Chapter 47

"Where is the person?" Dong Yuxin hurried into Jinghai hotel as soon as the car stopped and asked anxiously. In Jia Qiong's office, except Jia Qiong, she was an unknown girl. She was about the same size as her and looked very ordinary, but she looked with a unique affinity.

"I remember you. You were the perfect benefactor to me that day. Thank you!" when the girl saw Dong Yuxin, tears filled her eyes. She knelt down and kowtowed fiercely. Don't kowtow and said "thank you". The sudden change made Dong Yuxin and Jia Qiong stupid. They haven't experienced such a situation.

"Get up quickly. We started the activity to make more faces hurt, restore their looks and regain their smiles. Unfortunately, too few people came that day. You were lucky to be the lucky one who dared to try. The two who came with you lost 'flawless' when they went out, or I picked it up myself." Dong Yuxin smiled bitterly. It was an activity, She was so hurt that only three people came, a man and two women. According to the rules and regulations formulated in advance, all three got flawless, but the only real beneficiary was this one.

"Can I do something?" the girl asked with guilt. She didn't use it until a few days after she went back. If she wasn't bored that night, maybe she would miss the opportunity of life. You will miss it once and forever.

"No, a friend of mine said that everything has a definite number, and those who should come will eventually come." Dong Yuxin couldn't help thinking of Yang Feng. After Yang Feng learned that there was only one gift and took the product away, he said to her very calmly.

"Oh! Will you continue to give away?" the girl asked.

"Yes, as long as we have the ability and conditions permit, we will continue to do it." Dong Yuxin smiled and looked at the girl's restored appearance. She had a different kind of joy in her heart, which was happier than making her earn millions. This may be what Yang Feng said.

When people left, Dong Yuxin said happily that she would invite Jia Qiong to dinner, which made Jia Qiong laugh and scold. She invited her to dinner in her hotel. She really knows how to calculate. She's kind to give the money, and she has to be kind to want it! Finally, Jia Qiong was the host and had a meal with Dong Yuxin. It's said that they haven't had a good meal for a while.

A love, a grateful heart, an article and two photos appeared on the Internet, which did not cause any sensation, but more and more people paid attention to it. The girl looked at the voice of doubt and abuse, smiled gently, turned off the computer, smiled and walked out of the Internet cafe with a brisk pace. After leaving Jinghai Hotel, she went straight to the nearest Internet cafe, Now she wants to go shopping, life, she wants to enjoy life, sunshine, she wants to bathe in sunshine.

It happened that Tong yu'er was wandering on the Internet and suddenly saw this post. She was attracted by the name of flawless. Since then, she was particularly sensitive to the three words. She opened the article in doubt and read it word by word twice. She was moved by the girl's sincerity. She also knew that what the girl said was true, because the call for activities was sent by her, In addition, I have never seen any publicity. If the other party wants to promote flawless, then use her to do on-site publicity. The effect is definitely greater than this post, and the other party refused very simply. Even if Hualin deliberately offered kindness before Valentine's day, she refused, which also made her unable to attend the event.

"First of all, congratulations on your face recovery. Life and happiness are the most important. Live every day with a smile. Secondly, I want to say that the activity was my announcement, but I didn't come to the scene in person. On the one hand, my time is limited. On the other hand, it's an flawless home, not mine. We see the effect now. Believe it or not, I believe it's true." Tong Yuer gently typed a few lines and clicked the release.

An article without bright spots is completely popular because of Tong Yuer's reply. Under the real name authentication, Tong Yuer's identity does not need to be revealed. From the post to Tong Yuer's microblog and blog, it is all a flawless voice of discussion.

"There is no chance to use flawless face, neon dress and flawless any product, but I believe they are absolutely magical. Many friends around them have become loyal supporters of flawless face and neon dress." at a rare leisure moment, looking at the inquiries of many people, Tong yu'er gave a helpless reply. She didn't blame others, but herself for being too arrogant.

Seeing that many people are crying for her grievances and support, Tong Yuer is full of happiness, but some things still need to be explained, not for anything else, just for peace of mind, "don't blame others, only Yuer herself, so I advise you to think twice before you do anything."

Tong Yuer's words can be said to have aroused thousands of waves with one stone. All the major media have heard the news and issued all kinds of speculation. So far, there is no detailed disclosure about Tong Yuer's refusal to buy flawed face. Now it seems that the fault is still on Tong Yuer.

The power of the media is undoubtedly huge. With Tong Yuer's own disclosure, the reputation of flawless Yan, nishang and flawless has soared into the eyes of countless people, and even Jinghai hotel has become famous. Many people have come to inquire and want to ask for information in the hotel. You have to eat at least, which directly leads to the already hot business of Jinghai hotel, It's even higher.

