Chapter 2574

In fact, Zhang Feng knows very well at this time that if they are wasting time, they are basically unlikely to do so, so anyway, they can't waste any time now.

Therefore, in the face of some problems of Longkang, he also feels very helpless. Anyway, he must listen clearly. Otherwise, how can he know what to do?

Zhang Feng said, "Mr. Longkang, actually, I know very well what you want to happen between you, but now is not the time. That is to say, what we do now is wrong. We can only complete the task now."

In fact, this statement is particularly reasonable. Both Zhang Feng and long Kang feel that if they are wasting time now, they will not have such a good result, so they dare not do anything. They must complete this task.

Long Kang said, "Zhang Feng, I know that you are actually a very independent person. Anyway, I must remind you what to do. Otherwise, there will be all our organizations in the future. In fact, there is no such benefit."

At this time, long Kang said such words because he felt that if Zhang Feng still couldn't promise him, he would have no good results, so he must do it anyway.

But now Zhang Feng doesn't have time to take care of this kind of thing. If he still wants to take care of this kind of thing next, it must be very difficult for him, so anyway, he must listen clearly and figure out what to do.

This is the contradiction between the two of them now. If they really can't complete this state later, it's impossible to go in so easily to see what to do.

Zhang Feng is also very helpless at this time. If they really can't do such a thing next, long Kang will never forgive him, so if they don't follow, they must make it clear.

Long Kang: "in fact, I know your Zhang Feng very well. You don't need to embarrass yourself now. If there's anything I can help you with next, I'll help you. After all, you're my friend now."

Long Kang said such words now because he thought he should regard Zhang Feng as his good friend. Otherwise, how could he say such words? Maybe the relationship between them can be improved now.

If not, how should they get along next? This is actually a particularly serious problem for them.

So no matter what, they must hear clearly what to do, which is very important for them.

Zhang Feng said: "Mr. Longkang, I understand very well what you are doing and sacrificing for this organization, so I now understand very well why you say such words, just for me."

"In fact, all things are unimportant. Only the current things are important, because if the current things are not done well, the following things will not be done."

Zhang Feng didn't know what to say at this time. If they can really see what to do next.

They are all of them. In fact, they are very helpful, but now no matter what, they must listen clearly, otherwise they can't see it so easily.

Long Kang: "as I said, I know exactly what you want to say now. If you really feel particularly difficult next, I will definitely help you. After all, this kind of thing must be important to me."

At this time, long Kang doesn't know what to do. After all, he doesn't know what the young man is thinking?

If they really can't do this later, the young man will certainly not help them, so anyway, he must let the young man help them. If they are not responsible, their organization will suffer very serious losses.

Zhang Feng: "I think if we really say so much now, there is no way, right?"

"So I still think if Mr. can really help me, I'm really relieved. He's happy, but now is not the time. In other words, we're talking so much nonsense now, isn't it?"

At this time, Zhang Feng has no situation at all. If they really can't do it next, there is nothing to do. It's difficult for them. Anyway, now we must see what to do.

Long Kang said: "anyway, no matter what happens now, you can't hear what to do. I'm also very helpless. After all, you are a particularly excellent member for me. I must keep you anyway."

You can see at this time. You have to think about abandoning Zhang Feng. After all, these things are very important to Longkang.

If you really can't do this next, no one can see what to do.

Zhang Feng said, "Mr. Longkang, I hope you can know very clearly that it is useless for us to say so much now. Otherwise, how can I stop you from saying such words? But now for us, this kind of thing is not the most important."

"Don't Mr. Rongkang think we must see what to do now? If I really don't know, I can't do anything?"

Zhang Feng never thought of wasting time at this time. After all, he had to rely on Longkang anyway before he could know what to do in the future. This is very important to him. If he can't do this next, no one can forgive him.

If people inside the organization really embarrass her in this way, they will accumulate that day. If they really can't rely on Longkang.

Then he can't do anything, so anyway, she must listen clearly to what to do. If she is responsible, no one can know what to do.

Zhang Feng said, "Mr. Longkang, I understand very well that you don't want to do this at all, don't you? So anyway, we must hear this clearly. If we really can't do it next, how can we see it so easily next."

Zhang Feng's words are actually very normal. If we really can't see clearly next.

In fact, it's normal for Zhang Feng to say these words. If they really can't understand what to do now, it's impossible to do anything anyway.

Long Kang said, "Zhang Feng, in fact, I really understand what you think now, but no matter what, you have to complete your task before you say it, don't you? So I particularly understand this situation. Anyway, we must listen to what to do."

At this time, long Kang really understands that if Zhang Feng can't even complete his task, he can't have anyone to help him next, so he must let this person complete the task anyway.

Zhang Feng said: "I really thank Mr. long Kang at this time. In fact, I really need to complete the task now. After all, for me, if I really can't complete the task, I don't know what to do next."

The reason why Zhang Feng said such words is that if he really can't complete this task next, he can't do anything at all.

So now, no matter what, we must think about what to do.

Long Kang: "then I won't bother you now. After all, disturbing you doesn't have any good effect, does it? So now some of your brothers should have come."

"If it's really like this, I shouldn't bother you. You should go and see what to do first. After all, it should be very important to you."

At this time, in fact, Zhang Feng didn't want to talk so much nonsense with her. After all, for him, if his brothers really came over.

Then how could he waste any time? So he didn't dare to do anything. He must see what to do. This is very important to him, and it is absolutely impossible to waste any time.

Zhang Feng said: "Mr. Longkang, in fact, I know very well that you have always been very concerned about me, so I must thank you anyway, but now for me, if I really want to do such a thing, it is actually not difficult."

"But now it's actually a very difficult thing for me. If no one can help me next, I don't know what to do."

The reason why Zhang Feng said such words. It's not that he can't do anything himself, but now he's really worried.

If he really can't do such a thing next, he doesn't know what to do, which is very important to him.

If he really doesn't have the help of long Kang. What should we do next, so now Zhang Feng doesn't know what to do.

If he really didn't help those internal personnel, he would not be able to deal with them. After all, he is just a member now and has no rights.

In any case, we must rely on this person's strength, otherwise, he simply doesn't know what to do next.

Long Kang said, "Zhang Feng, I know what you want to say now, but now for me, such things actually have no effect."

"After all, it's impossible for me to let others deal with you so easily. We all think highly of you now."

"No matter what those internal people want to do, it is impossible to do all kinds of things, so you can basically rest assured now."

Zhang Feng never thought that someone would treat him so well. After all, he never thought that they were just together and just a task.

But there is no emotion at all, but now it is actually a very exciting thing for him. He is very happy now.