Chapter 1503

Zhang Feng's thoughts were pulled back to the late autumn a few months ago. Since he went to Sanqing mountain and decided to repair the Taoist temple, he had frequent contact with the Taoist priest.

Especially after the Taoist priest helped him save Basong, Zhang Feng felt very guilty. He didn't know how to repay the Taoist priest.

If he practices Taoism in order to let the Taoist priest pay anything for him, this is definitely not Zhang Feng's original intention. Zhang Feng has never thought of anything in return for doing all this.

At that time, he didn't know why the Taoist priest would suddenly take out this pill to him, and he didn't think he would use it one day. All this was beyond Zhang Feng's expectation.

I think at the beginning, the Taoist priest had spent most of his cultivation in order to save Ba song, but in that case, the Taoist priest actually remembered him. I think the Taoist priest should have divined for him after inviting the long life lamp for him. In this way, did the Taoist priest know that he was doomed to a disaster.

At that time, Zhang Feng didn't know the use of the pill, and he didn't even know the formula and ingredients of the pill. To tell the truth, if he had to eat it at that time, he wouldn't dare, and he didn't have the courage and courage.

So Zhang Feng kept it at home after he took it back at that time, because it was the efforts of the Taoist priest, and he saw that the Taoist priest was so sincere for his sake. Although he thought he couldn't eat, Zhang Feng still cherished it and took it down with gratitude.

After all, it was a great honor for him and a Taoist priest's true feelings, so Zhang Feng took it back as a souvenir and a treasure, which is why he put the brocade box containing only a pill in the darkroom.

He was worried that he would lose it when he put it outside for cleaning. In addition, the Taoist priest did not say goodbye to him and left alone to travel in the distance, which made Zhang Feng firm his belief that he must take good care of this valuable gift.

After all, this is a pill made by the Taoist priest. Although Zhang Feng doesn't know what he is good for, since the Taoist priest gave it to him, it must not be a vulgar thing. Zhang Feng has always believed it.

Just like after the Taoist priest gave it to him, he didn't even ask a question, but directly accepted it. Zhang Feng knew that the Taoist priest would never harm him. This alone was enough.

Zhang Feng thought of Taoist priest's memory and gratitude at the moment. He thought that if it weren't for Taoist priest, how could Ba song have escaped death and found his life. If Tao had not grown up impartial and selfless, had not considered for himself and tried his best to save Basong, Basong would not have worked for himself today.

It seems that all this is doomed. He helped the Taoist temple. The Taoist priest helped Basong for him, and Basong stayed with him to repay his kindness.

Perhaps there are many things that have already been decided in one's life. No matter how hard you work, you will eventually develop in the direction destined to be good. Otherwise, how can Basong come to him from Thailand so far for his use.

I think Basong came to the tropical forest to find treasure for him, but now he is trapped in the steel and cement of the city because of his personal reasons. In the final analysis, Zhang Feng is really guilty, because he doesn't know what to do now.

In fact, he felt at a loss at home during this period, because after these things happened, he kept asking himself what he was doing for. In fact, if he did business safely and made money, he could achieve his wishes and goals.

However, the brothers around him loved freedom and adventure so much. Should he start again for them, and there was still something he didn't understand in his heart. It was always pressing on his heart, which was hard for him to forget.

After all, he personally promised others that he must fulfill this wish for others. Now they have come out safely and have returned to a new life, but what he said before can be forgotten. Zhang Feng kept asking himself.

Promise to others must be done, otherwise it will not be Zhang Feng, but he doesn't know how to deal with these problems at present. These boys at home are also in constant trouble and contradiction.

Wang Yu and Huang Weiwei kept quarreling all day and let him fight two on one head. The palms and backs of his hands are meat. It's not good whether he can help anyone or not. It seems that they still have to fundamentally solve their contradictions.

But even if Zhang Feng wanted to break his head, he didn't know when the two of them got married and what deep hatred they had. He had to quarrel like this, which completely baffled Zhang Feng and depressed him.

They didn't seem to have much communication since they met. Later, they went to work together in the company and cooperated very well. How did it become like this later? Zhang Feng was puzzled.

