Chapter 2044

When the middle-aged man said this, he regained his confidence. After all, where are the rules? Even if big eagle is uninhibited and doesn't want to abide by them, he represents Liu Hei gambling here. If he does anything against the rules, of course, Liu Hei has to carry the pot. Therefore, the middle-aged man thinks that big eagle should think of this floor and won't mess around here, The big stone in the middle-aged man's heart was put down in an instant.

But the fear of the middle-aged man still existed from the bottom of his heart. He carefully observed the eagle's expression for fear that he would throw the knife on his head if he was "careless".

Hearing that the middle-aged man pressed himself with the rules of night, the eagle just smiled disdainfully. His evil eyes scraped the middle-aged man like a knife. The middle-aged man immediately felt that the cold sweat behind him was two layers more and shivered several times.

The eagle said, "what nonsense are you talking about? You think I'm going to kill you? You don't deserve it. I just want to wipe the knife because you've been grinding for so long. Why is it stipulated that you can't wipe the knife when gambling?"

When the eagle spoke, she looked at the rabbit girl standing next to him. The rabbit girl was obviously well-trained, and she saw more such scenes, so she didn't look frightened at all. When the eagle looked at it, she met the eagle's eyes and smiled at him.

The bunny answered the eagle's question and said, "it's not stipulated that you can't wipe the knife when gambling, so Mr. Wang's practice doesn't violate any rules of the night."

After the rabbit girl's words, the eagle laughed, looked at the middle-aged man and said disdainfully, "you see, you can't even compare with a woman. If you're afraid to come out like this, go back to your mother and drink more milk for a few years before you come out. I'll also make a full bet and hurry. I don't want to spoil the fun with such a useless person as you."

The big eagle said, pushing all the bets with his foot. His bets were much more than those of the middle-aged man. Therefore, although the middle-aged man had a lot of onlookers to bet on him, those chips didn't feel as much as those of the big eagle.

When the middle-aged man was told by the big eagle, his old face turned red and was extremely embarrassed, but he couldn't help the big eagle, because the big eagle was really telling the truth, he was really afraid of him, and he believed that not many people present were not afraid of the big eagle. The reputation of the big eagle in Jiangshi is often combined with the terrible words of abuse. How can others be afraid of him?

Besides, a big eagle has frightened people. Besides, there is Liu Hei behind the big eagle. Liu Hei is the real creepy character. Of course, they can't provoke people who dare not provoke both black and white. So they were afraid not only of the eagle in front of them, but also of Liu Hei behind him.

If he was humiliated like this on weekdays, the middle-aged man must have asked all his brothers to settle accounts with someone in the past, but not today. He just wanted to gamble and relax. It was impossible to provoke an enemy of Liu Hei's level for a time. Otherwise, even if he left Jiangshi, he didn't know whether he could live.

But the middle-aged man immediately realized another thing that made him happy, that is, the money thrown down by the eagle. In this game, he felt he was sure to win, otherwise he wouldn't throw all the money in. So this time, the middle-aged man thought he could take all the eagle's money away. Isn't this a very happy thing? He can say what he likes. Anyway, he won the money and gave himself a sigh of relief, didn't he?

Thinking like this, the middle-aged man felt much better, and the smile on his face began to become normal. He said: "yes, brother eagle is right. These people bet too slowly and spoil brother eagle's interest, but now the time is almost the same. Once the betting time is over, he can continue to open the card. Brother Eagle doesn't have to wait long."

The middle-aged man said so, but in his heart, he was thinking that soon, as the betting time passed, you would have no money to play, and the middle-aged man also thought that as soon as the game opened, he took the money and ran away. He must not wait until Liu Hei came out and knew that he had won the money. Blame the eagle.

The middle-aged man thinks very beautiful. In short, he thinks he is sure to win. There is no suspense at all, and more and more people present support him, which makes him more confident.

Although the eagle threw out all the chips just now, many people began to swing about the gambling game, and some people began to stand on the side of the eagle, the total number of people still supported middle-aged men.

The bunny stood up and said, "the time for betting is running out. Who else wants to bet? Hurry up. This game is full. Therefore, for the winning party, the income will be much more than the general game. When will it be until you don't bet at this time? Money won't wait. You're still hesitant. Hurry up."

The rabbit girl smiled like a spring breeze and coaxed the people present to bet. In the final analysis, she didn't think about the interests of the casino. No matter who lost or won, the casino would deduct fees from the guests. Therefore, the more guests win, the more their commission will be. As time ran out, those people began to bet again after passing the rabbit girl.

At this time, Guo Xiaobing, who had been standing and observing, bumped into Zhang Feng and said, "do we want to play again? It's good to win some money back! Otherwise, it's not easy to come back. The girl hasn't been soaked and the money hasn't been gambled. It's a shame to say it."

