Chapter 2788

On the verge of death or destruction, Zhang Feng looked at his watch. Now it is less than an hour away from the start of the operation. If he really can not find out the eyelid of Liu black, their action will be in danger.

So in this case, they must achieve such a goal. Otherwise, what can they do?

Li Dongliang calmed down and said, "well, now all those things are left to them. Zhang Feng, don't you have more important things to do?"

Zhang Feng was very pleased: "well, now all those things will be left to you two. Don't let me down. When I come back, you must tell me whether there are his spies. If so, you must tell me."

Now Zhang Feng is particularly worried that this matter will become a reality, so he doesn't know what to do now.

Anyway, it is impossible to believe that there is no eye liner around him. Otherwise, he just said that Guo Xiaobing sent a gift to the club. How could Liu Hei know so quickly?

It is because of such a thing that he will give his spy away, that is to say, they must have his eyeliner.

When the eye liner is grabbed, they will be able to understand exactly what to do.

Guo Xiaobing said, "don't worry, we can't let them do whatever they want now. After all, this is our territory. How can we let them do whatever they want?"

Li Dongliang said, "Zhang Feng, let's leave quickly. After all, this problem should also be very important, isn't it? If we really can't make it clear to this big man, he may be able to take action."

Zhang Feng didn't dare to neglect what Li Dongliang said. After all, he knew that if the problem really happened, they wouldn't do any good.

So at this moment, they can't solve those problems. Anyway, they must make it clear now.

Lao Ding suddenly remembered: "you should go out now for this fake jade. If it's like this, you must be careful. After all, I feel that they must take action."

Zhang Feng was also aware of the matter and said, "in fact, I also noticed it. After all, these fake jades appeared so frequently in this program during this period of time. At this time, even the jade of the family came out. It must be not simple."

Lao Ding was worried and said, "it's for this reason that you must be careful. If it's not for this reason, I can't remind you."

Now Zhang Feng is about to leave here. After all, he can't waste time talking so much nonsense here. If it wasn't for this reason, how could he understand so many things?

Zhang Feng and Li Dongliang left the antique shop. After all, they must find the big man first.

But at this time, Li Dongliang doesn't understand who Zhang Feng wants to see? Zhang Feng knows so many great people. Who does he really want to see?

Li Dongliang frowned and said, "Zhang Feng, who do you want to see now? After all, you know so many big people. How can I know what kind of person you want to build?"

Zhang Feng smiled and said, "I do know a lot of big people, but now there are only two or three who are most concerned about this matter."

Speaking of this matter, in fact, Zhang Feng already remembered the problems that old man Li had said to her before. If it weren't for this reason, he couldn't have come to him.

It is because Master Li is most concerned about this issue that she has to go to him. In fact, where Master Li is at this time, generally speaking, he will be in South China.

If South China is really there, he basically has no worries. After all, South China can persuade Master Li not to act.

Zhang Feng said, "I just hope they haven't taken action yet. If they do, we can't stop them, so we must stop them anyway."

Li Dongliang laughed and said, "don't worry. Basically no one can stop them now, can't they? This problem should be very normal for you."

Zhang Feng said reluctantly, "I hope so. If they really act, it will be difficult for us to stop them."

A long time ago, Zhang Feng had warned Master Li and South China not to act tonight. After all, they could not act before he dealt with the club.

But in fact, Zhang Feng also knows very well that it is impossible for Master Li and South China to listen to him. They must take action now.

But at this time, things are much more difficult than they thought, so even if they act at this time, it is a very dangerous thing.

Just when the two of them said those words, in fact, Zhang Feng had come to master Li's house.

The Filipino maid of their family had seen Zhang Feng before, so she didn't dare to stop him at this time. After all, it's meaningless to stop him now.

The Filipino maid came over and said, "Mr. Zhang Feng, you're here. Do you want me to go in and tell the old man? Now wait a minute."

