms under normal conditions. If you want to bear 60 kilograms, it is equal to one hundred and twenty kilograms. Are you sure? If you are sure, I will let Ba song buy the tools without mercy!"

Zhang Feng knew why Ba song was worried about things. In fact, it was more than Ba song, which was one of the reasons why he was worried. Moving forward in the cold snow and on the flat ground were two concepts. Wang Yu had not been in that bad environment. Naturally, he could not experience that cruelty.

It is very difficult to walk in the snow. Coupled with the load, it is estimated that you will be gasping for breath within a few steps. Moreover, because of the cold weather and more clothes, it is estimated that you will directly breathe hot.

If it were not for the extremely bad weather, the trip might not be as difficult as expected. Zhang Feng was deeply worried at the moment. He felt that this time would not be very easy. On the contrary, there would be many unpredictable dangers.

Especially now, none of them has experience in this environment and region. I'm afraid even Basong has never been to such a bad weather place, so Zhang Feng couldn't help feeling a deep sense of concern.

As a northerner, Wang Yu didn't live in the bad weather of Dongshi, but he didn't eat pork. Can he see pigs running? Now when he heard Zhang Feng say so, he immediately drooped his head and remained silent.

Zhang Feng's words exploded in everyone's heart like a thunder. The joy and excitement just now, including the individual's sense of loss, completely disappeared, replaced by deep worry and a desire to explore the unknown.

Deng Liang saw that Wang Yu was scolded by Zhang Feng and didn't speak. He interrupted and asked, "brother Feng, the environment is so dangerous. It's very troublesome to keep warm. How many days are you going this time?"

Deng Liang's words made Zhang Feng even more depressed. In fact, he had no bottom in his heart for a few days. Under the most extreme environment, people can bring up rations in ice and snow for up to seven to ten days. If they can find the disappeared shamans within this time, it is a complete achievement and virtue.

But if they can't be found, whether they can come out alive is also a great test, and there are still active volcanoes ready to move. Zhang Feng thought, he'd better tell them the situation there first. If someone doesn't want to go, he can put forward it now.

"This trip is very dangerous. The reason why I'm so anxious is that all the news has been released. Some people who have heard a little about the shaman must have started to take action. There is still an active volcano over there. I'm not sure where it is now. We must try to take advantage of it. This trip is bound to be dangerous. If anyone doesn't want to go, we can do it now I'm saying. "

"Go, why not."

"Who doesn't want to go? Basong? Me? Tiger? Don't make trouble, brother Feng. We'll follow you wherever you go."

Wang Yu and Ba song almost spoke in unison. How could they be reluctant to go? Are you kidding? How could they rest assured that Zhang Feng would go by himself.

"What has an active volcano?" Deng Liang stared incredulously.

Liu San couldn't help saying, "boss, can you take me with you? I'll ask for leave with my master!"

Before, people thought it was just an icy and snowy environment. The cold was hard to deal with, but maybe they can cope with it relying on the current high technology, but they are helpless for the irresistible things in the natural environment.

What is the concept of active volcano? Once the volcano erupts, the volcanic rocks will devour everything around at a speed of 100 meters per second. Everywhere they go, they will be invincible and unstoppable,

Zhang Feng did not expect that what everyone cared about was not whether they could come back alive, but that they were eager to go together. There was an unspeakable taste in his heart, and an inexplicable warmth echoed in his heart for a long time, which was unforgettable for a long time.

"San'er, I really can't take you this time. The trip is dangerous, and there are too many unknown factors. Even I'm not sure what will happen at that time. Moreover, the store is very busy. Your master has talked about you several times. I'll take you out when I have a chance next time. This time, you'll help me take good care of the store and share more for your master."

Zhang Feng is also very helpless. He also understands Liu San's intentions, but there is no way. Su Ming won't let people go. Liu San's going is likely to delay, because Liu San's experience in the field is zero.

Zhang Feng is not worried that Liu San will become a drag bottle. He is worried that because of Liu San, everyone will have to spare energy to take care of him. If someone gets hurt or something happens because of Liu San, Liu San will be unhappy all his life.

Zhang Feng will feel sorry for himself, so he can't take this risk. He can only wrong Liu San and Deng Liang this time. This time, he can only go to people with rich exploration experience. Ba song is nothing to say. Wang Yu and Huzi also have some experience.

