Chapter 2455

It is because Li Xiaoyu knows that Zhang Feng has always been for his good, so he has never thought to refute Zhang Feng, which is very important to him

Now he must do this, otherwise, he doesn't know what to do next? This is the most important thing for him. If he really can't do it well, he doesn't know what to do next.

So he must do this now. Otherwise, he doesn't know what to do next, because he is on the same boat as Zhang Feng. If something happens to Zhang Feng, he will be very difficult.

Now for him, this must be done well. It can't hurt any of his friends, so he must do it now. Otherwise, he doesn't know what to do next.

Li Xiaoyu knows that Zhang Feng only cares about her now, but he doesn't know what to do now. After all, it's impossible for her to promise him such a thing so easily.

If he really promised her so easily now, he doesn't know what will happen next, so he is also very tangled now.

Whether he should do such a thing or not, now he doesn't know what to do. This is the most fatal thing for him. He doesn't know what to do.

Li Xiaoyu said, "I know all this. I'll figure out what to do before I tell you. I'm not a fool. Of course, it's impossible to be so easy by these routines, so you don't have to worry about me."

"For me, this kind of thing is also very normal, so now I don't need to know how to do this kind of thing. This is also a very normal thing for me. You don't have to worry about me."

"Because now for me, this is a thing that must be found out, but when I find out this thing, I will certainly do well in all my adversity."

"For me, if this kind of thing can be done well, it must be done better. So now there is no need to worry about what I will do. Calm down and solve your own things."

"It seems that things are not very good over there, so I think you should do all your things well before you talk about me."

Li Xiaoyu just thought Zhang Feng was too relaxed. His situation must be not optimistic, but this guy still has time to scold himself, which is a very funny thing for him.

However, if he can't do these things well next, it's impossible, so he doesn't have time to scold him now, if he's still so relaxed now.

The situation on his side may be more dangerous. This is not what all of them want to see. They must help Zhang Feng solve this difficulty now. Otherwise, he doesn't know what to do next.

If you really want Zhang Feng to be in danger because of his own affairs, then he will be very sad and feel guilty all his life.

This is a normal thing for him. After all, if a person is hurt for his own reasons, he will blame himself very much. This is not anything she wants to see.

After listening to Li Xiaoyu, Zhang Feng knew that his current situation here was indeed very critical.

Just now she was too worried about Li Xiaoyu's trouble, so he said those problems to him in such a hurry, but now for him, he can't waste any more time.

Because if they really waste time, wait a minute, there will be no good results. Now if they really waste time, wait a minute, they don't know what to do.

So it's impossible for him to waste time so easily. Now it's necessary for him to do all this well. Otherwise, he won't know who will suffer. Now they must do it.

Otherwise, when those people come to blame her, she will implicate the organization. In this way, its own situation will be more difficult.

Maybe they will be directly reduced back to the organization. No one knows the punishment they will receive at that time.

Zhang Feng has now understood how to do all this, because he must take a good look now. He simply can't waste time like this. Otherwise, it won't do him any good.

If he is wasting time, he simply doesn't know what to do next. Those people must target themselves. If he wastes time here and continues to do so.

After those people can collect evidence, it's useless for her to do anything. Now he can't let those people succeed.

This is the most important thing for him, so anyway, he must stop those people from doing such things now.

Otherwise, he doesn't know how to get rid of this dilemma, which is the most important thing for him, so he will never care about him now.

Now no matter what, he must find out what to do about it. Otherwise, he doesn't know who can help her do it.

Zhang Feng said, "I knew you would say that, but it doesn't matter. If you really don't want to hear me say these words now, I won't say it. I just want to remind you that it's not simple at all."

"If you really want to do this, you may be in great danger next, so now I won't talk to you so much. Now I just need to explain all this to you."

"The reason why I will do this is because I certainly won't let you do those things, so I will never hinder you now, just because this thing is very important to me."

"If you really can't do it now, I won't force you, so I won't force you now. It's enough for you to do your own thing now."

"I told you just now. If you really know a friend in the field of air traffic control, I hope he can help me. It's really important for me now."

"But if he really doesn't have this ability, it's OK. After all, if he really can't solve this problem, I can't force people to be difficult. For me, this is also very important. You don't have to force. If you can do it, you can do it, even if you can't do it."

Although Zhang Feng said so, he would rather he knew friends in this field. After all, for him, there is no way to solve this problem except that method.

At least he doesn't have this method in his heart, so if he really knows friends in this field, it is a very useful method for his current situation.

In other words, if he doesn't know friends in this field now, he doesn't know what to do later. The most important thing for him now is to find friends in this field.

Erase all those ATC records, and then he will be safe. This is the most important thing for him, so he has no defense at all.

He must do it well before he can do anything. Otherwise, he may be called back by others tonight.

This is also a very normal thing for him, so he can't let this happen. For Zhang Feng, this kind of thing is also very important.

When Li Xiaoyu heard Zhang Feng say such words, he also knew that she should be very urgent. This situation should be very important to him. Therefore, if he really doesn't know about his friends in this field, it may be a very harmful thing for him.

That is to say, Zhang Feng must ask for his help now. Otherwise, he may face great danger next, which can be heard by him.

Although Zhang Feng said it didn't matter. All this was unimportant, he knew very well that if it was really unimportant, Zhang Feng wouldn't say such words because she felt very important.

But if he can't help, he will certainly blame himself. That's why Zhang Feng said such words. It doesn't matter whether he can help or not.

But she knows that Zhang Feng's words now are very clear. If he really can't get help, his situation will be more difficult next.

He can hear this, so he must do it now so that he will not be in any danger.

Li Xiaoyu said, "Zhang Feng, don't be so discouraged. When can I promise you that I can't do it? You don't have to worry about it at all, because it's not difficult for me. I really know friends in this field."

"And there are several friends who are very willing to help me, so you don't have to worry so much now. Next, we know what to do. This is a very important thing for us, and it's also very important for you."

"So if I can help you, I will try my best to help you, which is also a very important thing for me, but if you still can't tell me what these things are, I will feel very sad."

"After all, for me, I don't know what you guys are doing. I don't know why you can get a helicopter today, but this thing is not very important to me."

"If you're willing to say it, it doesn't matter if you don't want to say it, so I can't waste time with you now. Next, you'll see how he handles your own affairs."

"I'll contact my friend now. If it's successful, I'll tell you later. If it's not successful, I'll tell you too. After all, you said you had to find a good way, so you can't have full confidence, but you can report 80% or 90%."

"After all, we are very confident now. After all, my friend will help me, which is also a very important thing for me."

After Li Xiaoyu said these words, he is actually very confident. After all, he knows friends in this field, but all this must be approved by his parents.