Chapter 1701

Zhang Feng saw that the truck driver was quiet. He also knew that he really shouldn't take care of it. He said to them, "let's go. Let's go back first. Everyone at home is in a hurry. Why don't you get hurt? If you feel uncomfortable, let's go to the hospital together."

Zhang Feng is most worried about whether he Xuan was injured just now. After all, he Xuan is a person born with a golden key. If something happens to him, he doesn't know how to explain to the people of the he family. After all, he Xuan is the only heir of the he family.

He Xuan swallowed the fishy smell in his mouth. Just now he was holding his mobile phone. Maybe the mobile phone hit his mouth when the car crashed, and his teeth broke his mouth. At the moment, he felt that there was some hot pain and fishy smell in his lower lip. It should be bleeding.

But at this time, he doesn't want everyone to go to the hospital with him for examination. Such a small thing will be fine in a few days. He is a big man. This pain is nothing. He also knows that Zhang Feng has been tired all day. If it weren't for taking him home, maybe they would have been home long ago.

This road is the way to his home. If Zhang Feng didn't send him away, he wouldn't have encountered such a thing at all. It's all his fault. How can he drag so many people to the hospital with him? Just because his lips were a little skinned, he Xuan naturally didn't have such affectation.

"I'm fine, Zhang Shao. What can I do when I sit in the back? It's the master. It seems that I've hit my head. If he's uncomfortable, wait at my house and stay at my house tonight. I'll ask the doctor to come and have a good check on the master." he Xuan thought that if I can keep the master at his house for a few days, he can have a good communication with the master.

Who knows what he said startled several people present. How can this be? As soon as Wang John took off his makeup, he didn't wear clothes. He must not let him stay at any house for a night. Zhang Feng was frightened. He looked at Wang John. Wang John also stared round.

John Wang quickly waved his hand and said, "no, you're welcome, benefactor. I haven't had anything at all. It's not an internal injury. I'll be fine if I go back to breathe. I have something important tomorrow. I'm leaving China early in the morning. Let's go back quickly."

Wang John was gnashing his teeth at Zhang Feng at the moment. If Zhang Feng hadn't arranged him as a ghost master at the beginning, how could he be entangled by he Xuan all night? If he Xuan forcibly pulled him down at home, he wouldn't be helping at that time.

This is an embarrassing thing. He can't let this happen. Now he's still leaving this place of right and wrong. As long as he Xuan is safely sent home, he can relax this night. He's already tired after pretending to be a master all night.

Seeing that they said so, he Xuan had to give up. Unfortunately, he had too little time to communicate with the master today. If only the master could stay here for a few more days, he Xuan could not help but feel some regret. He hasn't talked enough with the master today.

"Master, you're leaving tomorrow? When will you come back? The time for this gathering is too short. Next time you come, you must contact me and I'll make good arrangements for you. I also want to talk to the master, and there are still many questions to ask you." he Xuan looked at the master longingly.

He felt that the master's life must be idle clouds and wild cranes. If it weren't for the delay of the auction tonight, he would certainly take the master to the tea room to have a good talk. It's rare to meet a grounded master and talk so well. Naturally, he didn't want to miss it.

Wang John smiled awkwardly. He looked at he Xuan and said, "next time, there must be a chance next time. Let's go quickly." he urged them to get on the bus. If the police came, there would be no need to rest today. He wants to sleep for a long time. This is a ghost auction. It's really nonsense. It's harmful until night.

"It's possible that the water may be retrograde recently. Let's pay attention to it and try not to get into any lawsuit." Wang John rubbed his head and muttered to them as he walked.

As soon as he Xuan heard what he said about Shui inverse, he hurried over and asked, "master, what do you mean by Shui inverse and what does it have to do with us?" he didn't quite understand what Wang John said. He didn't know why. The master always said some unfathomable words, but it sounded very reasonable.

As soon as John Wang heard what he Xuan asked, he quickly explained to he Xuan, "Water retrograde, in a simple and popular way, means that Mercury will go opposite to the earth every other period of time, which will affect the luck and luck of some constellations and lead to depression. Communication, transportation, memory and some major decisions in life will have some small problems due to water retrograde, so we must not ignore water retrograde. It's best to keep a peaceful state of mind and eat more vegetarians during this period of time, Early to bed and early to rise. "

John Wang has made some nonsense. He also knows that boys will not pay too much attention to these things, but he doesn't have much research on constellations. This is what the constellations said in the news on his mobile phone today. I'll show it by the way.

Who knows, after he Xuan heard it, he made a sudden appearance. He kept nodding his head and said: "Yes, yes, I have this feeling recently. It seems that the master is right. Master, you can talk to me about the constellation when you are free. I think there is always friction between me and my girlfriend recently, which probably has something to do with Shui inverse? And my parents are always unhappy because of trivial things. It must be Shui inverse."

He Xuan remembered that his mother quarreled with his father a few days ago because of whether to eat poached eggs or boiled eggs for breakfast. I don't know what to quarrel with. It's a big deal to do both. Can't their family afford to eat a few eggs?

But it was because of this that his mother nagged his father for a day, which made his father angry. As a result, when he went back to dinner in the afternoon, Leng became a real vent. As a result, he was punished by his father for writing small letters for two hours in his study.

Later, I learned from my aunt's mouth that my father and mother had a quarrel in the morning and were angry all day. Just in the afternoon, when he came back, he naturally became the vent of his parents. Do you think he was wronged or not? Think about it.

Zhang Feng couldn't help laughing when he Xuan complained, "you're really superstitious. Why are you so superstitious when you're young? Why don't you go out and work when the water goes against the water? That's why you spend too little time with your parents. If you often accompany them, they won't have time to quarrel."

Hearing what he Xuan said, Zhang Feng couldn't help feeling that his family was still harmonious. At least his father and his mother wouldn't quarrel over what eggs to eat, because no matter what his mother did, his father thought it was the world that hung up the phone. He Xuan told them that it would only take a few minutes for the driver to come. It was only two kilometers away from his home. If it wasn't too late, he would wear a suit, I can run back at ordinary times. Where does it need so much trouble.

Several people can't start the car now, so they can only sit in the car and wait. They don't want to go out at the moment, so that Zhang Feng can't help meddling in the business there.

After a while, the driver didn't wait, but the sound of the sirens of ambulances and police cars roared from far to near. Soon, the scene was busy. Those medical staff saved people and carried stretchers. They looked at all this in the car and only hoped that everything would be all right.

But things obviously didn't go as they wanted. Soon, traffic police and police found several big living people sitting in a car here, but they obviously didn't mean to get off. Several police pointed and said over there, and soon a traffic police came over.

He knocked on the window several times. After Wang Yu rolled down the window, a voice came in, "are you okay? Do you need an ambulance? The driver, please take out your ID card and driver's license. If you're okay, everyone will come down and cooperate with the work."