Chapter 2057

In this case, either Tang Ben didn't ask the supervisor what Zhang Feng was like with the VIP card, and directly asked someone to invite Zhang Feng, which makes sense, because it was not the supervisor who came to find Zhang Feng, but Tang Ben's confidant, an old gentleman. Tang Ben would ask his confidant to pick him up, which means that he felt that the person with the VIP card was his old friend, So let the old gentleman pick it up.

However, another possibility is that if the supervisor told Tang Ben Zhang Feng's appearance, Tang Ben was curious that he didn't know Zhang Feng, but Zhang Feng had his own VIP card, so he was curious about Zhang Feng, and then asked the old gentleman to pick Zhang Feng up to see who dared to pretend to be the VIP of mingyuzhai.

But if you think so, you can't figure it out. The old gentleman clearly knows that Zhang Feng is not Tang Ben's friend, but he is still polite to him. Compared with the man who came out to block the road just now, you can hear from the tone of voice that the old gentleman really doesn't treat Zhang Feng as an ordinary person.

The old gentleman didn't respond to Zhang Feng's words. He said in a flat tone: "I'm just a housekeeper. What Mr. Tang Ben explained is what. Since you have a black VIP card, I'll only regard you as Mr. Tang Ben's friend. As I told you just now, don't be nervous. Mr. Tang Ben is easy to get along with. He just wants to see you."

The old gentleman's words made Zhang Feng understand that Tang Ben already knew that he was not the holder of the black VIP card, but even so, he still wanted to meet himself? Zhang Feng turned in his mind for a long time, and there was no information about Tang Ben at all, that is to say, they didn't have any intersection at all. Then why did Tang Ben want to see him? Is it really because of curiosity?

Zhang Feng was still thinking. At this time, the old gentleman had come to a box and stopped. The gentleman knocked on the door and said, "Sir, someone has brought it."

The old gentleman stopped talking and seemed to be waiting for the response inside, but no one spoke for a long time. After waiting for a while, Zhang Feng suddenly heard a "drop", and the place where the code lock of the box door in front suddenly made a sound. The original red indicator light turned green.

The old gentleman opened the heavy box door, but he didn't go in himself. He let Zhang Feng in first, then he went in himself, and then he brought the door.

The box is well-equipped and basically a small amusement park. Of course, everything is the most advanced equipment. Zhang Feng was surprised to find that on the wall in front of him, where it should have been a wall, there is a fish trough, just like an aquarium. The whole fish trough is embedded in the wall, and he doesn't know how much space there is, Anyway, there are all kinds of marine life in it.

The water originally emits blue light. Under the reflection of the light, the blue water light refracts into the whole room. The whole room seems to have water flowing, with a faint blue light floating.

Just looking at this fish trough, you can see that the owner of this room has great taste. There are expensive decorations everywhere, but they do not appear high-profile and luxurious. On the contrary, because they are properly matched, they all show a retro connotation. Of course, you can see from this fish trough that the owner of this room is very rich. It seems that it is indeed Tang Ben's exclusive box.

The old gentleman took Zhang Feng through the main hall of the box and went all the way through the corridor along the wall of the fish trough. It was not like a box, but more like a room in a European castle with a long history. Zhang Feng followed the old gentleman to an independent room inside. Zhang Feng saw a man looking down at something. He looked very serious, But he was behind the sofa. The sofa was neither high nor short. It just blocked what the man was studying, so Zhang Feng couldn't see what he was doing.

Although Tang Ben couldn't see it, the old gentleman dutifully greeted him and said, "Sir, Mr. Zhang Feng is coming." the old gentleman spoke to Tang Ben in a completely different tone, which was completely different from that with Zhang Feng just now. When talking to Zhang Feng, although he smiled, his tone was strange, and he could hear that he would deliberately keep a distance from Zhang Feng, Talking to Tang Ben now is exactly the kind of respectful attitude that the old housekeepers of the aristocrats in ancient Western Europe spoke to the Duke.

And from the old gentleman's words, Zhang Feng knew that the old gentleman had already known his name, that is, Tang should have known it, but the old gentleman didn't mention it to Ben just now. It seems that Tang Ben knows him completely. Zhang Feng was alert for a moment. He couldn't guess Tang Ben's purpose for a moment. He knew that he could let the people at night deal with the matter and drive him out directly. Now I have to invite him here. What do you mean?

After the old gentleman's words, Tang Ben raised his head from the table and looked at Zhang Feng. Tang Ben is a man who looks 30 or 40 years old. He looks smart and capable, has a business mind and small eyes. When looking at people, he always narrows up habitually and hides his ideas in the bottom of his eyes.

