Chapter 895

After solving the Maoshan sect, there was still a black hand behind it, which made Yang Feng a little helpless. Unknowingly, it seemed that the enemy had spread all over the world. Moreover, because of some relations, these people hid deeper and deeper one by one. It was not so easy to dig them out. In this case, people only showed their face, making people don't even know whether they are men or women.

No matter who it is, it doesn't matter to Yang Feng. Yang Feng has only one thing to do. Find out and kill him, but if he can't find it now, he has to wait. He believes that the other party will play cards again, and the time won't be too long. According to the news from Fu Jinlong, the opposite party's purpose is tiger bones and bear bile, which is obviously not meat eating, Yang Feng suspected that someone wanted to refine medicine. It was not clear what kind of medicine it was.

The leader of the task force left Yang Feng's house and didn't get any substantive news. Yang Feng couldn't see through it. Naturally, he couldn't give him any reasonable suggestions. He had to wait and wait for the other party to do it again. If someone stopped, it would only become a headless case.

While waiting, Yang Feng trims the flowers and plants in the yard. People who are not familiar with Yang village head's house will feel that they have entered a different space. Bright flowers and delicate grass. Looking at a series of vegetables such as tomatoes, eggplants and peppers that make people saliva, each grows incomparably vigorously, giving people a feeling of great vitality. People who know Shanghe village know it, Every summer, Shanghe village is the most beautiful and favorite, because there are endless fruits and vegetables here. Although the price is a little expensive, the taste is unique.

Along Nanling, many places are copying the model of Shanghe village, but none of them can achieve this level, because there is only one village head Yang. According to the evaluation of many people, village head Yang has created a miracle, an ideal country. Although Yang Feng modestly denies it, this is a fact.

In the absence of natural disasters, the annual income of Shanghe village is very considerable. Not to mention the dividends brought by other projects of Shanghe group, that is, the income in their own land is enough for them to live a rich life. In fact, for the people of Shanghe village, they live not a rich life, but an immortal life. How many people can't exchange wealth for wealth, Health and happiness can't be bought with money.

Every morning, Shanghe village always welcomes a large army of mushroom picking, including villagers, employees and busy tourists. Mushroom picking has become a classic project in Shanghe village since I don't know when. Many people deliberately bring their children and family to experience it. One thing is commendable. Tourists not only don't have to pay for mushroom picking in Shanghe village, but also get a certain reward, One morning, an adult can get a voucher worth 50 yuan. At first, he intended to pay directly, but he felt it was a little bad and tacky. Finally, after a collegial discussion, he issued a voucher, which is common in the whole village and is completely equivalent to RMB.

At present, only a small number of managers in charge of mushroom garden and rose garden are from Shanghe village, and the others are employees. Yang Feng is not a rigid person or a person who doesn't understand flexibility. At first, he insisted on letting everyone do it himself. On the one hand, he doesn't want people to breed some problems after suddenly becoming rich, on the other hand, he doesn't want to be lazy and break down his body with two money, If there are a lot of fat people in Shanghe village and a lot of people with three heights, how can you attract tourists for the reason of health? You even have problems eating yourself. Do you expect others to believe that your food is a pure natural green product and eat more non fat food? This is obviously impossible, so we should start from ourselves.

When he was just getting rich, Yang Feng was thinking about the future transformation. Once he had money, he would want to get rid of these dirty jobs and live a decent life. However, for a group of villagers who graduated from primary school, you can't find anything else except to let them become upstarts and spend money. Knowledge has become the biggest lack, so Yang Feng started from young people and carried out various trainings, Today, this effect comes out. Those under the age of 30 basically work in Shanghe group, while most people over the age of 30 manage all kinds of things in their own mu. There are not many people in the village. Even if Xiahe village is added, there may not be enough people. Finally, they are liberated from the land.

There is no need to face the Loess and back to the sky, have money to spend and eat meat. This is the wish of the people of Shanghe village a few years ago, or it is a wish of farmers all over the country. The people of Shanghe village and Xiahe village have realized this wish. In the words of fat aunt, "it's like living in a dream when you think about it now. You have to continue the dream and never wake up."

