Chapter 1811

Smelling the speech, the little rabbit directly lay on Zhang Feng's shoulder and cried loudly. After crying for a long time, almost all of Zhang Feng's shoulders were wet. Then he cried and said, "Uncle Zhang, my sister just called me to run quickly and don't go home. Someone is going to kill all the people in our family!"

Zhang Feng had a smiling face. When he heard the little rabbit's words, his expression suddenly became dignified and hurried to ask, "are you going to kill your whole family? It's impossible. Tell Uncle Zhang what's going on!"

The little rabbit said, "I don't know. Just after school, my sister called me and told me not to go home. Someone wants to kill us. I don't know what's going on. Uncle Zhang, what should I do now!"

Zhang Feng didn't take rabbit's words seriously. In his heart, he thought his sister might be kidding him, but at this time, rabbit's phone rang again. The little rabbit took out his mobile phone and immediately said to Zhang Feng, "Uncle Zhang, it's my sister's phone!"

Hearing the speech, Zhang Feng quickly took over the mobile phone: "hello? Are you the sister of little rabbit? You just told little rabbit that someone was going to kill your family. What's going on!"

At the other end of the phone, I was silent for a while. I guess I didn't expect that the rabbit was not answering the phone. Finally, a nice woman's voice came from the phone: "I'm the sister of the rabbit. I don't know who you are, but it seems that you are not a bad person. I'll tell you about it!"

With sister rabbit's explanation on the phone, Zhang Feng's face became more and more ugly. According to sister rabbit, today a group of underworld people rushed over and said that rabbit's father owed them a lot of money.

Now they are running away again, so they want to kill their whole family. Not long ago, the rabbit's mother has been caught by those bad guys. Now I don't know what happened! So the little rabbit's sister doesn't want the little rabbit to go home. She plans to let the little rabbit find a place to hide.

Zhang Feng was shocked when he heard the speech. Obviously, he didn't expect such a thing to happen. Although he had a lot of underworld contacts because there were people like Han Chen around him, this kind of thing was not only heard of, but even witnessed more terrible things.

However, this kind of thing will happen in these ordinary people's families, and it will happen to Han Xin's classmates, which is beyond Zhang Feng's imagination.

However, even at this time, Zhang Feng was still not sure whether it was true. He immediately called Han Chen and asked Han Xin to pick him up. He asked the rabbit to lead the way and went directly to her house.

According to the rabbit's guide, Zhang Feng successfully found the rabbit's home. Rabbit's home is located in a shanty town, which is remote. And it was located on the third floor of the built shanty. When Zhang Feng went upstairs, he found that the stairwell was full of blood. Suddenly, he felt a very bad idea. He knew that what rabbit's sister estimated to be true.

Although with Zhang Feng's skill, even under the siege of dozens of people, it is no problem to protect the safety of the rabbit, but now I don't know what the situation is in the rabbit's house.

So after thinking for a while, Zhang Feng quietly told the rabbit to go to dayouzhai in Tianjin antique market. He said that he was called by Zhang Feng. The rabbit was very afraid. Now when he saw Zhang Feng telling her to go, he nodded and left quickly.

Zhang Feng crept over. The door of the rabbit's house was open. After Zhang Feng walked in, he found that there were seven or eight people sitting in the living room with a pool of blood on the ground. Seeing that Zhang Feng's face changed slightly, and the seven or eight people obviously saw Zhang Feng breaking in at this time.

One of them angrily asked, "what are you doing? It's none of your business here. Get out of here." with that, these guys stood up one by one and gradually approached Zhang Feng, obviously trying to drive Zhang Feng away.

However, Zhang Feng looked calm. After all, for him, these guys were a piece of cake, so he was very relaxed. He stood there motionless and said, "I'm the parent of little rabbit's classmate. I heard that little rabbit's sister said that someone wanted to kill his family, isn't it you? Where's his father? What's the matter with this pool of blood on the ground?" Zhang Feng asked again and again, Asked a lot of questions.

Hearing the speech, one of the people on the other side laughed and said, "Psycho, who do you think you are? You also asked us, brothers, give it to me. First beat up the waste to me alive, and then say, what I hate most is this nosy thing!" with a big hand, I saw a group of people rush up to Zhang Feng.

Seeing this, Zhang Feng wrinkled his eyebrows slightly, and then kicked out with one foot, kicking the fastest little gangster away at once.

Then, in a few seconds, he knocked down all the little gangsters in the room one by one. Finally, Zhang Feng walked slowly in front of the gangster leader, stepped on the guy's face and ravaged it constantly. Finally, he asked, "tell me what's going on, why did you kill their whole family, and this pool of blood on the ground, What the hell is going on! "

The little gangster on the ground obviously didn't expect that Zhang Feng, who looked like a businessman, was so good that he knocked all of them down a few times. However, although Zhang Feng pressed them on the ground at this time, he didn't panic.

One of them sneered and said, "hehe, what if you have good skills? Now in this society, no one with good skills can solve everything. I advise you to let me go honestly, otherwise if the people behind me know, it's estimated that you'll die on the street!"

