Chapter 1651

Bai Luoxue looked very happy when she heard Zhang Feng say this. She said to Zhang Feng, "of course, it's good. You should go to this kind of auction. Maybe you will encounter something destined. You don't have to worry about me. I can go back myself. Now there are so many things in the company, and they are so busy. Don't bother them."

Bai Luoxue thinks it's convenient for her to go back by car. Why bother Wang Yu to send her? Isn't this an ordinary thing for Wang Yu. And now that the company is so busy and needs to do so many things, she is naturally embarrassed to bother Wang Yu again.

Wang Yu heard Bai Luoxue say this. Before Zhang Feng could speak, he quickly took the lead in saying: "Sister-in-law, what are you talking about? You're a little too outspoken. It's my duty and mission to send you back. How can it be troublesome? It's not troublesome at all. I'm just out to get some air. Sitting in the office all day will kill me. Don't you know me? I just can't stay idle."

Wang Yu naturally knows that Zhang Feng and Bai Luoxue are afraid of causing trouble to others, and the other is worried about each other's safety. However, he is too busy to take time to send her home.

As Zhang Feng's brother, Wang Yu naturally has to shoulder the task of sending his sister-in-law home. This is an easy task for him, without taking up too much of his time and feeling that he will not delay his work at all.

A few people were talking and laughing. At this time, there was a sudden commotion outside the store. A group of girls suddenly flocked from the door. The store, which was originally very quiet, was suddenly overcrowded. All the black places were heads.

These people, without exception, were holding cell phones or cameras, and all gathered outside a fully open dessert making room on the left side of the bar, where the clerk introduced them that Michelin dessert master Tony would come to make dessert later.

Although the dessert making room is separated by transparent glass, now the front is full of people. It can be said that all the places are full. They all seem to be waiting for Tony's arrival. This move startled Zhang Feng and them.

Some clerks hurried to maintain order and persuaded the customers to find a place to sit down first and arrange time to take pictures for them later. However, the girls didn't listen to the advice at all. It seems that their purpose is not to eat at all, but to see Tony's style.

No matter what the clerk said, many people just stood in front of them and ordered a few things at random. Symbolically, they asked the clerk to put them on any table. They had to order Tony's dessert before they returned to their seats.

Some people even directly opened the mobile phone software in the store and started the live broadcast. They interacted with the fans in the mobile phone and said that the whole live broadcast would be broadcast when Tony came. For a moment, the atmosphere in the store was warm, which was completely different from that before Zhang Feng and them came in.

The card seat, which had not been visited before, is now full. The clerk is helpless to drag out a sign at the door that the store is full and please line up for dinner. Even so, there is a long queue at the door, which seems to be for Tony's dessert.

Although it's sunny today, the temperature outside is still very low. After all, it's winter. It's very choking when the wind blows. It's warm in the store, but it's hard for those who line up outside.

But the little girls seemed completely unafraid of the cold. Although the team had a long tail, they still couldn't stop their firm heart to see Tony and eat Tony's dessert.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Feng whispered to Wang John, "see, this is the current network effect. Otherwise, who will know what restaurant he has opened in this ghost place, and who will know what star dessert chef he is. This is the advantage of the network, which can make the news spread faster and the positioning more accurate."

Zhang Feng's expression, which seemed to have seen through everything, made everyone have to look at him with new eyes. Although the store was noisy, it did not affect Zhang Feng's mood for dinner. Instead, they became like these little girls and wanted to see Tony's style.

Zhang Feng remembered that Huang Weiwei seemed to have asked the clerk if she was Tony from Hong Kong. Did Huang Weiwei know that these things couldn't be done? Zhang Feng asked: "Weiwei, you seem to have asked the clerk before. How can you know Tony, the dessert maker?"

Zhang Feng just wanted to hear what Huang Weiwei said. She didn't know that this question made Huang Weiwei more nervous. She said bluntly: "Oh, Tony, a colleague of the company brought some desserts when he was on a business trip to Hong Kong. It was said that he had been waiting in line for a long time. At that time, I just heard them say a few words, so I was impressed."

After that, Huang Weiwei lowered her head and drank the drink in front of her, as if she didn't want Zhang Feng to mention the topic again. Zhang Feng's attention has been attracted by those crazy little girls, and she didn't notice Huang Weiwei's difference.