Prestige is established bit by bit. At present, Yang Feng is no longer the depressed and frustrated head of Shanghe village who can be bullied by Liu bandits. Although the villagers have low educational level, they are not stupid. They know who made them live a good life and know more about respect. This is the most simple act of reward and blind obedience, The low-key rich in Shanghe village all take Yang Feng as an example. Those who can be low-key will be low-key, and those who can't be low-key will be low-key as far as possible. In short, you can't see that kind of arrogant and domineering person in Shanghe village.

Someone joked on the floor that if you see an ordinary farmer uncle in Shanghe village, don't despise others, because they are multimillionaires. According to the statistics and calculation of authoritative domestic financial magazines last year, every family of three in Shanghe village has more than ten million personal assets, which is still a conservative estimate. This is just the beginning. Shanghe village is the most valuable play in Shanghe village, Everyone knows that it is the medicine garden, which is the real treasure. It has been five years since Yang Feng set the next ten-year period. In another five years, some valuable herbs in the medicine garden, such as Polygonum multiflorum, Ganoderma lucidum and ginseng, have begun to be sold on the market. I think it will be another prosperous and generous day-to-day.

Yang Feng originally wanted to make a 30-year long-term plan, but he felt that the time was too long. Some people might not wait for that time and see the grand occasion, so he moved it to ten years ahead. During the ten-year period, he would only take out about 30% of the medicinal materials for sale. The rest would continue to grow, rather than rush to the signs of a century.

Yang Feng felt that he might be able to wait until a hundred years later to see that scene. Although it is more than 30 years old this year, it is not impossible to live for more than 90 years. He saw a group of old men and women who are nearly 100 years old in He village, all of them energetic and red. It is estimated that it is no problem to live for another ten or eight years. Everyone can live beyond a hundred years old, Yang Feng has no reason to be shorter. Unless he takes it off himself, or Jiuxi Lingyu kills him, he may set a Guinness record with his 278 body.

Longevity will soon become a major theme of Shanghe village. Now, every year during the new year, Yang Feng is anxious for the grandparents of Shanghe village to take a group photo. There is a hard condition for taking this group photo. The age should reach 80. The number of people is increasing every year. It can be seen that this land and water is the most magical person, I'm afraid I have to count grandma Qin. When grandma Qin came, she had a lot of physical problems. After living here for several years, her physical problems disappeared, and she became stronger and stronger. The old man was happy every day. He taught children to embroider and do handicrafts in the village. He lived happily. Whenever he thought of Grandpa Qin, he always lamented that fate and good fortune made people miss this good time.

Apart from insiders, such as Mr. Li and the Qin family, those who buy Bibo villa do not understand the magic of Shanghe village. For these busy people, they do not come to Shanghe village for vacation and leisure several times a year, nor do they understand the magic of Shanghe village. They just come and go in a hurry to enjoy delicious food and wine. With the increase of people staying in Bibo villa, Various miracles in Shanghe village have been slowly discovered. Under the publicity of this specific group, the price of Bibo villa has gone up all the way. One set is higher than one set. Up to now, half of it has been sold out. This is still the limited purchase of Yang Feng, otherwise it has been sold out. At the current price of Bibo villa, it is definitely big businessmen who can stay, and ordinary small rich people can't afford it at all.

Bibo villa has become the most expensive villa in the world, and has also become a topic of interest for countless people. A garden sells 10 billion yuan. Not to mention those who have never seen the world, even those who have seen the world think the price is too expensive, but if you ask the owners of Bibo villa, none of them think it is expensive and will tell you that it is worth it.

The presence of the world's richest people in Bibo villa has indirectly boosted the economy of Hefeng County. These people may not be interested in investing in a small county, but taking these people as publicity points, they are worried that they can't attract small fish and shrimp. Village head Yang despises these. The county is a treasure. Every little makes a lot. Every improvement is an improvement. To say the impact, The impact of Bibo villa is not too great. The "Jiuxi garden" has a great impact on Hefeng County.

Jiuxi Park, a special office park built by Shanghe group, has been basically completed after more than two years of construction. It is conceivable that once Jiuxi Park starts to operate, it will have a great impact on Hefeng County. According to the news received by the county, many companies want to move into Jiuxi park for office. Now it depends on whether village head Yang agrees or not, The specific cost can only be announced by Yang village station. Now there is no news, and Yang village head and their hobby of disclosing such news in advance, so the media dare not guess. When reporting the news related to Shanghe village and Yang village head, being rigorous and realistic is the first element.