Chapter 1463

Over the past few months, Zhang Feng's memory has been good and bad. Sometimes he can think of them, but sometimes he can't remember anything. Fortunately, he can still remember his parents and Bai Luoxue.

However, Wang Yu and Zhang's parents didn't know about it. They only let Zhang Feng return to his home after he had rested for a week, and Bai Luoxue thought he had something to do on a business trip.

Zhang Feng was ill at that time and was vaguely in the hospital. He was seen by passing Wang Yu and Ba song. Who knows that Zhang Feng could recognize them at that time.

At that time, Wang Yu was surprised and couldn't speak. Later, he followed Zhang Feng back to the detention center and asked he Xuan to help find out the situation.

Only then did they know that Zhang Feng had indeed had a car accident. He hit his head and had transient amnesia. He couldn't remember most of the previous events, so he couldn't contact his family.

However, the situation at that time was not conducive to the treatment of Zhang Feng's condition in the detention center. With the help of he family, Zhang Feng was released on bail for medical treatment. During this period, everyone has been trying their best to find evidence that can elute Zhang Feng's crime.

But fortunately, after Huang Weiwei and everyone's continuous efforts, she finally found the witness and confirmed that the video data was indeed problematic, so she cleared Zhang Feng's charge and brought Zhang Feng back.

However, it was the murderer who framed Zhang Feng that kept Wang Yu in their minds. However, after a long talk between he Xuan and Wang Yu, this matter was suppressed. After all, Zhang Feng's recovery is the first important thing in everyone's heart.

In the past two months, Zhang Feng has been cultivating his students at home and occasionally visited the company. However, the company is well organized by Wang Yu and Huang Weiwei, so he doesn't need to worry too much.

Zhang Feng's memory is sometimes good and sometimes bad. He can't find any results at a time. Fortunately, his body is not seriously affected. After repeated inspection in several hospitals, it shows that all his physical skills are normal, which really reassures everyone.

It's just that Zhang Feng is very unhappy to be idle at home every day. He always feels that he still has a lot to do. But now Wang Yu has told Ba song to protect Zhang Feng 24 hours a day, unless he is at home.

In order to avoid disturbing the two elders of Zhangjia, there is no need to follow the past. In other times, Zhang Feng needs to be protected anytime and anywhere to avoid any mistakes. As for other things, we'll wait until Zhang Feng completely recovers.

Therefore, the trip to Zhongshi was also stranded. However, during this period, John Wang found Zhang Feng several times. At the beginning, he couldn't get through the phone, which showed that Zhang Feng's phone was turned off. John Wang was worried and went back to Zhongshi, but he couldn't find Zhang Feng after searching all over.

Later, after Zhang Feng made up his card, he contacted Zhang Feng and heard that Zhang Feng had a car accident. Wang John was anxious and nervous, and his balance had not been received. If there was any problem with Zhang Feng, his money would be wasted.

Therefore, Wang John was also very worried. During this period, he wanted to come to Zhang Feng several times and was stopped by Zhang Feng, because Zhang Feng was worried that Wang Yu and they were too sensitive now. There was a conflict with Wang John at that time, and he had been resting during that time.

It's not convenient to meet John Wang. The most important thing is that he doesn't remember the agreement between him and John Wang. Zhang Feng was worried that he would help if he said something wrong at that time, so he always wanted to wait for his memory to recover and then ask Wang John for an interview.

"Boss, aunt cut the fruit and let me take some out for you." Basong brought a plate of fruit out of Zhang's kitchen. He didn't go anywhere during this time and stayed with Zhang Feng, which made him feel better more or less.

After all, when Zhang Feng disappeared that day, none of them was around him. In fact, everyone blamed themselves. Now Zhang Feng can come back safely, which can be said to be a blessing in misfortune.

During this period of time, she accompanied Zhang Feng and often went in and out of Zhangjia. She even ate in Zhangjia. Zhang's mother was also very happy with this foreign boy.

She felt that although the boy looked dark, his conscience was white. Zhang's mother can see that he, like Wang Yu, is sincere to Zhang Feng. It can be said that he treats Zhang Feng as his relatives.

He accompanied Zhang Feng to exercise every day. He did almost all the work at home. He not only served Zhang Feng personally, but also took good care of the second old man. He scrambled to do all the heavy work at home.

And he was very modest and polite. In the morning, he taught the old man to play Muay Thai. The old man tried Muay Thai for the first time. He didn't have to pull Basong to practice boxing with him every morning.

Basong also studied Taijiquan with the old man. Every morning, the back garden of Zhangjia is extremely lively. This period of time is also the longest and most time Zhang Feng spent at home. Zhang's mother is watching and happy in her heart.

They are naturally happy that their son can accompany them at home. Although they know that something may have happened to their son, it is difficult for parents to ask too much when they see that others are safe.