Zhang Feng nodded and said, "who else is in your house now? Master Li must be there, but is Mr. South China there now?"

The Filipino maid continued: "Mr. South China is indeed there. In fact, South China has been in our house these two days. I don't know what I'm studying with the old man."

Zhang Feng was relieved to hear such words. After all, he knew that the Filipino servant could not deceive him.

After a while, Zhang Feng was invited in. After all, they should have gone in before they could understand the whole story.

After Li Dongliang and Zhang Feng went into the house, they knew exactly what to do. Anyway, they don't know how to solve these problems now.

Master Li said, "what's the matter? Why are you so free today? Because I don't think you have so much time today. The club will start its anniversary in an hour."

Mr. Li has also been concerned about Zhang Feng's trend. He knows very well what action they will take tonight, but he just reminds him that the anniversary will begin in an hour.

Zhang Feng smiled. They didn't think that old man Li knew everything. He came here just to tell old man Li. In fact, he also wanted to ask a question.

Zhang Feng said with a smile, "I came to see you. Are you really unhappy? Doesn't it mean that there is no one to play with you at home? Now I come to you to tell you a very interesting question."

After hearing this, in fact, Master Li's first reaction was to see if there was anyone nearby.

After all, she must see clearly at this time. He doesn't want anyone to know about it. At least the fewer people know, the better.

But at this time, Ji Shiji Kejun has noticed that there is another person next to him. This person is Li Dongliang, but Zhang Feng doesn't have any need to let him leave at this time.

Zhang Feng clearly said, "Master Li, this is his own person. Don't let him leave. After all, I just got a partner. He is absolutely loyal."

Master Li smiled and said, "well, since I'm your friend, I can't drive him away, can I? What do you think now?"

Both of them sat down. They should have made it clear now. What's the matter?

Zhang Feng said, "don't you know what you are most interested in? It's just the jade pieces, so I'm still curious about whether you and Mr. South China have taken any action?

After all, he couldn't tell Zhang Feng what he did so easily.

Just listening to Zhang Feng's tone, it seemed that if he didn't answer him truthfully, it would be absolutely impossible to tell him what the secret was, so master Li also sighed at this time.

Mr. Li glanced at Zhang Feng and said, "Zhang Feng, I can't answer this question so easily. After all, I can't answer this question by myself. I must let South China come back. Do I have to decide whether to tell you or not?"

Zhang Feng also understands. After all, if two people make a decision together, they can't tell anyone without authorization. This is the most basic meal of cooperation.

But they are in a hurry now. If they really can't know what they have done, he can't be flexible.

Zhang Feng said, "I understand you very much. It's absolutely impossible to infringe on other people's rights now, but now I'm in a special hurry."

Master Li said, "I also know you are in a hurry, so in fact, South China has been here all the time. He just sorted out some materials on the second floor and he will come down soon. Just wait a minute. It won't take you long."

Zhang Feng said: "well, there is still an hour before the action starts. You know very well that I have received an invitation for this club anniversary, so I can't waste time."

Both of them have reached this point. They have to stop each other. After all, it is impossible to force them at this time.

Li Dongliang was puzzled and said, "in fact, I don't quite understand what you two want to do?"

No one can tell them what's going on. Anyway, they are very curious now.

When they were curious, South China decided. After all, South China was very surprised at this time. Why did they suddenly appear here?

South China came out and said, "Why are you two here? You have taken important actions, but now you look very leisurely."

After seeing South China, Zhang Feng also breathed a sigh of relief. After all, he finally saw this man. At least he can prove that his affairs can be solved.

Zhang Feng said reluctantly, "in fact, I am speechless now. If you can really answer my question, my action tonight should be particularly smooth. I just don't know whether Mr. South China is willing to tell me the truth."

Now I hear that. How could he not answer? After all, he attaches great importance to Zhang Feng's future. The action tonight, South China, knows how important it is to Zhang Feng, so he tries to help as much as he can.