Chapter 47

the next morning, students from all grades dressed up and went to their classes.

A female student accidentally threw milk bottles into the dustbin when she suddenly screamed!


The students around him stopped and looked around.

"There's a bloody pig's head there! What a terror

The female student pointed to the dustbin in horror, pale and out of shape.

Pig head?

Some brave male students surrounded.

"Ha ha, it's true. Let's have a look. I don't know who threw it. It's really frightening."

Hula, a group of male and female students rushed over, one by one stretched their necks to look at the garbage can.

"It's scary!"

"Yes, it's strange. Why did the restaurant throw away the pig's head?"

"I wonder, pig ears and pig faces are all my favorite dishes

"No! You see, the pig's head seems to be moving... "

A boy picked up a clod and threw it on the pig's head.

With a crack, the pig's head really moved.

"Ah! It's alive, isn't it a pig demon? "


Hearing this, the group of students immediately fell back.

"Look! Look! The pig demon is up... "

"Ah! Run

Hula, the group of students ran more than ten meters away, stopped to continue to watch.

After a while, the pig demon staggered to his feet.


The students almost sat on the ground when they saw the pig demon standing up.

Where is the pig demon? It is a person!

It's just that I don't know who it is. My black clothes are shabby.

Tina found the anomaly from a distance. What are these students doing here if they don't go to class?

With curiosity came over, when she found a person standing in the dustbin, she was stunned. Kinship Novels

Who is this? How was he beaten like this?

It's a terrible match for Glen.

No matter who it is, treat it first.

Tina's hands made several complicated movements with great speed.

A sacred breath appeared on her, and then a soft and pure ball of light appeared from her hand and threw it at the man.


The ball of light wrapped around the man's head and slowly penetrated into the skin at the speed visible to the naked eye.

After a moment, the man's swollen head began to recover.

More than ten seconds later, the swelling - swelling disappeared, vaguely visible that person's appearance.

Tina was shocked. Was it tal?

Many students have recognized that they are talking in a low voice, and from time to time they secretly touch and smile.

"How could it be tutor tal?"

"It must have been beaten. How miserable!"

"Who knows, we students can't know about these tutors."


Clive was in the crowd, staring in surprise. What's going on?

He didn't know that tal was under orders.

Besides, he was not in the mood to pay attention to the family affairs these two days.

The two mage guards sent by his father disappeared. They were not alive or dead.

He didn't dare tell his family.

Maybe the two guards had to leave for a few days, but they would have said hello before.

These two days he spent in restlessness, as long as he had time, he sent his younger brother behind his buttocks to ask for information.

Now seeing tal's appearance, and thinking of the second brother being beaten, I suddenly have a bad feeling.

He didn't dare to go down and ask tal what was going on when there was no one.

Tal woke up with a blank look in his eyes.

Shaking his head vigorously, memory slowly emerged in the mind.

Then the heart and liver a pain, gnashing teeth spit out two words.

"Zhang Xing!"