After all, he is now an adult and knows that he is responsible for his actions. If he is pressed hard, he will feel oppressed and bound. Therefore, Zhang's father and mother do not think that Wang Yu and Ba song feel bad for their close protection.

Although Basong didn't sleep with them, every morning Basong got up early and stayed at the front door of Zhangjia, waiting for Zhangjia people to get up and open the door, but he never knocked at the door. He just did his own relaxation exercise in front of him silently.

This is also what makes Zhang's parents think of this young man. Although his son used to be very rich, Zhang Jia really didn't put this spectrum. He was not used to it at first, but now he is gradually used to the existence of Basong.

Zhang Feng picked up the fruit on the table, took it up and ate a few mouthfuls. He didn't ask Basong to eat together, because he knew that in the kitchen, Zhang's mother must have filled Basong first and then let him take it out for himself.

As a mother, she is always a Bodhisattva. She may be afraid that Basong is embarrassed to grab food with herself. Although she obviously knows that she can't finish eating, she is also worried that Basong can't eat what she likes, so Zhang Feng is not worried that Basong didn't eat at all.

This is probably the same idea of mothers all over the world. They are always worried that everyone can't eat enough. In fact, everyone can eat so much. No matter how much, they can't eat any more.

Ba song saw that Zhang Feng was still concentrating on reading. In fact, he followed Zhang Feng so closely. He was not afraid of Zhang Feng running around or what. After all, although Zhang Feng lost his memory, he was not retarded.

What Basong needs to protect is the safety of Zhang Feng after he goes out. As long as there are any suspicious or non suspicious people, once he wants to get close to Zhang Feng, Basong will do it without hesitation. After all, everyone can't withstand such a scare again.

Perhaps this is the legendary fear of well rope once bitten by a snake for ten years. But take precautions. No matter whether it seems inappropriate or unreasonable, it can at least make these people feel at ease.

Zhang Feng himself didn't show too much incomprehension or resistance. Moreover, Basong's company with him didn't make him feel any inconvenience or bad. Moreover, it seemed that his parents were very relieved, so Zhang Feng felt very secure.

Basong saw that Zhang Feng was still reading and didn't seem to want to enter the house. He ran back to the zhangjiada house to help Zhang's mother clean up the work in the kitchen.

Zhang Feng was looking at the book alone. At the moment, he was completely immersed in the world of books, so that he didn't even notice Wang Yu coming.

When Wang Yu saw Zhang Feng's fascination with reading, he didn't know whether to be uncomfortable or lucky. If he had been brother Feng, he would never have been so close to him that he couldn't find it.

But now he's almost at the table. Brother Feng hasn't noticed his existence yet. He doesn't know whether he's really fascinated or whether he already knows he's coming, but he deliberately ignored him.

Wang Yu walked over and whispered, "brother Feng..."

Zhang Feng looked up and saw that it was Wang Yu. He lowered his head and said softly, "well, come back? Sit down."

After that, Zhang Feng lowered his head and continued to look at the book in his hand. It seemed that after saying this, he had nothing else to say to Wang Yu.

Wang Yu has been sitting opposite Zhang Feng. At the moment, he is nervous, angry, afraid and happy.

Two months ago, a man in black who happened to meet in the hospital dropped a medicine bottle. At that time, Wang Yu flew a plane all night and sent the medicine bottle to Zhai Jing in Baotou city. He urged Zhai Jing to test what medicine it was and what ingredient it was.

Zhai Jing didn't understand at first, but after careful research and inspection, the results surprised everyone.

At first, I thought it was just medicine for the old lady, but later, according to the symptoms of Zhang Feng described by Wang Yu to Zhai Jing, Zhai Jing can almost conclude that Zhang Feng could not have been hit by a car. Maybe he was also drugged.

Fortunately, Wang Yu arrived in time that day, and the old lady survived. Otherwise, the old lady must be hopeless!

But now Wang Yu feels that Zhang Feng's situation can't be said to be good or bad. The good thing is that Zhang Feng is still the same as before. He has no major physical problems. Except for some things forgotten, everything else is normal.

The bad thing is that his character seems to be a little different from before, and their brothers don't know if there are any other things they don't know about brother Feng. In case there are any important things they don't know.

And brother Feng himself now has amnesia and doesn't tell them what they should do, so this is what Wang Yu has been worried about these days.

It's just that amnesia is said to be sick, but he is not all sick. This makes Wang Yu want to be crazy, but he can't show it in front of Zhang Feng, so as to avoid Zhang Feng's anxious thoughts.

Today, he just received another report from Zhai Jing. Wang Yu couldn't help himself any more, so he hurried back to listen to Zhang Feng's opinion.

After all, these things have a close relationship with Zhang Feng himself. They can't help Zhang Feng make any decisions. When Zhang Feng thinks of those lost memories, he blames them for making their own decisions.