Guo Xiaobing doesn't mind watching the excitement. Anyway, he knows that Zhang Feng will fight against big eagle sooner or later. If he makes a move at this time, he may make a lot of money, so he advised him to make a move. With the money they bring now, it's not a problem to double the money as long as he makes the right bet.

Zhang Feng raised his eyebrow and thought that he should try. Later, he wants to gamble with big eagle, but his money is limited. But looking at the chips of big eagle, he may not be able to play with him. It's better to bet now and double the money in his hand, so that he can have more chips to wait for, right?

Zhang Feng knew: "it's good, or we'll be easily consumed by him with a little money later." that's the possibility Zhang Feng thought. Although he is very confident in his luck and technology, people can't win all of them! After all, the eagle has so much more money than himself. If he wants to gamble, he may lose two and then have no chips. Isn't it an unjust death to lose in this way?

So Zhang Feng still thinks that he should make a bet and double his money first. Whatever else, even if something happens later, he still has money! In short, this one does not lose. Besides, through his observation of big eagle and middle-aged men just now, he can basically determine that this one is won by big eagle. In this way, if he doesn't do any business that can earn without losing, he is really a pig.

Zhang Feng took his small box with money, walked forward and pushed away the crowd. At this time, the betting time was coming to an end, and the rabbit girl in charge of Xiazhuang was already counting down at the end. The rabbit girl looked at the intelligent timer in her hand and said, "so far, there are less than ten seconds before the deadline for betting, ten, nine, eight..."

Just then, Zhang Feng smashed a box on the gambling table. The rabbit girl was surprised by the sudden accident and stopped counting. She looked at Zhang Feng and said, "Sir, did you bet?" the rabbit girl looked at Zhang Feng with vigilant eyes, because she suspected that Zhang Feng might have come to make trouble. This is the big eagle's gambling table. Which one was not careful to bet, Who dares to drop it like this.

Although there are rules here, you can't fight casually. You must register your identity before beating someone, sign an exemption agreement, and then go to the challenge arena of the entertainment city under the night to have a fight. But although the rules are rules, the purpose of making rules is to ask others to abide by them. Some people abide by the rules, although some people don't pay attention to the rules. The staff working at night, from the floor sweeping aunt to the manager, are trembling every day for fear that any gold owner will suddenly lose his nerve and ignore the rules, so a little wind and grass can make them frightened.

Now Zhang Feng smashed the box like this, which of course successfully attracted the attention of the whole audience. For a time, everyone looked at Zhang Feng's direction and didn't know what he wanted to do, including the eagle. He looked at Zhang Feng a little unhappy and wondered who dared to act wild in his field.

Zhang Feng saw that all the people in the audience stopped because of his smashing. He was very satisfied with the effect. He just wanted to create an appearance that he was not afraid of heaven and earth. Then the eagle would have an opinion on him. It was convenient to go back and complain to Liu Hei, and then come to him to settle accounts. Then he would get his wish to see Liu Hei.

Zhang Feng smiled and said, "yes, I'm just betting. Don't be so nervous. I don't have a sharp knife in my hand. You're nervous!" Zhang Feng's sentence is obviously to attract the attention of the eagle. Who else has a knife except the eagle? No, obviously this sentence is provocative to the eagle.

Sure enough, the eagle raised his eyelids and looked at Zhang Feng. His eyes became more and more uncomfortable. But he has not reached the level of outbreak. After all, here he knows very well that he represents Liu Hei's identity. If he is outside, he will give Zhang Fengfei a knife without hesitation, but not now, because he doesn't know what Zhang Feng comes from.

Sometimes even if he "accidentally" hit someone at night, as long as Liu Hei helped him, he wouldn't have anything. But now he doesn't know Zhang Feng's identity, he can't act rashly, because although Liu Hei has great power, there are people he can't hold.

The person who can enter the night is not an ordinary person. Moreover, there is basically no big eagle who doesn't know him here. In other words, the man in front of him dares to be so arrogant when he knows that he is Liu Hei, so the big eagle began to guess Zhang Feng's identity.

The same is true of the rabbit girl. Zhang Feng dared to be so arrogant in front of the eagle. It seems that it is definitely not a simple role, so he changed his tone for a while, and the smile on his face looks bright and shining. The bunny said, "since it's a betting guest, we're all welcome here. Although it's past the betting time, sir has put the box on the table before the deadline, so this bet is effective, and... Sir's bet is brother eagle's bet."

The rabbit girl was originally responsible for the live broadcast, so she just said the situation on the scene. As soon as the rabbit girl's voice came out, they found that Zhang Feng's box was placed on the big eagle's gambling disc, but they didn't know whether it was inadvertently or deliberately.

The people present basically believed that the middle-aged man would win this game, so they felt funny about Zhang Feng's bet and were secretly happy. The more each other's bet, doesn't it mean that they can get more money?