And most importantly, Wang Yu and Huzi have a certain tacit understanding with him, and Ba song is a very excellent leader, which Zhang Feng highly recognizes. Therefore, if Liu San goes, it may affect the itinerary and progress.

It may be better to take Liu San to the rainforest next time. After all, the environment there is much better than that of Dongshi. This trip is very dangerous. Zhang Feng can't take any risks.

At this time, after calling, Ba Song said to Zhang Feng, "boss, I contacted Weiwei. She has been asking me when to go to Dongshi..." Ba song was obviously helpless.

He just called Huang Weiwei. Huang Weiwei hardly listened to him about equipment. Instead, she complained on the phone.

Ba song never knew how to coax girls. When he saw Huang Weiwei, he simply didn't know what to do, but Huang Weiwei didn't listen to what he said. He just kept asking him when to start and whether he could take her with him.

However, the personnel have been booked by Zhang Feng, and Ba song has no right to change them. He obviously can't agree to Huang Weiwei's requirements. Huang Weiwei complained and hung up the phone without waiting for Ba song to finish talking. Ba song didn't know what to do.

After hearing this, Zhang Feng smiled bitterly and shook his head. His sister is becoming more and more willful. It seems that she should do her ideological work well, otherwise she won't give up.

Zhang Feng looked up at Basong and asked, "Basong, do you have any experience in snow?" Zhang Feng asked without any hope. After all, Basong lives in the tropics. All his experience is in the tropical rain forest.

For this cold weather place, I don't know if he has any experience. After all, now everyone is looking at Basong and hopes that he can lead the team to successfully complete the exploration mission this time.

Without thinking about it, Ba song replied, "I have no snow experience, but I climbed the snow mountain only once. I went to lingbing snow peak with an expedition." this is also Ba song's only time to enter the cold zone.

This experience brought him nothing but shock. After all, the power of the snow mountain has brought him great shock. He used to be on the land plain. Unexpectedly, there are so many dangers hidden behind the beautiful snow scenery.

When Zhang Feng saw Ba song's desire to stop talking, he knew that the trip to the snow mountain certainly didn't leave him any good impression. It must have made him feel an unprecedented thrill.

"Let's get ready. I'll think about it carefully. You'll finish the things here first." Zhang Feng said. He walked away. Now he needs time to calm down and think about it.

After all, this is not a simple trip. They have no experience before. Now they suddenly want to go to such a cold area, and they need to find lost tribes to move forward with load. This is a great test for everyone's physical and psychological quality.

If they get lost in the snow, they may not even come back. Zhang Feng thinks that when he goes to pick up Zheng Hu, he will take the striker with him. I don't know why, Zhang Feng thinks that the striker will bring them good luck.

After thinking so much, Zhang Feng is going to drive back all night to have a good talk with Huang Weiwei. He thinks he should take Ba song with him to avoid what he needs when he gets it. Their opinions are not unified.

Wang Yu saw Zhang Feng thinking about things alone in the dark. He whispered to Deng Liang: "did you find that brother Feng seems to be very nervous this time, and I don't know if the situation is really serious over there."

Before they set out in those no man's land in the desert, Zhang Feng didn't seem so nervous. Isn't the place they went to a forest park this time? Even if it's big, where can a park go? Wang Yu thinks whether Zhang Feng has been in the city for a long time and has become a little timid.

"Because the snow mountain is really terrible, it's not unreasonable for the boss to worry so much. Let's think about what equipment we should bring." Ba song's expression is the same as Zhang Feng's, and he also feels that things are very serious now.

After all, if they still need to climb in the snow, they need some tools, but with cold proof and warm things and their rations, they can't climb the mountain if the load exceeds.

However, mountain climbing must require some protective measures. How to bring so many things within the burden that the human body can bear is a great test for him.

If they take care of their tools, their rations and other equipment will have to be reduced. However, in that bad weather, everything is very important to them. If they are not careful, they may die because of one mouthful of rations.

"If I say you don't go in a helicopter, why don't you go down from the plane and climb the mountain so hard? Just airborne?" Deng Liang said, looking at Wang Yu and Ba song.

He just heard Zhang Feng say he wanted to buy a helicopter, so they drove the helicopter directly, circled over the sky, and then people fell from the rope. Isn't that what it was on TV, so that they can parachute to the top of the mountain.