Chapter 2365

Zhang Xing showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and his eyes were full of sarcasm.

But his eyes are more ruthless killing!

Just as he punches, his feet move!

Figure with incredible speed, the whole person turned into a flash of lightning, straight to the commander.

Although Zhang Xing was surprised by the speed of Zhang Xing, the commander who rushed forward first believed that the ferocity of the demon clan could not be suppressed by the current Terran.

He roared, and the gun in his hand suddenly turned into a shadow.

He fixed his eyes on the lightning, and raised his gun to shoot.

But at this time, he suddenly had a fist in his eyes.

He looked startled and was about to retreat.

But the fist was infinitely enlarged in his pupil, covering all his sight!


He heard the sound of his skull breaking and saw The image of the spirit bursting.

From the beginning to the end, he only saw a fist, not even the rest of Zhang Xing's body.

His war gun pierced from Zhang Xing's shoulder and stayed there forever.

The commander who was shot did not stop the other demon clan leaders and deacons.

They were indifferent to the death of the commander and killed them one by one.

Their madness is meaningless, in Zhang Xing's eyes, this is just blind!

Crazy like a blind man!

Zhang Xing looks indifferent, lightning like figure does not stop, a punch after punch out.

The sound of broken bones and shrill cries echoed in an instant.

Zhang Xing is like a ghost lightning, in the 20000 demon clan army constantly shuttle, where he passed, no matter what level of demon soldiers and demon generals, all burst to death.

Pieces of corpses were flying all over the sky, and the bloody rain covered the space.

From the outside, it's like hell on earth. It's frightening and frightening.

I don't know how long after that, maybe in a blink of an eye, maybe two breaths, or even a moment, Zhang Xing's figure passed through 20000 troops and stopped behind them.

But at this time, Zhang Xing stood behind him with no soldier or general.

The 20000 corpses lying on the ground were not complete, with broken limbs, decapitated corpses, and half of their bodies. They were all over the ground in a mess, and they could not tell who was who.

The blood on the ground surges like a sea of blood!

"The demon clan is just like this. I don't need much power if I want to destroy your whole clan!"

Zhang Xing's cold voice echoed in the open mountain road, but it was a pity that only the two elders of demon sect and Princess Huarong in the distance could hear his words.

At this moment, elder well and elder Shi shudder all over their bodies. Their faces are pale, and even their teeth can't be bumped up and down.

Devil! This is a devil!

When he did not use his divine power, the 20000 level-1 to 4-level troops of Shenzhou were beaten by one punch only by his physical strength. No, there were two or three punches, or even one piece, all of which were destroyed.

None of the 20000 soldiers survived, and all the spirits were destroyed!

They are crazy, they are fierce, they are evil, but compared with Zhang Xing, they are nothing.

They are bloodthirsty and cruel. They have never been soft hearted and have never left a living mouth. However, they have never killed so many people above the divine realm at one time.

Compared with Zhang Xing, they are more rubbish!

Zhang Xing is more bloodthirsty and cruel!

"It doesn't take much power to kill you demon clan!"

This sentence made the two elders tremble and cold.

Zhang Xing did not change his face and was out of breath after killing 20000 demon sect troops.

Who can do so easily?

I'm afraid they can't.

Even if you kill the thirty-six leaders and deacons at the beginning of the fourth level of the divine realm, the two elders will sweat two drops.

What's more, there are 20000 people nearby!