Chapter 2394

Chen kaigen had no choice. If he didn't betray his friends, those people would kill him, so he must do so now. He himself is very helpless.

Chen Kai said helplessly, "I know you can't forgive me now, but I still want to say that this thing is not what you think. I'm just doing what I should do."

"I warned you not to check these things before, but you never listen to me. It's not my fault now that things like this have developed to this extent, is it? What qualifications do you have for me?"

Chen Kai wants to explain these things at this time, but whatever she explains is very pale, because at this time, what she says is useless. Betraying others is betraying others, which will never be washed away.

Li Xiaoyu obviously doesn't want to listen to him at this time. Although he knows that Chen Kai betrayed himself, he doesn't know who ordered him to do it, so he must see clearly.

Li Xiaoyu said, "what's the use of saying so much? There's no need to explain things now. No matter what you're saying, you can't change this fact."

Whether Li Xiaoyu is OK or not, he just doesn't want to listen to the explanation, because for him, such explanation is very weak. He doesn't want to listen to such words at all. No matter how many times he says it, it's useless.

If a man betrays others, he will no longer believe what he says! At this time, it is impossible to say anything, which is very important for him. If you betray others, you betray others. There is no result that can be explained in.

Of course, Chen Kai heard this at this time, so he also felt very helpless. In this industry, if he betrayed others, he will never be respected.

This is something that everyone must know, because in this way, it is very important for them. If you can't explain why you betray others, you can't live here.

And on the other hand, even if you explain clearly, but you betrayed others or betrayed others, no one can listen to your explanation? Because at this time, the explanation always sounds weak.

No matter who will think that even if you say these words, it is useless for them, so no matter what you are saying, it is useless, so there is no need to say these words at all.

Zhang Feng also felt very helpless at this time, because if a person's friend betrayed himself, it would be a very helpless thing for everyone, so he now knows how uncomfortable Li Xiaoyu is.

Zhang Feng said, "betraying a person is such a simple thing, but you shouldn't be a friend at all now. If you don't blame you, it's his problem, but now you have betrayed your friend."

"That's your problem. There's no need to explain anything at all, because there's no need to explain such things for you, isn't it? So there's no need to explain now."

The reason why Zhang Feng said such words is actually just to tell Zongkai. He is wrong in doing so. If he is not stopped, he will betray his friends more.

This is a very bad thing for her, because he who betrays his friends in the world can never be welcomed, and is likely to be betrayed by others, because people like him don't need to be respected by others at all.

At this time, Li Xiaoyu just wants to know who is behind the scenes. He must know who is going to kill himself? You mean that person means he has something to do with it, so he must find out now. Otherwise, it would have no effect on him at all.

Of course, Chen Kai now understands that Li Xiaoyu thinks so, but he can't say it clearly, because if he says these things, it won't do him any good at all, so no matter how he asks him now, he won't say it.

Chen Kai said helplessly, "no matter what you say, this kind of thing is not so easy for us. I told you not to check these things. In fact, it's also for your own good."

"And I thought it was not easy at that time, but you still have to find it. Now this thing has become like this. How can you blame me? You don't listen to my advice."

"At that time, I obviously told you that this matter is not so simple. If you continue to check, others will only find you and hurt you, but you won't listen to me at all. In this way, I can't help it."

Chen Kai showed a very angry look at this time. At the beginning, Chen Kai reminded Li Xiaoyu not to check this matter. However, this guy didn't listen at all. He felt that if he could check it, it would be very helpful for their case investigation.

But now it's obvious that it's because they only have to check it, which leads to such a situation. In other words, he is responsible for all this.

Of course, Li Xiaoyu knows that it's not wrong for Chen Kai to say such words. At the beginning, she really wanted to check, but now he doesn't care about such things at all, because if he still investigates why he wanted to check at that time, such things are very uninterested.

In fact, all he wanted to know was who it was? In this way, they can deal with themselves, that is to say, they can know the real murderer behind the scenes, so they must find out all this now.

Li Xiaoyu said, "it's easy for you to say such things yourself, but I don't want to hear you say such things at all. You should be very clear. What I want to hear you say is not these things. If you can't tell me clearly, you will bear the consequences."

"You should know very well yourself. I still treat you as a friend now, but if you are still so rude, it is not helpless for me. If you don't make it clear, we won't be friends again in the future."

Li Xiaoyu doesn't want such a friend very much, because he doesn't want others to betray himself. This kind of thing is very important to him. If he has a friend who will betray himself at any time, why should he use such a friend around him.

Zhang Feng heard such words and felt that Li Xiaoyu should be very sad, because he has always attached great importance to his friends, but now he has been betrayed by his friends, so he will feel very sad.

Zhang Feng said, "you'd better not be sad. For people like him, there's no need to be sad for him. If you continue to be sad for him, it's the most unworthy thing."

So there is no need to be so sad. There will certainly be some friends who are more willing to support you, so you don't have to think too much. "

Zhang Feng said such words because he felt that Li Xiaoyu didn't need to be sad for such a thing, because such a friend was not necessary for him.

So if he is sad, it is also a very unnecessary thing. Zhang Feng has always been like this. As long as he makes friends, he will make friends he can trust. Otherwise, it is a very bad thing for her.

Zhang Feng never makes friends like that. He thinks he will betray his friends, because he already knows what kind of friends he needs and what kind of people he needs to come here to help himself.

Zhang Feng's words are actually very reasonable. If Li Xiaoyu continues to be sad, it is actually a very bad thing for himself, because there is no need to worry about such a person.

If he continues to be sad, it won't do him any good, so Zhang Feng will persuade him like this, but Zhang Feng doesn't understand whether he will listen to himself or not.

At this time, Chen Kai feels very sad, because he doesn't want to lose a friend, and this friend has had a relationship with him for many years, so he must now. Get along well with this friend, but now this situation is very bad for him.

Chen Kai is a little worried at this time, because she is afraid that she doesn't want to lose a friend for so many years, and this friend has helped him so much. If it is true, he will be very sad, so now he must stop such things from happening.

Never let this happen, otherwise he will lose his friend. This is something he doesn't want to see, because he really cherishes this friend.

But Li Xiaoyu's attitude now is very obvious, that is to say, he doesn't like his friends to deceive himself like this, and he betrayed him. This thing is a shadow in his heart that can never be erased for him.

Because he trusts a friend so much, if she wants to betray her, it is a very bad thing for her. If he can't explain it clearly for himself now, he won't be friends with this friend in the future.

Because once betrayed, there will be a second time. He can't let such a thing happen. Now he must let his friends tell him all this. In this way, it can also show that his friends haven't completely betrayed him.

After Li Xiaoyu said such words, Chen Kai felt very helpless. Because he has explained so clearly, if he says these words, it will only be himself who will be hurt at that time.

But Li Xiaoyu doesn't care about these at all, as if he must know who the murderer behind the scenes is, but now this is not good for them, no matter who it is.

Because even if they know, they can't deal with it at all. This person can't deal with this person, that is to say, they can't deal with those people so easily.

However, Chen Kai knows very well that Li Xiaoyu's attitude now is to know who these people are? If you don't know, it's not good for everyone.