Chapter 812

India is also a magical country and a magical nation. Yang Feng doesn't know much about this country and nation. However, through this ransom event, he has a sufficient understanding. The happiest of the three ancient nations is not Egypt, but India. India came to discuss the hostage incident after the French king, Seeing Yang Feng, he said straight to the point: "I believe village head Yang and the king have negotiated the conditions. I hope we can enjoy a fair and fair treatment. Please tell me your conditions."

People said so, Yang Feng was naturally not polite. He said the price and didn't raise the price. He always gave preferential treatment to sincere people. He thought that if the Indian representative made a counter-offer, he could be a little less, but they directly agreed, which made Yang Feng very hurt and tangled. He regretted not bleeding the real fat sheep.

"Why don't you make a counter-offer?" Yang Feng asked curiously when the two sides reached an agreement.

"It's not necessary. I believe in the character of village head Yang. Since village head Yang said such a price, that's the psychological price. I broke my mouth and could only be a little less at most, so I still owe village head Yang a favor. It's not worth it." such a straightforward remark made Yang Feng raise his thumb. This is the real great wisdom. I've always said that people are ah San and ah San, But ah San's wisdom is definitely not the third.

Except for some special and strange items, most of the items in this transaction are the treasures that once belonged to the Chinese nation and are now exiled in other countries. Now, these things can finally come back in a fair way. If they were stolen quietly, Yang Feng would have sneaked away the wolf. He would never wait until today. If he didn't do so, he wanted these things to see the light again, Instead of lying in the Jiuxi spiritual realm as a decoration.

Yang Feng didn't plan to put all the hundreds of treasures in the treasure Pavilion of Shanghe village. After they were transported to Shanghe village, he talked to the curator who came to hear the news. When he finished his research, he gave him some. The curator was very happy about the result, so he didn't ask for any more. Even if he had it in his heart, he didn't dare to say it. In case he got angry with village head Yang, village head Yang wouldn't return to him, Then it's too late for him to hang and hit the wall.

The next day, Yang Feng gave the things to the curator, which was almost half of the antiquities obtained this time. This time, Yang Feng was rare and generous. It was so generous that people couldn't believe it. The curator suspected that the thing was fake. He looked at it again and again, touched it again and again, as if it was immortal. He could only look at Yang Feng suspiciously.

"I don't want Shanghe village to become another Yuanmingyuan." Yang Feng told the curator the answer. The curator smiled and said, "we can establish a cooperative relationship."

"You talk to Liu Yan about this. I'm only responsible for donation." Yang Fengyi said. The curator smiled and smiled happily. He hasn't laughed like this for many years. Don't look at him. He's just a small curator of the museum. He doesn't have much power, but the pressure is not small! Seeing so many things fall overseas in turn, and he has no way at all, he is anxious and distressed. As a real scholar, his feelings for these things are not how much they are worth. Everything actually represents one or part of the culture.

In fact, these things are just a carry on. Ask for money. It's meaningless to take Yang Feng's current wealth, so I have to ask for them back. Anyway, he is a member of the Chinese nation. He loves this country, which may be a little patriotic behavior.

Many people say that Yang Feng is not a patriot. The reason is that Yang Feng has such strong ability that he doesn't help the country and the people. For example, he steals the vase classics that have been lost for many years. For example, the Diaoyu Island is Chinese. Anyway, as long as there are international disputes, he will be on the stage. Yang Feng is used to it and is used to helplessness, If the confrontation between countries is really so simple, it will be a mess. You let diplomats commit suicide collectively!

Yang Feng understood that there would be such a requirement. When he went to school, he always couldn't help thinking that when he saw our fishing boat detained and our island occupied, if there was a superman like iron man who defeated the Pacific Fleet on his own, he could announce our ownership. When he grew up, especially when he became a celebrity, In retrospect, he felt like laughing. How could he have such an ignorant idea.

Everything is divided into whether you can do it or not and whether you can do it. Just like Yang Feng holding this space stone, it has no effect at all, while her daughter holding it is like a butterfly shuttling between spaces, dancing in the cracks of space.

Qin Shihuang didn't deceive people. After having the space stone, Wen Wen can finally flash around Yang Feng like him. This second is still ahead, and the next second is behind Yang Feng, silent. Even Yang Feng can't notice any change. When he feels it, there is one more person.

Yang Feng didn't know what the space stone looked like before. He was afraid that he knew something important. Yang Feng specifically stated the space stone in the items he asked for. The Dharma King's reply made him very happy. It turned out that he didn't know the world alone, but everyone was ignorant.

Among the things Yang Feng asked for, the space stone named after evil is not specific. It only gives a range, or can also be called type, special and strange stone. As for special places, special events, stones with some special ability or special phenomenon, this is Yang Feng's requirement at that time. He is not afraid to fool him with a pile of rotten stones, Before he saw anything, he didn't know what kind of stone had what effect, but when he saw the stone, he knew whether it was a special stone. Even if he couldn't feel its strength and characteristics, he would feel it. Basically, he wouldn't miss or misjudge.

After a primary election, Jiuxi Lingyu gave it to his daughter and asked her daughter to find out which space stone was. It was much simpler. She determined that it was a space stone. Yang Feng found seven of the two stones. It seemed that it was not a scarce thing. No wonder Qin Shihuang was so sure that he would be able to find it for his daughter.

It's easier to find the source if you know what kind of space stones are. It's a big deal to ask the Dharma King directly. Yang Feng did this. He learned that these are extraterrestrial meteorites. Yang Feng understood and threw all the remaining stones into Jiuxi spirit domain. The evolution and filtering ability of Jiuxi spirit domain have no effect on these stones.