Complicated and confusing events, because Tong Yuer and the company collectively avoided talking, and there was a layer of mysterious veil on long. All journalists can only find another way. When interviewing other star characters, they always ask about the three skin care products, but all they get is, "I haven't used it, it's hard to say."

In the whole entertainment industry, countless famous beauties are all users of flawed face, which has aroused people's curiosity. Some even threatened to have a flawed face user pursuit activity. However, this mysterious thing finally showed its true face in an economic interview program. It was a TV station's program to interview a strong woman in business, The host asked casually, "there has been a lot of noise about flawed face, neon clothes and flawless recently. I don't know whether President Wu knows these three products, because everyone is guessing that the users of these three products should be business giants like President Wu."

"I am indeed a user of these three products. After being recommended by my friends, I was lucky to be one of their VIP guests. The flawless effect. There was a post on the Internet two days ago, which is the best explanation. I won't say much here. Since our host asked, I would say flawed face and neon dress. If I were allowed to describe it, I can only say a good word to use flawed face and neon dress After the neon, all the cosmetics and perfume I used to give were sent to me. That's why I used it for fifteen minutes in the morning and never used anything else. "Wu said simply.

"It's amazing. If President Wu didn't cheat us, it's really a magical product. I don't know if President Wu can reveal more information about these three products to us. At present, we pay more attention to this." an economic interview is about to become a gossip interview.

President Wu smiled and said: "Let me talk about it briefly. I think there are only two issues that we are most concerned about. One is the access conditions of the VIP system, and the other is the price. Because it is an internally circulating product, the VIP adopts the recommendation system. If a friend is a VIP user with flawed appearance, it is not a problem to introduce, but those who are able to use flawed appearance and interested in using it must pay attention to it and go in person It's worth a trip. Next, I'll talk about the price. The price of a 300 ml bottle of flawed Yan is 8000 yuan, and the price of a 30 ml bottle of neon clothes is 10000 yuan. Flawless is the cheapest. 5000 yuan is for 30 ml, and the dosage is the least, because the other two are used for a long time. Flawless. If you remove the scars on your body, you don't need to use them anymore. I'll make a publicity here. I hope the Taiwan collar Don't pinch this paragraph. I have contacted flawless merchants and bought 200 bottles of flawless. On March 15, I held a gift activity in Honghai to let young men and women with facial disorders enjoy their beautiful face again. "President Wu took the opportunity to advertise. After seeing that post, she raised the idea and had a good talk with Dong Yuxin.

Jinghai hotel is popular and flawless is famous. At Jia Qiong's request, Dong Yuxin specially placed the flawless exclusive store on the ground floor of Jinghai hotel. Every day, there will be a long line at the door of Jinghai hotel. One team is to buy flawless, and the other team wants to get free gifts. All the buyers are ill looking. If you have no problem on your face, you will be invited out by the security guard On the buyer's side, there are no restrictions, no matter old or young, no matter the woman, no matter where you have scars, as long as you pay for it.

A bottle of 5000 yuan is neither cheap nor expensive. As long as it can remove scars, it is much cheaper than cosmetic surgery in hospitals. Moreover, some scars can not be removed by cosmetic surgery. Therefore, people with certain ability all choose to buy them, because with the disclosure of the recipient, the review over there is not generally strict and does not give people the opportunity to speculate.

Nanling has become the hottest city. Whether you buy flawless or get free gifts, you have to come to this city. The Tourism Department of Nanling city has launched various tourism package projects. Dong Yuxin didn't expect that his bustle has ignited the tourism industry and clamored to find the tourism department for benefits.

Flawless effect more and more people have confirmed that fame has reached an unprecedented height, but the production behind this product and the seller are very mysterious. Moreover, we have found that there is no product, except the name and use method. Dong Yuxin wanted to make it up, but it was dispelled by Yang Feng's words.

Yang Feng once said, "it's also false if you make it up. If the relevant departments want to check you, there are still problems, it's better not to make it up. If you want to check, let him check. Besides, are you afraid of him coming to check?"

Would Dong Yuxin be afraid of being checked by the relevant departments? Of course not. In Nanling, who's all right? Look for death to check her things. Now, people in all aspects of Nanling are either Dong Yuxin's VIP customers, his wife and daughter are other people's customers, or his mistress. Who doesn't know that Dong Yuxin owns this thing. Besides, he doesn't want to ask him to check the mayor's daughter Dare, don't say it's OK. Even if there's a problem, don't dare.

Nothing is absolute. No one in Nanling dares to move Dong Yuxin, which does not mean that others dare not move. These days, there are always many people looking for death, and there are also many who always think they are arrogant. No, a paper order and a group of staff come to Nanling.