There is also Deng Liang, who is bent on finding a chance to go back to Baotou to find Zhai Jing to confess. This time, two failures seem nothing to him. Anyway, failure is the mother of success. He seems to be more frustrated and more brave, and he is determined to win.

Although he agrees with the two of them, he is not Zhai Jing's parents after all, and Zhai Jing is also an adult with independent thinking ability. She knows what she needs and doesn't need. This kind of feeling is the worst thing to persuade.

If it was something else, Zhang Feng thought he could discuss it with them, but he really couldn't intervene in emotional things.

Recalling what Wang Yu said in the morning, Zhang Feng didn't know that Wang Yu was ambushing a pen for Deng Liang. Otherwise, with Wang Yu's character, how could he want to go to Baoji? He has no relatives in Baoji. Now Huashi is his home. For him, Huashi and Baoji are the same. He has no reason to go to Baoji at all.

So it seems that Deng Liang wants to go to Baoshi, so Wang Yu is helping Deng Liang make plans. These two boys are really. Now they don't talk to themselves about anything. They say what they are worried about privately. It seems that they don't treat him as a brother more and more.

Over the past few days, everyone's feelings have gone farther and farther. It seems that they just regard themselves as a big brother and a boss, rather than the brothers in the past. Is it true that life in the city makes people more and more estranged and farther away? Zhang Feng doesn't understand.

Now everyone doesn't know what they think. Even Zhang Feng doesn't dare to say that he knows everyone's heart like the back of his hand. After all, now everyone has their own abacus and plan.

The only thing Zhang Feng can be sure of now is that these brothers still have the same feelings for him as before. They have no second thoughts, but this alone will not work. In the long run, it is inevitable that everyone will be unhappy. Zhang Feng thought that maybe it is time to find an opportunity to have a good chat with these brothers. After all, there are some things that we can solve.

After all, no one is a roundworm in his stomach. Everyone is a separate individual. Everyone has their own ideas in their hearts. If they can't have limited communication and understanding, sooner or later they will have a rift because of some misunderstandings. This is what Zhang Feng doesn't want to see and what he doesn't want to happen.

After all, it's not easy for all brothers to work together for so many years. Now there are many people, and everyone's ideas will inevitably be different, so he still thinks it's better to find an opportunity to talk with you at that time. Today was originally a good opportunity. However, Su Ming was at dinner.

After coming back, I wanted to have a good chat. Who knows that Wang Yu went straight to bed as soon as he came back. He didn't even have a chance to talk. Is it because of Huang Weiwei? He hates Huang Weiwei so much? Seeing Huang Weiwei, he doesn't want to stay in the living room?

It doesn't make sense. Zhang Feng frowned and thought. Wang Yu and Huang Weiwei met every day, and they didn't look up at work. How could they compete with each other to this extent? They were joking during dinner. Did they miss them?

Zhang FengSi always felt something wrong before and after thinking, as if he had missed something. He always felt that he seemed to have missed something, but no matter what he thought, he couldn't understand it. He seemed to be confused. Zhang Feng sat in his study, thinking about these brothers and what Basong said at night. For a moment, he didn't know how to deal with these things.

Zhang Feng looked at the pills quietly placed in the brocade box. Zhang Feng didn't know whether he should eat them or not, because he wasn't sure whether he could recover after eating them.

In fact, during this period of time, Zhang Feng not only adopted and conditioned his body at home, but also needed to constantly adjust his mood and build his heart for himself. Since the accident, Zhang Feng felt that all his special abilities had disappeared. Including the internal force and true Qi in the body also disappeared.

Zhang Feng once tried to cut his arm with a knife. He also dreamed that he could see the cut wound, and he could see that the wound could heal automatically as before. But after waiting for a long time, I was really disappointed.

The wound was still naked and bloody and exposed to the air. There was no change at all. He never recovered slowly with the speed visible to the naked eye as before, which made Zhang Feng feel very uncomfortable. It seemed that he had no special ability since he woke up in the interrogation room. Did his special ability disappear from that time on?

What is causing the current situation and what is the problem. Zhang Feng was troubled by these problems and was sleepless at all. He looked at the pill on the table and wondered whether it would play the role he imagined, and whether all his special abilities would come back after eating it?