When Zhang Feng saw that the little gangster dared to threaten him in this situation, he was furious. He slapped the guy on the head, and stepped on several ribs of the little gangster with one foot.

He immediately shouted in pain at the little gangster on the ground, and the guy suddenly became soft. He quickly shouted, "I'm wrong, I'm wrong, what do you want to know? I must say ah, please don't step on me again!"

Originally, Zhang Feng thought this guy's bone was very hard. Unexpectedly, this guy was a soft egg that was soft when pinched. He immediately smiled. Finally, he knew a lot from the soft egg's mouth.

In fact, the matter is very simple. The rabbit's father is a small businessman. Not long ago, these gangsters set a trap for the rabbit's father and let the rabbit's father gamble and lose a lot of money.

Then coerce the rabbit's father and let the rabbit's father hand over his daughter, that is, the rabbit's sister, so the large sum of money owed can be written off.

However, the rabbit's father now knew that it was a trap, and he was unwilling to use his daughter to pay off the debt, so he wanted to escape, but he was blocked at the door by these little gangsters after they knew the news.

The rabbit's father has been killed by these guys, and the pool of blood on the ground also comes from the rabbit's father. As for the rabbit's sister, in fact, the whole thing is because of her.

It turned out that these little gangsters lying on the ground were mixed with a man named brother Hu. Brother Hu saw the sister of rabbit working in his own KTV some time ago, so he wanted to get her.

However, little rabbit's sister didn't eat that set at all. Seeing that brother Hu was interested in herself, she knew in her heart that it would be bad luck if she continued to stay, so she resigned directly.

But tiger didn't want to give her up, so he set up a set for rabbit's father to drill, and finally let his father owe a lot of gambling money. Up to now, the rabbit's father has been killed because he is unwilling to hand over his daughter, and the rabbit's mother is missing. Brother Hu's people are now looking for the rabbit's sister in manjin city.

Hearing the speech, Zhang Feng suddenly felt very angry. The man called brother tiger was too arrogant. He acted so domineering that he didn't hesitate to kill her family for the sake of little rabbit's sister. This made Zhang Feng very angry.

Just then, Zhang Feng broke his ribs, and the little gangster's cell phone suddenly rang. Seeing this, Zhang Feng gave the little gangster a look. The little gangster took out his mobile phone and handed it to Zhang Feng, saying it was brother Hu who hit him.

Zhang Feng asked him to connect and turn on hands-free. The tiger asked, "you handle the things over there and come back. That little girl has been caught by me. Hehe, I'm going to kill her today!" Zhang Feng was furious when he heard the speech. This guy is too brazen!

After hanging up, Zhang Feng called Han Chen and told Han Chen the situation here. Then he left here after Han Chen sent someone. Zhang Feng had no hesitation. Go straight to the tiger.

Zhang Feng had learned the location of brother Hu from the gangster before, and soon came to the door of a KTV. However, Zhang Feng's face changed slightly when he saw this guy, because the location of this KTV was just in Li Dao's territory.

Obviously, brother Hu is fooling around with Li Dao. If you really clean up brother Hu, it is estimated that Li Dao will not sit idly by! But now the situation is extremely critical. If it is a little slower, Zhang Feng is worried that the rabbit's sister will really be raped. After thinking about it, Zhang Feng resolutely decides to clean up brother Hu.

He kicked open the door of the KTV, and Zhang Feng walked in. When a group of people in the KTV saw Zhang Feng's behavior, they were angry and surrounded Zhang Feng. These people were all wearing security uniforms, but Zhang Feng knew that these people were just a group of thugs raised by KTV.

Today, I came here to make trouble, so I didn't hesitate at all. I used both hands and feet. In two or three times, I couldn't move the security guards and lay on the ground.

At the same time, the guests in the KTV were frightened and ran away one by one, and a group of people rushed over angrily. One of the guys with big arms and round waist looked like a leader and said to Zhang Feng, "where did the wild boy dare to make trouble on my territory? Don't you want to live?"

Zhang Feng smiled and asked, "are you brother Hu?"

The man opposite was stunned. Obviously, he didn't expect Zhang Feng to know his name. He nodded and said with a little doubt: "since you know my name, dare you come to my territory? You're afraid you've eaten the courage of a bear heart leopard! Who are you? Li Dalang, or ambitious?"

Zhang Feng shook his head and said, "I'm not. I came because of the little rabbit's sister!" brother Hu immediately laughed and laughed with the bodyguards around him. After laughing, brother Hu suddenly turned cold.

He looked at Zhang Feng with a gloomy face and said, "stand up for that cheap woman? Hehe, I tell you, that woman has been booked by me for a long time. If you stand up for her, you will have a hard time with me! Believe it or not, you will die here today!"

Zhang Feng nodded in agreement, but then said, "brother Hu, right? Don't say I bully people. Today I give you two choices, either let the rabbit's sister go, or I'll treat other things as if they haven't happened. Otherwise, hehe, when the weeds on your grave are more than two meters high next year, I hope someone else is willing to weed for you!"