Chapter 322

looking at the bright moon and embracing bamboo slips, Zhang Xing's face was full of tears. Zhang Xing didn't disturb him and waited quietly.

After a long time, I stabilized my mood and put away the bamboo slips under the bright moon.

"Master Zhang Xing! First of all, please allow me to call you this way. I have nothing to repay for your great help. I am willing to be your servant and serve you in this life

Said to stand up, slowly kneel down, kowtow three sound head.

Zhang Xing did not stop, from the firm eyes know that this kneeling three kowtow is a man out of the heart of his feelings, he does not want to destroy this friendship.

"Young master, you must have something to ask. If it can help you, I will tell you nothing!"

The moon stood up and saluted respectfully.

"Sit down and talk, and show me the skills." Zhang Xing said with a smile.

There is no hesitation in the moon, and she hands over the bamboo slips.

Turn on the poison skill and I'll go. The characters on it are like rice grains. People with bad eyes are struggling to look at them.

There is not much content. I can scan it in a few eyes.

The mind calmed down and unconsciously began to practice according to the operation of the skill.

After a few minutes of practice, a finger flick, a group of black gas fell into the vase on the windowsill.

In the blink of an eye, the vase was corroded into a pile of dust, and then from the window sill to the ground, the rock more than one meter high seemed to have weathered for ten thousand years, and all turned into dust.

Bang Dang!

Under the bright moon, she sat on the chair.

Less than half a column of incense time to refine? This is too fast!

Staring at Zhang Xing in disbelief.

It took him ten years to refine it. His father said before he died that if this set of poison skills was practiced to a great level, everything could become ashes!

What's more, my father has mentioned implicitly that even if other people get this poison skill, they can't practice it, except you. Douzi literature website

At that time, he didn't understand what this meant. When he grew up, especially when he was living and dying, he understood a little bit that it was related to his own constitution.

Over the years, I have learned that there are many special physique and many special skills on the mainland. These are all one-on-one, which can not be practiced by others.

But I don't know what kind of special constitution I am.

Is master Zhang Xing the same as his own constitution?

In fact, Zhang Xing was just following the cat's advice. According to the operation mode of poison skill, he simulated the poison gas of the moon in his body for a small test.

There are still differences between the two. The mutated dragon Qi is still in the process of exploration. How powerful it is still unknown.

"Bright moon, do you know the existence of poison master?"

Zhang Xing asked.

"Back to young master, my father was a poison master, a third level poison master."

Speaking of father, the moon stood up with a sad look on his face.

Nodding, Zhang Xing asked again, "tell me about your father and the poisoner."

"Oh, sit down and say!"

The moon slowly sat down, stopped for a moment, as if in memory of something, a few minutes later.

"I was young at that time. I didn't know what the poison master was. My father never talked about it."

"It wasn't until I was eight that my father went out again and it took more than three months to come back."

"After I came back, the whole person has changed. Now I think it should be seriously injured."

"One night, listening to my father and mother discussing things, I heard a lot of things I didn't understand."

"It is said that the world is at peace. Poison masters are inferior occupations and have been suppressed by many forces. There has also been a power struggle within the poison teachers' Association."

"My father's lineage was hunted down and found in the golden fragrant flower empire. Later..."