On the contrary, Wang Yu felt a little strange after listening to it. When he saw Huang Weiwei, he couldn't help but say curiously, "eh, no, which colleague went to Hong Kong on business. Why didn't I eat it? Why did I have your share but not mine? How are you? You're still eating alone behind my back?"

Wang Yu thought that he was in the company every day during this period. He almost went in and out with Huang Weiwei at eight to five in the morning. It's impossible that she ate herself but didn't even see the residue. This truth doesn't make sense. Isn't he excluded by everyone.

Huang Weiwei didn't want to mention this again, because Jin Yumin brought the snacks from Hong Kong and gave them to her. Wang Yu was not in the company when he sent it. Only Bai Luoxue knew about it. Bai Luoxue was also present at that time.

And Jin Yumin didn't send it himself. He just asked an assistant to send it. He also kindly wrote a small card indicating the production date and the best consumption days of the food, so that Huang Weiwei must remember to eat in the order of the schedule, so as not to affect the taste of the food at that time.

It happened that she could have afternoon tea for a week. Although these small moves were very considerate and careful, Huang Weiwei never thought about them at that time.

It was only because she later heard that Jin Yumin specially flew to Hong Kong by night flight after work. The next morning, she lined up to buy cakes and flew back at noon to let her taste the freshest cakes of the season, which made Huang Weiwei feel that this man was really speechless.

Originally, this was not a great event, but perhaps because Huang Weiwei quietly tipped off Jin Yumin today, she always felt uncomfortable and seemed to be ashamed of her brother. Although this matter will not affect the company or bring a bad impact to the company.

Moreover, Zhang Feng's original intention is not not that she doesn't want Jin Yumin to know, but maybe it's because she is guilty of being a thief. Huang Weiwei always feels as if she has done something she shouldn't do, so she will be a little flustered.

At this time, Bai Luoxue found Huang Weiwei uncomfortable, but of course she didn't know that Huang Weiwei had secretly told Jin Yumin all this. She thought Huang Weiwei was shy to say it. This was the reason Jin Yumin gave her. She also intended to help Huang Weiwei out, so she opened her mouth to help Huang Weiwei speak.

"You're a big boy, how can you know? I know this. I ate it too. It's really delicious. The ingredients are very fresh. It's said that he made it purely by hand. It's limited every day. It's really not easy to buy it. Just according to today's level, it's not possible for everyone to order it." Bai Luoxue looked at the crowded scene inside, And the long line outside, I couldn't help worrying.

After all, a person's ability is limited. It is not very easy to make so many desserts in one afternoon, unless it is some semi-finished products, there are still some possibilities.

When Zhang Feng heard them say this, he was more curious about what kind of surprise this Tony would bring. He reached out to the waiter, "Hello, I want to ask when this Tony will come, can we order now? How long will it take?"

Although Zhang Feng himself was not interested in this thing, he was very gentlemanly when he saw two ladies here. If time allowed, he was willing to try it with everyone.

After all, he has eaten so many things with Bai Luoxue, and there are not many things that Bai Luoxue can praise. It seems that he has another task in the future, that is, to go to Hong Kong to buy desserts for Bai Luoxue.

In fact, as long as Bai Luoxue can be happy and his time allows, he is happy to do these things for him. After all, Luoxue is the most important woman in her life except her mother. Who else can he be good to if he is not good to her all his life.

When the waiter heard Zhang Feng's question, he seemed to say with a look of embarrassment: "I'm sorry, sir. If you need to order on-site production, the waiting time may be a little long. Mr. Tony won't come until 1:30, and it will be 2:30 as soon as he gets on the table. However, we have boxed cakes brought from Hong Kong, which were made by Mr. Tony himself. They were prepared yesterday and airlifted in this morning, so guests can pack them and take them away. If You can buy it now if you need it. "

As soon as Zhang Feng heard about this time, it was really too late. If he waited for the three o'clock auction at 2:30, it would really delay time. He asked Bai Luoxue and Huang Weiwei, "why don't we buy you some boxes of cakes and go back to eat? It's a long time. How about we have a chance to taste it next time?"

Bai Luoxue was not very interested in these. In fact, if it was made on site, she would still be interested in tasting it, but she bought it ready-made. In fact, Huang Weiwei gave it to her last time. That's it. She didn't have a special cold.

Just because it was put forward by Zhang Feng, Bai Luoxue couldn't refuse. After all, it was a rare time for Zhang Feng to understand the customs like this. She gently nodded and said, "well, I still like to eat. These tastes are fresh and not very greasy. Let's have some boxes."