Chapter 2452

I don't know what Zhang Feng understands, so now he must tell her to understand this kind of thing.

After all, no one can guarantee that this matter will be implemented successfully, and no one can guarantee that it will help her eliminate those ATC records.

Li Xiaoyu knows very well that Zhang Feng should understand this very well. Otherwise, he could not have thought of this method at all.

So now, he doesn't worry about whether Zhang Feng will blame him. Now she just makes it clear. All this can only be made clear first, and then they can know what to do.

This is also a very important thing for them. They never thought about whether they would blame anyone or not. Now for them, this is very important.

Zhang Feng said these words very clearly. He understood what he meant by what he said? In other words, it is still unknown whether it will succeed or not.

For him, this is very normal. After all, there is no grasp of anything. It is completely and perfect. So as long as she is willing to help him contact those people, he has been very grateful.

For him, this is also a favor that can't be repaid at all. Therefore, even if Li Xiaoyu really doesn't succeed, he must thank him.

Zhang Feng understands this very well. He won't go at all, because he is to blame for such things.

Because for her, this kind of thing is very normal. Even if others are unwilling to help you, it is also very normal. After all, the air traffic control record is very important.

Basically, she is related to some very important things in the city, which is not controllable, so now he also understands why Li Xiaoyu wants to explain all this to him.

It is because this matter is so important that he can't promise him at the beginning. This is actually a responsible attitude, and he knows very well why he did it?

He also said that this matter is understandable. It is impossible to refute it at all. All this is also responsible for Zhang Feng himself.

Zhang Feng smiled and said, "don't think too much now. I just ask you to help me contact those people, so you don't have to think so much at all."

"Next, just think about what to do. If it doesn't succeed, I'll make other plans myself. You don't have to care about me at all."

"As long as you do your own thing well, everything next can be handed over to me. After all, this kind of thing is very important to me, but there is no pressure on you."

"So you don't have to pay attention to other things at all. If you want to know later, I'll tell you when it's over, but it may take a long time."

"After all, now is also a very sensitive period for me, and I don't know how to explain it to you, so I hope you can understand."

Zhang Feng said these words very politely, because now for him, if he can't be very polite, he can understand these words.

It's impossible for him to maintain such a good relationship with him. Now he has to ask for help with Li Xiaoyu, so he can't help but say those kind words.

This is a very important situation for him. He must explain it to him. Otherwise, he doesn't know what will happen.

Now for him, this must be done, because it is particularly important for him. Even if they can't help him do anything, at least they really want to help him.

After Zhang Feng said these words, Li Xiaoyu was actually very moved, because now for him, he is actually very insecure. Can he ask those people for help.

Now even if I can contact them, if I hear such a thing, I won't help at all. After all, it's not a simple thing at all.

Those ATC records are not so easy to erase. These things are very important military precautions for the city, so how can they be erased so easily?

Li Xiaoyu said, "Zhang Feng, in fact, you don't have to lose heart now. I actually know several people who work there. Maybe they will help me. After all, I know them a little."

"If they don't help me, I also have a way so that they can try their best to help me. Now I don't know how to help you, so if I can do it, I will do it."

"Next, you can do these things well by yourself. After I contact you, I'll tell you whether it will succeed or not, but you can't have so much confidence."

"After all, this matter is very important. You don't know whether you can succeed or not. Now you can only go and have a good look at what to do this time and prepare the second plan first."

"Whether it succeeds or not, the second plan will not be in vain, so I advise you to prepare the second plan quickly, otherwise you don't know what to do next."

The reason why Li Xiaoyu said such words is actually obvious. In other words, he must let Zhang Feng know that when he said such words here today, he just wanted him to prepare the second plan.

Because she doesn't know whether this goal will succeed or not. If it really won't succeed, they must find another way.

Anyway, at this time, Li Xiaoyu can't make him so easy to be dangerous, because for him, Zhang Feng receives such danger because of his reason.

He must solve it now, otherwise he will not be at ease. In this way, he will certainly regret it. He must do it now.

Li Xiaoyu has decided in his heart that he must do it, because for him, if he really can't do it, Zhang Feng will be very threatened later.

If he really can't do it, he will regret it all his life, because he can't put his friends in such danger, so he must do it well.

Zhang Feng knows that at this time, Li Xiaoyu has actually decided all the things to do in his heart.

No matter what he says, it's useless for him to say more now. Therefore, he might as well not say anything. For him, this is the most important thing.

In fact, Zhang Feng just wants him not to be so persistent. If he really can't do it, there's no need to do so many things.

For him, these things are also very important. If his friend encounters something, he will certainly blame himself, so now if he can really let her not participate in it.

In fact, it is also very normal. Now he must persuade her not to participate in this matter more, otherwise he will encounter more dangers next.

Zhang Feng said, "you don't have to worry about my affairs at all. I have my own discretion, but I'm very worried about your affairs, because you always mess around."

"You know what? If I didn't call a helicopter this time, you two must be dead, so I still hope you two can rest assured that you can stop participating in so many things."

"Although I know that you are a private detective, there are many things more important to you than investigation. I hope you can see clearly that these things are not kidding you."

"No one wants to joke with you. It's normal. If you really want to continue and participate in these things, it's not good for you at all."

In fact, Zhang Feng has always wanted to talk to him about this matter. Fake jade is not something he can intervene in at all. She is just an ordinary girl. If he is managing so many things, it won't do him any good next.

He didn't know how to manage her. It was because he had always been so reckless in doing things that he felt he had to manage her.

Zhang Feng's words are actually for her good, because he doesn't want you to let him continue to participate. In this matter, it's not good for her. Everyone knows this, but he doesn't know it himself.

Li Xiaoyu has always been so reckless. If she continues like this, no one can save her.

This is normal, so he doesn't want this guy to do things. If he continues to be so reckless, it's the most important thing for him.

He doesn't know how to persuade this person at all. If he continues like this, he doesn't know what he's going to do.

When Li Xiaoyu heard Zhang Feng say such words, he actually understood what he was talking about. Although he himself knew that investigating this matter was a lot of danger, he also had no way now.

She has promised his financier to investigate this matter. Now he must do so himself, but now there are so many people stopping her, and she doesn't know what to do.

Zhang Feng won't tell her the clues he knows. He knows this little. He doesn't know what to do now.

Li Xiaoyu said, "I know these things are not good for you at all? But now I think it's impossible if I don't investigate this matter."

"It should be very clear. If I don't investigate these things, I don't know the context of these things at all. After that, we can't do anything smoothly."

"You should know this very well, so why do you ask me not to check it now? It's impossible for me."

"No matter what you say, I also know you are for my good, but now I have no way. If I don't investigate this matter clearly, I don't know what to do."

"You should know this very well, so I don't care. What are you going to do? In fact, it doesn't have much to do with me. Now I just want to tell you that I have to find out."

"This matter is also very important to me, but now I am very interested in it. No matter what I say, I can't give up investigating it."