Chapter 2444

Li Xiaoyu's meaning of saying such words is actually very clear, that is to say, as long as there is wenjingyi tonight, she won't have to listen to him anymore.

Zhang Feng felt special helplessness when he heard such words. But still that sentence, he didn't want to worry about anything with him at all. Now the most important thing for her is to find Zheng Qing first and explain all this clearly.

If these things are not made clear to him, it is estimated that he will not say and do well in the plan tonight. After all, he is the person in charge here and has a lot of right to know about their actions here.

Now if he doesn't explain it clearly, he will be very sad tonight.

So now he doesn't have any choice. He must explain to him first. Such a thing can't be delayed. The longer it takes, the more people will doubt it.

Zhang Feng said, "now that you know what to do now, don't say such nonsense. For us, it's not good for everyone if we can't really do it well and finish it."

"So I still hope you don't waste time now. Go back to the antique shop. Someone will protect you there, so you don't have to worry about it. For us, the most worry now is whether the plan tonight can be implemented successfully."

"This is the most important thing for us. And there can be no mistake in tonight's plan."

"Li Xiaoyu, you are a key figure in this plan. If you don't have a plan tonight, you may not succeed without a plan tonight."

"So hurry back and adjust your state. Tonight, I'll tell you what to do and what not to do, but don't mess around, otherwise no one can save you."

Zhang Feng is still very worried. Finally, I explained what to pay attention to tonight, and then they got off the plane, because now for them, if the action tonight is not smooth, it will be a very fatal problem.

They can't do anything at all, and if they don't go well and succeed tonight, they may even get revenge from the people here.

These are two very extreme aspects. If they win, their status here will be a leap, but if they fail, it means they have nothing. This is the most cruel survival code in the city.

If you deal with others, you can, but you will face a very extreme choice. You either sacrifice everything you have here or get everything.

No one can object to this regulation, so now they have to look at it carefully. What should they do?

Although Zhang Feng hasn't been here for a long time, he knows very well how to survive here, which is the most important for him, so now he must manage all this well.

Otherwise, he doesn't know what to do next, which is a very fatal impact on their team.

She can't be capricious now. For him, if she is capricious again, no one can save everyone.

Of course, Li Xiaoyu understood all this now, so he got off the plane obediently. For them, if they can't do these things well now, it's actually not good for all of them.

To survive here, it is impossible to rely on one person, only on all team cooperation, but now for them, team cooperation must protect their partners.

If they make mistakes in any link, it will be a very fatal danger for them, that is, if they make mistakes in any link, their companions will be hurt at the same time.

This is the most realistic and cruel thing for them, so now, even if you succeed, it's not your own thing. If you fail, it's related to the whole team.

Of course, Zhang Feng knows all this very well, so he is also very helpless. If he really fails now, it is related to the whole team. Now he has to verify the plan again and again.

It's just that you feel impatient and it's very useless. If you can't manage the people in your team well now, if you let them mess around, your next plan may suffer a very serious blow.

This is actually a very normal and undesirable behavior for everyone, so now no one can do such a capricious thing. No matter who, we must follow the rules of the team.

Otherwise, no one will recognize your team. In this way, you will suffer very serious retaliation.

In fact, the pilot has always listened to them on the plane. He understands what they are talking about. It's not so simple to do business in this city.

And so many people here are doing business. Of course, if they are careless, they may be driven to the bottom of the valley. So now he knows that this member has lived such a hard life here.

Facing people like them, they who are just pilots are much more relaxed. At this time, they want to talk to him for a few days and let him relax.

The pilot said, "in fact, your task here is really too arduous, but because there are people like you, the organization can do a successful job no matter what task."

"I've heard of you. You are the most powerful person in our dragon group. No matter what kind of task you can give to you, so no one here has been able to perform successful tasks for a long time, so you can give it all to you."

"It seems that your task here should be not simple at all, but I really admire you, because people like you are really capable, and the organization is very relieved no matter what it teaches you."

"It's impossible for me to meet in my life, so you're still very powerful. I'm very willing to cooperate with people like you, because I really can't do that. I don't even know how to do a business."

The pilot said such words. In fact, he thought he was very powerful. After all, this kind of thing is really not easy for them. They can't do it so easily, but this person has already done it.

For those who have only one special skill, but their minds are not flexible and can't do high-level tasks in time, they can only be the object they look up to, so now they are also very surprised.

If this person is really the most powerful person in the dragon group, he is really lucky to see him. Seeing him is equal to seeing his idol.

When Zhang Feng heard the pilot say such words, he actually felt that it didn't matter. Now he just wanted to have a rest, because for him, if he didn't rest now, he wouldn't have time to rest later.

Wait a minute. Those people will ask him why he took the helicopter. Then he doesn't know how to explain it? Is it to save your friend?

If it is really to save their friends and waste national resources, those people will not let him go.

So now he must think clearly. Wait a minute, how to explain it. Although the person in charge is his own friend, he can't go through the back door like this.

He must think of a perfect reason to avoid this review. There is no perfect choice for the current situation.

Zhang Feng smiled and said, "in fact, there is nothing powerful or not. Sometimes I think that if your life is easier now, I thought that if I could be like you, I would be too lazy to perform those high-level tasks."

"You don't know how tired those high-level tasks are. Sometimes you even pay more than your life. You still have to sacrifice yourself. This is really a nightmare for me."

"Although I feel very honored and proud if I can do something for my country, I really want to finish this task quickly and take two days off when I go home. I haven't seen my family for a long time."

When Zhang Feng said this, he sighed. Although he felt that the task was a good choice, for him, he liked this exciting and adventurous life.

And it's a great honor for him to do things for the country, but on the other hand, it's also a very bad thing for him.

Because in this case, he will lose a lot of freedom, so he can't let such a thing happen. If they really do so now, they don't know when it will end.

Zhang Feng now feels that if he can really end the task and let himself take a few days off, it is a very good thing for him.

After all, this kind of thing is impossible for him. He can only take a holiday after completing a task in the past, but it is a very long thing for her.

When the pilot heard Zhang Feng say such words, he was also very helpless and said, "although I can feel your pain, after this kind of thing, I will still have a way to solve it."

"Now for you, the most important thing is to perform the tasks of the country, so the country will appreciate you very much at that time. Just like after I finished before, you will have a lot of time to accompany your family."

When Zhang Feng heard this, it was kind of comfort. He smiled and said, "although I don't know you very well, I still thank you very much for saying such words to me. After all, I haven't talked about these things with others since the implementation of this task."

"Although I feel very tired, I sometimes feel energetic, because it is very important for me. If I can really solve the economic crisis of the city, I will be very proud."

Sometimes people are such contradictory animals. For a man, if he can achieve something and get praise from countless people, it will be a very happy thing.

But on the other hand, while they struggle, they think of their families, so it is sometimes difficult to choose.