Now he also looked at Zhang Feng for a few seconds. Zhang Feng really didn't understand what he was looking at, as if he wanted to see through himself. Moreover, when he looked at others, there was a strong aura around him, which made people shudder. Most people didn't dare to look at Tang Ben for too long. The eyes of such exploration were very deterrent, and it was easy to be frightened if he had a bad heart.

But who is Zhang Feng? He has seen more storms and waves than ordinary people of his age. If he is seen and counselled just because of the sight of others, what else does he come out to do? So he stood there frankly, looked at Tang Ben and asked, "I'm Zhang Feng. What can Mr. Tang Ben do for me?"

Zhang Feng decided not to take the initiative to mention the black card. He might be able to fool it, because he felt that Tang Ben didn't find him because of the VIP card. Would people like him care about a VIP card? Otherwise he wouldn't have asked the old gentleman to come to him at all.

Tang Ben raised his eyebrows when he heard Zhang Feng say such words. It seemed that he didn't expect Zhang Feng to say such words to him in the first sentence. Did he plan not to mention the VIP card? Suddenly, Tang Ben thought the young man was very interesting. Such a sentence directly brought himself back from the passive state to the active state.

It was Tang Ben who asked him why he had a VIP card that didn't belong to him, but Zhang Feng directly dumped the matter to them. Anyway, if you didn't ask, I'll kill you. If you asked, I said again that this method really solved his embarrassing situation.

For Tang Ben, a VIP card is nothing, and according to his current status, he needs to ask others if he still has a card? If he spoke first, he would look stingy. Tang Ben looked at Zhang Feng with inquisitive eyes. The young man seemed to be really like what Master Li said. It was not simple.

If ordinary people see him because of such a thing, they probably don't kneel down to return the VIP card to him at the first time and beg him not to investigate, or directly show their weapons to fight with Tang Ben. They say that they are dead anyway. It's better to die together. Tang Ben has met many of these situations. But there is no way, who let his bad name out, everyone hears his name as if he hears something terrible, which is helpless.

But Tang Ben saw Zhang Feng for the first time. He thought nothing had happened and asked him what he wanted to find him.

Tang Ben smiled. This time, although he came to Zhang Feng for the reason of VIP card, in fact, he wanted to see Zhang Feng because of another thing. Since Zhang Feng's attitude, it would be a little stingy to talk about it again, so he couldn't mention it again. He just left a deep impression on Zhang Feng in his heart.

Tang Ben nodded to Zhang Feng in a tone that seemed very sorry and said to Zhang Feng, "I'm so sorry to find you suddenly. Come here, I want you to see something for me." Tang Ben's tone was very flat, as if he was really chatting with old friends. Even Zhang Feng was stupid.

The reason why he would ask Tang Ben why he found him is not because he can't admit his mistake directly. He doesn't know why Tang Ben wanted to find him, so he can't put forward the black VIP card. Don't look so calm and fearless on his face, but in fact, he is very guilty.

But now he heard Tang Ben say sorry to him and communicate with him in such a good tone. All this made him wonder if it was a fake Tang Ben? He heard that Tang Ben's methods were swift and resolute. No one in the business community of Jiangshi could bear his thunder methods. Can't you imagine that he was such a kind person?

Zhang Feng remembered that when the old gentleman brought him here just now, he said twice that Tang Ben was a good person to get along with. At that time, he thought that the old gentleman would say so only because he had been with Tang Ben for a long time. Unexpectedly, was it true?

However, since Tang Ben has said so, Zhang Feng can't say anything to refuse, because he knows that he used the black card of mingyuzhai and was caught by the boss of mingyuzhai. If others want to investigate, he won't have to mix in Jiangshi. Therefore, Tang Ben doesn't mention the VIP card now. He should be thankful.

So Tang Ben let him go. Of course, he can only do it. Who let himself have something in the hands of others now. Zhang Feng bypassed the sofa and saw that what Tang Ben had been studying turned out to be a jade on the tea table.

It's a good white jade. The jade is of high quality and transparent. It hasn't been carved yet. It looks brighter under the light of incandescent lamp. Zhang Feng feels strange. Does Tang Ben want him to see the jade?

On this thought, Zhang Feng seems to have a clue. If Tang Ben didn't come to investigate the VIP card, did he really come to see the jade? As soon as he arrived in Jiangshi, not many people knew that he would see jade. And he is a person who knows Tang Ben. Zhang Feng knows who he is.

No matter what you think, if you want Zhang Feng to say who has the greatest relationship with this matter, it must be master Li and Li Rongxue. If you think so, Zhang Feng feels that all this has been figured out, so Tang bencai doesn't care if the VIP card is in his hand, so he didn't directly ask someone to drive himself out of the night.

All this is because of the Li family! Tang Ben's relationship with the Li family is an old friend, so although he doesn't know Zhang Feng, Master Li's friend is his friend. That's why he gives him face! It seems that Tang Ben knew about him from Master Li or Li Rongxue!