Chapter 1697

He Xuan knew that Zhang Feng was kind, but he refused Zhang Feng's kindness: "this is too expensive, I can't take it!"

At the beginning, this Xuande stove was reselled as a fake imitation several times. Fortunately, it was well protected. Probably for rare reasons, it has not been really recognized. From the picture alone, this Xuande stove is a rare Buddhist Scripture paper color.

If the Xuande stove seen at the scene tomorrow is also of this color, it will be unparalleled in the world. Although Zhang Feng didn't play with the stove, when Zhang Feng saw what he Xuan said, he actually knew that he Xuan didn't want it, but felt it was too valuable. But the excuse he made was a little bad. If he let the people of the Grand View Garden pay the money, he would not bear it. Although he said that the Grand View Garden was not his own, it was always because of him.

"He Shao, I know what you mean. This thing actually started because of me. If it weren't for me, Ouyang Tianhao wouldn't persecute the Grand View Garden so blatantly. All this is for me. Since I have implicated you, I have the responsibility to thank you for you. I'll take this thing. Since you don't want it this time, I'll give it to you next time." Zhang Feng has made up his mind. It's no use letting anyone say anything now.

He knew that he Xuan would not accept it for no reason, but he knew that he Xuan liked it very much. He didn't worry that he didn't have a good reason and excuse to send it. No matter what he Xuan said at that time, he decided to shoot the stove.

Seeing Zhang Feng say so, he Xuan also knows he can't screw him. He has determined that he is more stubborn than a cow. He Xuan can only stare, but he still has a trace of joy in his heart. The stove fought with Shenshu for a long time, and now he finally has the meaning of settling the dust.

Zhang Feng was looking at the leaflet in his hand. At this time, the mobile phone seemed to vibrate like crazy. He adjusted the mobile phone to the vibration mode before entering the meeting. Who knows there is no signal in it. Zhang Feng felt a shaking. When he took it out, it was all the information sent by the guys in the Grand View Garden. The group was almost boiling.

"Where's brother Zhang? Why don't you see others."

"Hehe, today our Grand View Garden is showing its face."

"Brother Zhang, we will win."

"Brothers, I have a long face today, but I've been guarding in front of the TV and dare not go to the bathroom for a long time."

"It's really lively today. You'll know tomorrow. Brother Zhang gives us a long face tonight."

Everyone in the group talked about it one by one. Obviously, those who photographed good things were reporting the latest news to the people in front of the TV. Obviously, they came out of the meeting and didn't find Zhang Feng.

Zhang Feng remembered that they came out first and didn't tell them. He quickly edited a text and sent it to the group.

"Brothers, today can be said to be the beginning of victory, and tomorrow will also have a beautiful end. I believe that the name of Daguan garden has spread all over the world, and tomorrow, I want to let the world know that there is a famous name in China, called Daguan garden. No one can shake or shake its position. You don't need to say much about the media, I have my own arrangements. It's getting late. Brothers, go back and have a rest early. I'll make arrangements for tomorrow night early tomorrow morning. You can wait for my information. "

After Zhang Feng sent this text, the group sent all the expressions of setting off firecrackers and slapping congratulations. It seems that with Zhang Feng as the backbone, they no longer need to be afraid of any people and things that are unfavorable to the Grand View Garden. It seems that someone has come forward for them, and they no longer need to be frightened.

Zhang Feng took back his mobile phone and said to Wang Yu, "Wang Yu, don't forget to get the snowy dress ready tomorrow. I have to go to the company tomorrow. I don't know how Jin has done. Has Weiwei contacted you tonight?"

Zhang Feng was surprised that Huang Weiwei didn't give him any information or phone calls all night. It seems that she is also watching the live broadcast at home. Otherwise, it is impossible to sleep with her character. Zhang Feng just wants to know if the family members are celebrating now.

At the thought of this, Zhang Feng thought of the little sunspot. Since he took the little sunspot back, he has been busy with the company and auction, and has no time to take care of the little sunspot. The boy was thrown to his parents, and he doesn't know whether he gets along well with his parents.

Although the parents' body is OK, but the boy is so skinny, don't add any chaos to his parents. Zhang Feng was worried. The phone rang again. When he picked it up, it turned out to be Su Ming's. it seems that he is also watching the live broadcast on TV.

The Grand View Garden has been closed these two days. Zhang Feng is asking people to do internal design and repair. The store is no longer open, but for Su Ming, the closed day is more busy than the open day.

In fact, only in the days of the Chinese new year can the Grand View Garden really have a few years of rest, and everyone takes turns. After all, there are the most tourists during the Spring Festival, and some people in the Grand View Park depend on the tourists who enter the park to live.

Different from those who open the door and sit in the store, they either don't open the door and eat for three years. This is also an old saying in the industry. In fact, although this is exaggerated, it is true.

Many shop owners go out to pick up the leak and go to small mountain villages to deceive the farmers who don't know the goods. They have some old things in their family. They don't know what the baby is. They put them in the yard to pickle pickled vegetables and make tofu.

Even a man once made a set of blue and white porcelain plates in the countryside. Before they were washed out, he said that the old farmer would serve his dog as a food basin. Spent more than 10000 to buy it back and changed hands to buy millions. This is the so-called or not open, open for three years.

Zhang Feng, who can lead the team to go out looking for treasure, is not in a minority now, but there are not many bosses who go to the Grand View Garden in person. They all spend money to hire people. Of course, the cost is much higher than going to Taobao in the countryside, but it can't stand a lot of things coming out at one time, with good color, so some earn money.

However, the business of Zhang Feng's shop can be said to be good enough to be an industry myth in the antique circle. His highest experience is that he opens every day and has several orders a day, so he doesn't have much rest time every year.

It's just that when they open the store, they can sit and rest in the store. If they rest, there are a lot of things waiting for the shopkeepers to work. Some old goods need to be cleaned up and taken care of, and some things that are not numbered need to be sorted out.

Fortunately, Zhang Feng's warehouse management here is very systematic. Although he has not connected to the computer network, this is also because Su Ming can't use the computer, but his brain is as effective as an advanced computer.

Usually, as long as something new comes to the store, Su Ming will take out his book locked in the drawer, make a number for it, summarize it according to the classification page, and then ask Liu San to put it in the warehouse and describe it in a way that he can understand.

In fact, many stores have adopted computerized warehouse management. Su Ming saw it in others before he moved his mind to buy a computer. He also felt that it was time for him to keep pace with the times and not stay in the old ideas.

During the holiday, he needs to take the small people to count all the warehouses in each store, so as to prevent any omission and negligence. In the years of systematic management by Su Ming, no items have been lost in the store.

Everyone set an example, supervised each other, and did not steal. This is what Su Ming is most proud of. After all, the people who can work in his store have been tested by him. If they don't have clean hands and feet, they won't have access to the valuables in the store at all.

Zhang Feng watched Su Ming call and knew that Su Ming had been worrying about the Grand View Garden. Of course, he knew that Su Ming wanted to come this time, but he really couldn't bring him with him because of the timing.