Chapter 645

after losing one of their companions, Sandra and Sandra raised their vigilance and regretted why they had been so elated.

In the battlefield, they know that even if the enemy is dead, there can be no slightest carelessness.

What's more, we can't underestimate any opponent and rely on any magic weapon excessively.

Just now, they all forgot these three taboos.

Zhang Xingxie Mei smiles and looks at Sandra. Her body suddenly disappears.

At the same time, the second Skynet swoop empty, there is no Mirror magic in place.

Sandra was cold at the sight of Zhang Xing, and felt all her hair explode.

Not good! He's going to hit me. Back!

Thinking of this, Sandra's figure flashed and flashed again and again, and had been out of 100 meters.

The other two companions, one left and one right, were ready to support at any time.

But in their extremely tense moment, Zhang Xing's figure suddenly appeared behind Prince Zhu.

"Be careful!"


This is the voice from the bottom of their hearts, a thought formed in their minds, a voice that wants to breathe out urgently.


The sound of a broken throat interrupted the sound they were about to cry out.

The three venerable men opened their mouths, and their eyes were full of shock and disbelief.

And the two venerable people around the prince just turned half their heads.

Zhang Xing passed away in a flash and appeared behind Sandra a hundred meters away.

With a click, she broke Sandra's neck.

Zhang Xing used the gate of different dimensions three times in succession.

For the first time, he escaped from the attack of Skynet, crushed Prince June's throat directly for the second time, and broke Sandra's neck for the third time.

At this point, he used up the door of three opportunities a day.

Then I moved into the Dragon Island and observed the situation outside.

"Your Highness 69 schoolbag

The two venerable men around him then held his body and uttered a cry of horror.

At the same time, Sandra's companions on both sides flashed and caught his falling body.

The remaining four worshippers shook each other and were speechless for a while.

The prince is dead!

Died right under their noses.

Sandra's dead, too, the prince's Guard commander.

How can I explain to his majesty when I go back?

The sky is full of melancholy clouds and the ground is full of sorrow. They dare not go back to explain.

The prince has been crushed his throat in the so-called powerful hands of the six venerable people. Do you still have the face to live?

Do you dare to lick your face and report back to your majesty?

It can be imagined how sad the emperor would be and how angry he would be.

You can beat them to death.

What to do? They all shook their heads one after another. They could not come back to life after death.

If you can catch Zhang Xing, or carry his head back, maybe you can live.

After all, it was not easy for the Empire to cultivate a person who respected the state.

And his majesty had many sons.

But with the cooperation of the four venerable masters, they failed to catch Zhang Xing when they used the sky net. Can the four of them do it?

By the way, what about Skynet?

The four men searched for it at the same time, but the net that had been floating in the air was missing.

"Zhang Xing! Get out of here

A person gnashing his teeth, the sound wave suddenly diffuses, stirs the rainstorm, in this space irregular ejection.

They hated Zhang Xing to the bone, but they were afraid of him like a ghost.

It turned out that while calculating Zhang Xing, he did.

At this time, the four venerable people wanted to die. They could not grasp them, and they did not dare to escape back.

For the first time, I felt that life was too short to predict